The first date

A smile is painted in Athena's lips for she knows in herself that she never saw this happening ten years ago. Who even knows that they'll meet again, I mean there are at least seven billions of people in the world. The chances of finding each other and being in love to one another is clearly low.

Athena can still remember before their first date. It was a movie date actually but you know what's funny about it? Eli bring foods that are for parties even. All Athena wanted back then was pizzas, burgers, fries, sodas, and simply food she likes when she watches but Eli did bring food she likes but not on watching movies. She found it weird in the first time knowing that Eli is a count and what's funny is that Athena is too.

The both of them are royalty yet they don't think about it unless necessary.

A roll back shall we?

Thea's P. O. V.