She? Left?

ELI'S P. O. V.

I was going to Thea but I saw that there is no one inside, like the house was abandoned, like no one is living on it.

No light, no anything.

My heart suddenly started beating so fast, I'm nervous, what if? what if? She left me? But no, she won't right.

The promise ring, I gave her, I mean she said she will love me forever, but where is she? where is my hermosa?

I went back to my home to ask for France's help.

"Hey France, I need your help, I really do" I said while my hand was shaking

"Yes, my lord" France answered and he called my personal tracker, a friend who I hope will find the person I love.

We are waiting for a couple of minutes when we received a message

she is gone, I can't find her at any flatform, its like, someone is covering her up. A powerful person, and by that I mean it is royalty, someone who is rich enough to set this through

That is the message we received

Then, and assumption came inside my mind

Could it be? Is she? Is it her?

My eyes became watery, I went to my room, locked it

Then my tears started falling? Did I lose the person I love? How can this even happen? I just met her in a short time, but why is this pain? Hurt so much.

I locked myself in my own arms, I feel so broken, I feel so devastated, its like I'm lost, I'm confused like my world suddenly became blank

This feeling, my feeling towards Thea, really developed so fast, so unique in a way, that, he made, count Alexander Elliot Ivan Orion Uranus. Cry. Feel pain.

I don't know where to began, but what I know, I lost consciousness because of this

My eyes wet, my body, numb, I feel, like a dead sould, with an alive body

Thea's P. O. V.

I woke up in a unknown room, I got confused at first, but then, I flashed back my memory, I saw Eduardo packing up, so as Gradgie, then.

Someone made me fall asleep?

I looked at my surroundings, it is a girl's room I can tell, because of the pink stuffs and all, to sum it up, all is pink, bed, door and all

My assumption is, of course I'm not home, so I. prepared myself, for what is outside and everything.

I opened the window's curtain, and I saw that its snowing, I'm not in the Philippines!?

Oh fuck?!


What do I now? He is miles away!

I stood up and walk to the door

Opened it and a young girl welcomed me

"Hi, finally you're awake" She said and smiled


"Hello, ahmm what do you mean by? 'I just woke up?" I asked curious

She pointed at the calendar

She puts x's when the day is finished, and I got shock on what day it is

I slept? For a week?!

How on earth?!

Is that even possible?

I went downstairs and I saw Eduardo

He is talking to, his wife?

So I went downstairs, to talk to him calmly, this is not my house, I will still give respect no matter how much I hate him

She saw me going down so he fixed him self. And her wife left, to g

"Where am I?" I asked

"You're in my home" He said

"Where is Gradgie?" I asked worried

"She's at the hospital, her disease isn't going well, I'm sorry, the doctor said, she had reach the last stage of her disease, meaning, only glimpses of memory are present, of maybe, blank, she asked me to go here, so she can have a good doctor" He stated

"When is she going home?" I asked


My eyes started to water, its been a week, I'm worried about Eli, I'm pretty sure he hates me, then there's Gradgie, whose memories, are starting to be erased.

"Why did you even bring me here? I'm okay back there, the person I love is there, I haven't said goodbye yet, Why?" I asked

"Gradgie's order, you might don't understand why did she did it, but

she has her reasons, I know her, so trust me" He said

He tried to held my hand but failed for I quickly grabbed it

"Why would I trust you? Honestly I consider you a stranger, and don't think this would change anything. I'm only here because of Gradgie, and one last question, when are we going home?" I asked

"You will not, Gradgie's last will is that, you finish your studies here, and everything, then you can be free"

No how about Eli?! I don't remember his number, I don't where how to contact him.

I went to the room I sleeped in and I found the girl lying in my bed, playing with her doll

So I decided to just sit beside her. I wanna cry my heart out by I don't want an innocent child to see me.

She spoke

"Hi,I'm Vida, what's your name?" She asked

I showed a fake smile

"I'm Thea, its nice to meet you Vida" I said

Then she spoke

"I know you wanna cry, so I'll leave now, crying is good for the soul" Vida said

I smiled, genuinely at a young age

She can feel what others feel

I lied in bed, looked at the ceiling then tears started falling

I lost Eli, then I will lose Gradgie, I will lose them both

What will happen to me?

This, is heartbreaking
