Four of Them

Yoka can't believe what he just heard, he once again steps back to take any spaces between him and this huge guy who introduced himself Lokian, the guardians of the Trapped World.

"What do you mean?" Yoka just didn't get it, like how come he be a master of one huge creature that's just coming out from his sword, yes Yoka knows that the diamond on each weapon or swords hold some power but he never expected to witness something really coming out from it.

"We didn't understand either...things back then were all different with this situation now...I will help you, my master to find out and bring back the balance of the two worlds if that is your purpose" Lokian politely bow.

"Well....our mission is...yeah kind of...but we're on our way to help Jio finding his way back home so yeah, just a little bit different" Yoka looking at Jio who seems like he is in talk with his"Shadow" or whatever he calls that invisible thing is.

"Dude...what should I do with him?" Yoka walks and whispering to Jio

"Well I don't know, he is yours... it's just a pity that you can't see HUI GO, he is much cooler than Lokian hahahha..." Jio and HUI GO are laughing

They can see Lokian just smiling over there and approach Yoka again.

"Master..." Lokian stands behind Yoka

"Stop calling me master, just call my name..."

"Yoka.... You can't see HUI GO?"

"I can't see him even since the first time Jio got him..."

"That's weird... but Jio can see both of us?"

"Well, I don't think he is normal... he experienced different various things that nobody ever experienced since he arrived here" Yoka prepare to dismiss his sword as Jio also the same.

"Stop talking about me, have a rest everyone" Jio close his sword and HUI GO disappeared at the same time the sword being put back into the case.

"See you Lokian" Yoka wanting to try to looks cool too, but he closed his eyes for real when the swords handle hit the case as it fully into the case now and amazingly Lokian also disappeared just like HUI GO before.

After the HUI GO and Lokian disappeared, Yoka found himself a comfortable place to sleep, so does Jio.

In this room, they are going to charge their energy again by sleeping. Using their bags as the pillows, they are laying next to each other just with half meter distance.

Looking at the old ceilings, Yoka adds his arm as pillow and look at Jio.

" What are you thinking now?" exhale his breath softly, Yoka's fixing the jacket he uses to covering his body.

"Nothing.... all I can see in front of my way is dark, I want to know more and more but I myself couldn't even understand what am I now" Jio keep staring at the ceilings.

"Don't worry too much... with your HUI GO and Lokian with us, I sense something good will happen..."

"Sure.... let be more positive! We're heading to a right way," Jio smiles

"That's right... let sleep already" Yoka once again fixing his jacket when he feels the cold wind blowing from the ceilings and down from the small gap between the door and the floor.

Yoka is happy to see Jio is now smiling, it's only been a day since they left the house and all Jio shows is that frustrating and disappointing face but that smile he just shows by now is a sign of his good mood.

Both of them fall asleep, the tiredness shows on their face and their dusty clothes.


"Yoka....wake up, time to go" Jio touches Yoka's shoulder to wake him up.

"hm.....okay..." Yoka sits but still with his eyes closed, he tries to balance himself when he gets up and wearing his jacket and there Jio standing still watching Yoka being adorable.

"Tough you look adorable" Jio throws jokes.

"...." Instantly Yoka change his gaze into a sharp gaze when he walks out of the room.

Jio follows Yoka from behind with an innocent smile like he did nothing wrong.

And they are walking toward the South again, if no monsters appear on their way today they will be able to reach that spot where Jio was founded by Yoka.

" If we can make it to the place where I found you, will you able to remember the streets you took to reach that place later?" Yoka drinks the water, offering the water to Jio but he still hold grudges toward Jio for calling him adorable.

"I'll try my best... it's took me almost half day to reach that bench" Jio reminisce the first time he arrived to this world in thinking that he's lost in his dream.

Almost one and half-hours walking, Jio stops from walking and turn back to check what exactly is this strange feeling that hits his head. From far away, Jio can hear voices asking for help

"Hey.... are you okay?" Yoka just realises that Jio is not waking with him but stood in such a confuse face back there.

" I think I heard some voices calling for help..." Jio looks around carefully, there only tall building and some destroyed and abandoned building.

Even though the time is still at morning, nothing can really change this world into Brighter colour.

"But I can't hear anything... are you sure?" Yoka hurriedly come closer to Jio, try to figuring out what could it be if there's really someone or people asking for help. Yoka focuses on his hearing but still can't catches any sound with his ears but the sounds of the wind blowing between the buildings.

Now Jio unconsciously close his eyes and try to focus on the location of the voices, as he closes his eyes... his vision travels him away from the place he and Yoka stand up, going through the destroyed building, up to the top of one blue building and the visions stop.

By the time he opened his eyes, Jio look at Yoka blankly but in the next second


"I know where they are!" he ran like a mad man, following the visions that came into his mind before and he keep running to save times, he afraid that he has no much time to save them just like that young boy before.

"Jio! Hey wait!!" Yoka startled by Jio sudden running, he starts to run as fast as well.

