Number two

Thea's P. O. V.

So he is a freakin'? royalty! no wonder he is weird.

It's been a week and he isn't showing up, is he embarrassed? I'm all alone, Gradgie is always out, Catherine is in vacay, well at least I have my cats around.

I took my phone and texted Eli

' Hey, how are you? '

No reply

Why!? I don't wanna be alone, well, maybe I do, and don't I don't know, I went to my room and slept, since I have no one to talk too.

I woke up maybe, what time is it?

It's 6 o'clock in the evening, Gradgie is downstairs, preparing dinner, I got surprised, there's this two guys in the kitchen, maybe Gradgie's colleagues?

"Gradgie? Ahmm, who are they?" I looked at Gradgie and pinpointed those two strange, weird looking guy, looks like foreigners

"They are my colleagues, that one is Asclepius" Gradgie said

"Hola" said Asclepius

"And this is David" Gradgie said

"Hi" David said