Tsumago Village part 1

Spending hours at Uncle Majan place sharing most of his story, Uncle Ho and Wellan decided to return home after the clock shows it almost pass 2 in the midnight.

At home, they tell Wellan's mother about the plan after they met uncle Majan, the one who sent uncle Ho to Trapped World before.

Of course Wellan's mother is in shock for a while hearing from her husband and her daughter that the store owner is someone from Trapped World, she never imagined about other world would ever existed but after strange things happened around her, she got to believe what they've told her and have no choice but to agree with their plan on leaving to Japan tomorrow.

Not to forget that, Mr Libin and Manager Keon also on the board to Japan, they don't want to left behind as they're also worry about Jio and want to help as much as they can.

After lunch time, five is leaving to Japan. Manager Keon side by side sitting calmly with Mr Libin meanwhile Wellan is enjoying her flight with her seated next to Uncle Majan and uncle Ho, who busily reading the notes he wrote last night, he wrote all those information from Yoka about his village even the simple ones just hoping some of them maybe contain some clues for helping.


Arrive in this small village. They first is looking for the chief of the village to ask some questions.

Meeting the chief of the village in a humble but cozy house, they're welcome into the house.

It's just something usual for the chief when they're some tourist wanted to know more about the history of this village or maybe needs a guide for a small tour around the village as nowadays this village is opened for tourism by the government.

"Hi my name is Yamato, Have a seat..." he speaks Japanese, let his guests seated before get himself seated comfortably facing the guests.

Wellan, Uncle Ho and manager Keon got flustered at first because they can't speak Japanese and why didn't they think about this before.

Three of them look aside to Mr Libin. They heard him talking in Japanese a while ago in the airport.

Uncle Majan stayed silent and just following the mates.

"Thank you," Mr Libin replies the chief in fluent Japanese. He calmly looks at the three who have the same puppy expression in their face.

"Fiuhh... thanks God we have Mr Libin" Wellan smiling, relieved.

"Good Mr Libin, Can we start with asking some of these questions to the chief? Will he mind if we asked about these matters?" Uncle Ho hand out the small notes to Mr Libin

Mr Libin is checking the questions carefully before asking them out to the chief.

"Okay... is there anything I can help for you guys?"the chief finally asks Mr Libin who answered him in Japanese before, he saw the notes handed by Uncle Ho

"Thank you for welcoming us to this beautiful village... we love the views, it's so refreshing" Mr Libin chit chatting before asked the real question of their purpose.

"Thank you, glad you guys like it... anyway... may I know where you guys coming from?"he asks once again.

"Oh We're from Korea" Mr Libin explained.

"Ahh Korea, that's not so far ha ha ha...Okay how would you guys like me to help?"he back to the topic

"Ah we would like to know, if by any chance you know a boy named Yoka from this village?" Mr Libin asked the first question

The other three except for uncle Majan, even though they're not clear about what was the question Mr Libin asked, at least they know that he asked the question about Yoka now

The chief frowning, scratching his not-so itchy chin he tries to dig in his memories for a boy named "Yoka". The chief almost forgot about those years, those memories aren't happy things remember.

"Yoka?" long sigh after he hummed the name

"Anything you remember about that name?" even though he is full of expectations Mr Libin still managed to suppress his facial expressions

Now Wellan, uncle Ho and Manager Keon shifting their gaze to Mr Yamato, despite not understand the language the three of them are now functioning their brains to read the expression. Beside Mr Libin is seated uncle Majan observing the conversation.

"Oh.... I'm not sure if I can tell you guys about this... we've been trying very hard to move on from everything related to that name" Mr Yamato think about shoo-ing these people from his home but something else holds him

"Yoka...he is alive" Mr Libin pulling out the ultimate weapon by mentioning Yoka's name and that works

"WAIT...sorry?! Yoka still alive? Man! It's been years since the incident happened, he went missing and you guys are now you're telling me that he's still alive?! Are you guys joking around here?" Mr Yamato doesn't seems pleased, that incident which almost forgotten is slowly come back into Mr Yamato head

"I'm very sorry Mr Yamato...I beg you to please inform us everything about that incident happened to Yoka, so we can tell you exactly where and how is he doing right?"looking at Uncle Majan and Uncle Ho, there are some certain reasons why Mr Libin believes in the story these people telling him about the Trapped World where his son, Jio is also trapped.

Mr Yamato calming himself by rubbing his nape with eyes closed.

"I can't believe this...after all these years, I have to remember again the incidents took lives of that innocent family..." he stopped a bit and ready to tell the painful story of Yoka's family.