Back on business

Athena was walking with Eli by the shore when someone shot Athena with a tranquilizer. Because of that Eli took Athena in their home and called Andrea... What she said...

"Her mind will travel this time on the past..."


Thea's P. O. V.

It's him, the guy in front of me is the guy, who handed my the bouquet of tulips yesterday, the guy with the brown eyes.

My heart skipped a beat. 

Why is this happening? This feeling, is not normal.


"Thank God I found you,"

The guy said in a whisper. 

"Ahmm? What did you say?" I asked, curious of what he said. For I can see in his eyes, he seems happy, from what he said. 

"Don't mind me, hermosa," Hermosa means beautiful in English

"But may I ask if Ms. Casiana Ventimiglia, live in this house? "

Who now?

"I'm sorry, who?" I asked. 

"Pardon me, hermosa, may I speak to an adult living in this house?"