My Name is Lokian

"Jio. Hey dude wait be careful!!!"one guy warns his friend to take any safe space away, I think now I'm back to The Trapped World after I saw a blue light come to me in the Death World. The place where I being sealed by those damn betrayals.

I look around and regaining my consciousness of the surround me. Other than that one guy who shout before, I found also this another guy standing casually looking at me, from my sight the aura around this guy body is vividly showing blue like my kind aura. Who is this guy?

From behind me, I can feel a familiar big power radiating and I'm reluctantly turning my body to check if my feeling is true.

I'm so surprise that my feeling is true about the familiar power radiate. This is my fellow. One of the best Guardian of the Trapped World ever had, also he is one of the strongest guardians we have.


I ran to hug him with all my grateful feeling. We have been separated for so long time that I couldn't count how long was that already. I can feel my tears warmly wetting my eyes, being able to see each other again after deceitfully defeated by those Winger creatures and Magic team that partnering up to betray the Grand Almighty and all the guardians in the Trapped World which divided into three, the guardians of the Armour, the guardians of the real world and the guardians of Trapped World.

The guardians of the Armour, in this team we have those who expertise on making best armour for all the guardians including making the sword which only fits with one personality. They did hide unexpected power into some swords to be using by the guardians in critical condition but they hide it very well that those swords and the owner never been found by anyone in the Trapped World just the talk about the power, the guardians of Armour hide kept raised up and before the talk spreading wide.

The Winger creatures convenience the magic team to work with them on taking the lead of this Trapped World as the Winger creatures thoughts that they are powerful enough to run this Trapped World and taking over the real world as well to collect as much power from those diamonds in human souls which they know are weaker than other creatures so not a single living creature would dare against them for power the gained from the diamonds.

The guardians of the Armour were the first being attack by the Winger creatures. The did asking about the power that guardians of Armour made but nobody opens their mouth to tell about the power and that's how they, Winger creatures and Magic team unofficially declare the war against the guardians.

Then we have those guardians of the Real World. Their duty is to protecting the Real World. For this team, their position was siding at the Real World not in the Trapped World and some of them were human.

They were all in peace on that side but then with the Magic team helpings, Winger creatures did dirty play, sending some of their strongest to gather the guardians of the Real World for some fake information and without knowing the truth about what was happening in the Trapped World and then attacks happening when they were in gathering.

Almost all of the guardians of the Real World died in that one big fake gathering, only few succeed in escaping. The Winger creatures couldn't do more hunting that they are only have limited time on holding the portal, Magic team couldn't open the portal forever as we are, the guardians of the Trapped World started to realize that someone illegally opens a portal somewhere else and started to move to check it out.

Our war started as we found out Winger creatures and helps by Magic team brutally killed our fellow guardians.

Since that time, we kill each other, hunt each other, growing up in defending ourselves and the Magic team also created more Giant Stone Army to do more hunting on us, the creation of those Giant Stone Army were made from stone and fill with the power of diamonds to bring them alive and just follow instructions from their master, the Magic team.

The Trapped World no longer a peaceful place, only killing each other kept continue. In the middle of this unending war, strangely some portals appear and bring human to this world.

The two worlds had lost their balance, those human whom accidently brought to this world must be protected by us the guardians of the Trapped World as we know that they had one diamond in each of their bodies. If the diamonds taken by Winger creatures or Magic team, they will use it power to keep growing Giant Stone Army and that's becoming a problem for us that we had to protect human at the same time we also had to fight the Winger creatures and Magic team.

We started to lose in numbers, while they kept growing. And actually we hold the same powerful power like they are, it just the balance of the two worlds and the appearance of human became one minus point for us.

One more things which are the most hurtful thing for every guardian which still alive is the missing of Grand Almighty which supposedly to help us defending this world. He has disappeared just like that, since the first time the war declared between us and Winger creatures and Magic team, we can't found him anywhere even the Magic team from betrayals side couldn't find out where he could be.

One by one we are taken down, some got killed and some got sealed in the death world.

And today, I'm very glad that I can see one of my best fellow.

"Welcome back Brother" HUI GO hugs me back, his appearance still as great as before even his power radiation become stronger.

"How are you? What is this... I'm... I'm still can we back in here after being sealed in the death world?" I released our hug.

"I didn't get it either, but I think he is the one who got you unsealed just like me too, thank him" HUI GO looking at that one guy sitting on the chair.

"Hi... I'm Jio" this guy name Jio waving to me.

"Human?" I ask HUI GO "But how come he is the one who unsealed us? They were powerless" I dig my memories about human.

"Like I said...things got worst and during our unexistence there must be some things change as well. I found that they are now able to fight back those Giant Stone Army with a power they had as well as the sword had, we might have chance to bring back the balance of the two worlds" HUI GO explains

Even though I couldn't understand yet what he said but it sounds good.

"Thank you for unsealing me" I kneel in front of this young man, he stands up and touches me.

"Don't thank me...thanks to HUI GO and also Yoka's diamond that you are now here," this man calls Jio lookin' at HUI GO switch to the other young man who stands a bit a far as he looks a bit alert on my appearance.

"Thank you to you too" I kneel again in front of this other young man call Yoka, he comes closer and asks me.

" we are on the same side?" he asks.

"I think so," I answer him, Jio and HUI GO smiling.

"My name is Yoka....what is your name?"so his name is Yoka and now he reaches out his hand to shake hands with me, I think.

I stood up and calmly reach out my right hand to him too.

"My name is Lokian, the guardians of the Trapped World, you are now my master," I say just to see that his expression got even shocked.