Jio is pulling his sword out while shouting

"HUI GO come out!!"


HUI GO comes and automatically ran in a sync with Jio. He can feel that his master in high tension, even though Jio's face looks much calmer than what he really feels inside his heart.

Reading the situation, Yoka calmly calls his sword as also calling Lokian to come out.

Four of them running with Jio's leading them to the sources of that voice calling for help before.

Arrived on the location, the location is look exactly like what Jio saw in his vision before. On the top of this blue building, there are bunches of Giant Stone Army guarding one winger creature standing in front of one portal which shape is similar to a door size and from that portal the winger creature lifted both his hands to the air as he is doing a ritual.

On the other side of the portal can be seen 3 unconscious human floating in the air just like that young boy Jio and Yoka found when that one Winger creature took the diamonds out from him.

Knowing what will happen next if they didn't stop it Jio rushing and shouting.

"STOP IT!!" Jio and other showing themselves

"Human? Guardians of the Trapped World?"that black winger creature with horn on it forehead turn to see four of them standing tall near the entrance to this rooftop, means they just arrive.

"You stop what you're doing right now! Send them back to their world" Jio takes three steps in front of his friends.

"Ha ha ha...Who are you telling me to stop? We are the leader of this world now, you know that? I am Rhinzeos from Winger creature side. Nobody can't beat us!"Winger creature named Rhinzeos shouting back at Jio fearless

"I'm Jio. I'm a human and I'm going to beat you!" Jio's getting ready and give a sign to HUI GO to get ready as well

"I'm going to take care of those unconscious guys over there, Lokian you take care of that Stone Army" Yoka talk to Jio and Lokian at the same time, Lokian nods and be ready.

"Human is weak, you guys are powerless and wasted...Having diamonds in your body all the time but don't know how to use them...what a wasted creature" Rhinzeos kept belittling human

"Talk as much as you can before I tear your dirty mouth" HUI GO stand next to Jio

Rhinzeos feel a bit tense seeing these Guardians here, as he knows that the guardians are almost vanish and sealed.

"Guardians of the Trapped flame...I heard that all your kind was facing extinction, what a surprise I can find you guys here...How is it feels to lose your friends and your kind?ha ha ha..." Rhinzeos adds heat to the conversation.

Jio swifts his gaze slowly and look at HUI GO expression. Not a single rage found in his expression and that feels weird for Jio, just imagine that time HUI GO losing his friends in the war is hurting Jio's heart but HUI GO looks calm.

"We lose because we wanted to protect not to attack, but now...the story is different... We're here to fight," HUI GO calmly say.

"Bastard!! You guys think it'll be that easy to take us down? TAKE THIS." Rhinzeos command the Stone Army to attacking.

As they planned, Lokian jumped and land in front of everyone to blocks the attack and fight those Stone Army.

Yoka ran from the side line of the rooftop to the portal to save the human.

Meanwhile, Jio and HUI GO were the ones who fight Rhinzeos. Rhinzeos has a power to spread fire from that horn in his forehead and the Winger creatures ability to fly kind of a headache for Jio and HUI GO.

Jio hurriedly take out that rope in his bag pack and flashing around Rhinzeos body to set a trap to tie his legs.

"DAMN!!! DIRTY HUMAN!!" Rhinzeos just realised his legs are tied up, but he still powerfully fights back with his fire attacks.

They tried their best not to let him fly easily, attacking from closest is best thing they can do now as they also avoiding the fire Rhinzeos firing.

"Jio!! His wings!" HUI GO shouts while keep punching at Rhinzeos who protecting his body with his wings

"Move now!!" Jio jump from the side wall to cut Rhinzeos wings with his sword.


Rhinzeos left wing in cracked right on the bone that keeping the wing attached with his body.

Realising his condition is now weak, Rhinzeos firing up the rope that tied his legs to release himself from it and that fire also burn his legs but he doesn't mind as long as he can escape.


Rhinzeos is releasing himself and flying up to the sky, he never thought that he will run away from human. He once again look down there where the Stone Army were destroyed and that human named Jio standing still looking up watching Rhinzeos run away.


In a huge black castle

The place where some of the Magic team and Winger creatures leaders stayed. They are having their best time enjoying the power they take from other creatures in this Trapped World.

In front of the leaders, there is Rhinzeos who succeeds escaping from the battle between him and a human with guardians on their side. He stands in the middle of this huge hall.

Almost every Magic team and Winger creatures leaders who stayed in this castle are now gathered to witness themselves this one of their kind being attacked by human.

"Speak...tell us everything you saw" Megonor, the most powerful among creatures here is asking Rhinzeos to tell details of what was happening.

"I was on my activity, taking the diamonds out from human bodys just like usually then they just appeared like they knew I was there and they speaks nonsense about killing me and they looked fearless," Rhinzeos remember that calm but stormy look from Jio

"They are all human?" Gilink, one of the leaders from Magic team asking

"No...they weren't all human....There are two Guardians of the Trapped World, and two is human," Rhinzeos remember four of them.