The Ball

We are now in Spain. On our way to the Salazar's household and I kept my chin up, I cannot be vulnerable to anyone, even now that I am in a place with no one to trust except for my team.

I kept observing the road on our way to Zero's household and I noticed a car is tailing us.

"Zero, someone is tailing us" I said firmly

Zero looked at the mirror and spoke

"They are Lord Alfredo's men, they know you are here" He said

"Should we take care of them?" I asked

"No, that will fire up Alfredo more, what we need to do, is to lose them, and I can do that. Do you trust me Athena?" He asked

"Huh? Why?" I asked back

"Do you trust me?" He asked again

"Yes, why?" I asked

"You'll see" he said

Then in an instance, the car we're riding turned a hunder and eighty degrees making us now face the enemy's vehicle.

He took a gun out from his pocket and fired at the driver's shoulder making him unable to drive.