It can't be.

Thea's P. O. V.

We're on the way to a neurologist, Gradgie said she had been feeling her head hurt, these past few day, she also said that she didn't told it to me sooner 'coz she. doesn't want me to worry

But honestly, now I'm completely worried, I don't know what will happen next

We came on the neurologist exact on time and Gradgie head off to take some test and because of boredom I texted Eli

' Hey, what you doin? ' I pressed send

' Reading, you?' He asked

' In a neurologist, Gradgie's not feeling well' I said

'Are you okay?' Eli asked

'Yeah' I replied short and clear

nope I'm not okay

What if something bad is happen to Gradgie oh Lord please no

' After that, you wanna go out with me?' He asked

'Where?' I asked

'Beach' He replied

Beach eh, its been so long since I went to a beach, Gradgie and I always go when I was younger. I wanna go, but don't, I don't know

'Not sure yet' I replied

'Okay' He replied

Then the neurologist came out and wanted to talk to the both of us

"Mrs. Espiritu, Ms. Espiritu, I ahm-"

Before the doctor can finish his words I cut him off

"Is Gradgie okay?" I asked

"No, you see, Thea, your grandmother, has Alzheimer's disease, I know that you know what it means, for I know you are smart and intelligent" The doctor said

What!? Alzheimer's?! Meaning to say? No!! No!! No!! On that moment, I felt my heart being crushed into thousands of piece, one by one, then a tear flow through my cheeks

"I shall give you two some privacy" The doctor said and left

Then I started crying, tear after tear, piece of my heart by piece

"Thea, my dear, everything will be alright, we can get through this" Gradgie said

"No, Gradgie, n-no I can't lose you, I can't, w-we need to repeat the test, there must be a mistake, you d-don't have Alzheimer's, no, you're in good shape, y-your okay, Gradgie, the doctor had a m-mistake" I said. while sobbing and Gradgie started crying as well

"Shhhh baby, everything will be okay, Gradgie won't leave you, we will do this together, okay? we will fight, the both us"

Then she hugged me making my calm a bit, but still the pain remained, the way the doctor said those words, this can't be happening

Until we went home, I can't stop crying, I went upstairs quickly lock the door and cried up to my hearts content.

Now this is how it feels, I can't lose Gradgie, above all person why her? Why the person who took care of me, who loved me wholeheartedly, who showed me everything I am right now.

Little did I know, I fell asleep

Gradgie's P. O. V.

I called Eleanor to asked for help above all people, I know she can help, what are friends are for,right?

"Eleanor, I can't do this, seeing my baby cry almost made me feel so evil, I can't lose her too" I said while a lone tear fell

"Casiana, you have to be strong, for Thea, for you, for the freedom that your sacrifice will cost. We just need to wait until Thea is in the right age, right time, then, you two can be happy again. You can do this Casiana. You've been to many things, I know you can do this" Eleanor said

Right, I can do this, I fought for many years this fight, I will win

Phase one is done, all I need is to be strong, this shouldn't fail

Phase two, must go smoothly, Thea can't notice, and now that I know Eli and Thea are falling in love, that's a good move, all I need is to ruin Lord Alfredo and Eli.

I stood up and wipe that lone tear in my face and went downstairs to prepare dinner, but no Thea showed up, I think I'll just bring her food.

I knocked at Thea's door, and good thing it's no lock. I went inside and I saw my little angel, sad, for what she knew that I am sick.

"Baby? It's dinner time" I said

"I'm not hungry" She said

Which broke my heart, seeing my ball of joy, be filled with sadness

"Okay we need to talk" And I went beside her, hold her hand

"Aren't you scared?" She asked me in a worried voice

I looked at her and smiled, "Why should I be scared? In this fight, I'll be with my baby, my strength, so tell be, why?" I asked

"I can't lose you Gradgie, I can't lose the person who kept me going, who told me to fight, to be brave, to keep on going whatever life throws at me, how can I do those things when I lost you?" She said, she really is scared

"Baby, you won't lose me, the both of us know that, in this disease, I'll forget everything, but baby, I won't forget you, the brain might make me forget things, but my heart, can't forget those, every single moment with you Thea, will be remembered by my heart" I said

"Promise?" Said Thea

"I promised" And hugged her

He chuckled looking at our selves wet by our tears

"Why don't you go out with Eli for a week, since I need to stay with the doctor for observation" I suggested

"What, you know about Eli, Gradgie??" She asked

"Of course I know baby, I'm Gradgie of course I know" I said making her chuckle

"Is it okay with you Gradgie?" She asked

"Yes, I can see that you're happy, and I will love to see you happy" I smiled

"Fine, but only a week, right?"

I nod

Thea's P. O. V.

What a day, yesterday, Gradgie was fine, then now she is sick, but I won't lose her I know it.

I took my phone and text Eli

"Hey Count! Let's go to the beach you're saying" I hit send

"Really?" He replied

"Yes!" I said

"Yey!! let's go on Friday, I'll pick you up at 8 am, Good night Hermosa!!"

That made me smile

Good night mi guapo conde.