Giving birth

Everyone in the house was ready for this day, good thing one of their team is a doctor so they have decided that she'll be the one helping to deliver Athena and Eli's first born.

Athena was breathing heavily and holding Eli's arm so tight, her water has broke. She is nervous, this is her first time, what ifs was about to flood her but she did not mind those for she knows that it won't do her any good especially that it'll make Eli nervous too and worst case scenario, they ran into panic.

She then gulped and started calming her self and did her best to breath calmly even though the pain is so overwhelming.

"I'm here," Eli then spoke in a whisper and Athena turned her gaze to Eli who is now sweating.

A tear then escape Athena's eye and then Eli himself wiped that very same tear which painted a smile in the midst of the pain they are both experiencing.

The doctor then arrived so is the twins and Antonio.