Only a dream

Athena slowly gained her consciousness and Eli was in front of him holding his hand. The twins is as well there, they were alone in the room and she rose slowly with the help of Eli.

Athena then groaned, her head aches a bit, it feels heavy and so is her stomach, she is not still enlightened of what happened.

She felt her body and the strength she still has.

"W-what happened?" Athena asked and turned her head to Eli, Casiana, and Chasiane.

Their expressions then turned blue and it seems like something, no it isn't just an assumption but, yes. Something bad has happen.

Chasiane then took a deep breath before answering, "We are slowly losing, we only now have lesser safe places to go, this is one," she said and Athena is still confused, why can't she use her power and draw energy and use it to herself.