Ixis's first invention

It was a normal Thursday morning in their expectations... They thought that it would be a normal they when suddenly they got bombarded when Antonio shouted.

"Soldiers by the shore!!"

Every one in the household then got worried.

Athena turned her gaze to Andrea and said, "take Ixis in a safe place, keep her safe Andrea. We'll handle the enemies."

Andrea nodded and took Ixis, she said, "come with me sweetie, we need to be safe."

"I can help!" she yelled which somehow shocked everyone.

"Baby, you are just four years old," Eli said and Ixis rolled her eyes to her own father.

She replied, "My invention can take them down."

"What are you talking about baby?" Athena asked and every one turned their gaze to Ixis.

She took a deep breath before answering, "let me show you."

She then ran to her room and after a minute she came back with a cube and a button.