
It was already time for me to go home. I called my secretary slash best friend, Sabrina. She is like my sister, we went in the same school, but she chose to be my secretary, she said she want to be with me and I am glad that I have a friend slash sister, a companion.

I called Sabrina.

"Sabby?" That's what I call her

"Yes Thea?" She asked

"I'm going home now, I wanna rest" I said, took my things but Sabrina suddenly called me.

"Thea don't forget we are having dinner tonight. You forgot?" She said

I forgot. Yes.

I said in my head

"Oh yes, okay then."

We went to our favorite restaurant. A Chinese restaurant since we both love Chinese food.

Sabrina started the conversation.

"So, any luck looking for your count?" She asked

Sabrina and I are really close that she knows who is Eli, he knows my struggle, everything, from my craziness, my joy, my favourites, my dream, and the person I love.

"Nope, and I think I'll find him, soon" I answered