Tsumago Village Part 2 : Meeting Kelarox

"I still remember innocent face of that smart and handsome young boy, Yoka..." The chief started to tell the story

"They're just an ordinary family, just like the rest of the civilian of this village... Nobody knows exactly what was attacking them that night but some neighbors saw a strange light near the mountain which not very far the neighbor moving toward Kagawa's house, oh sorry but...Kagawa is Yoka's family name" he stopped for a while

"What's light?"Mr Libin has no idea to digest the story, yet he asked immediately

Even though Mr Yamato not sure on how to explain the story to these guys but he tries his best to tell every detail he knows about the incident, plus he really wants to know where is Yoka now and how is he doing

"Nobody knows what is that light is...some neighbor heard someone screaming that night but they have no idea of where the screams coming...In the next day, the neighbor found out that the three members of Kagawa's family are lifeless, strangely with no wounds or harm at all on their body...even the doctors couldn't tell what is the cause of their sudden death...then people started to talk about their only son, Yoka...he is nowhere to be found until today...Yoka Kagawa...he is nice boy. I know that...but with him missing at the same time with the death of all his family is raising suspicion plus there are some of his friends telling that he met a stranger at the mountain and be friend with him before the incident happened" slowly Mr Yamato put his hand together as he ends the story

Uncle Majan nodding his head like he is in the middle of thinking about the story and he is looking at Mr Yamato

"Does anybody know who is the stranger Yoka met in the mountain?" he asked questions to Mr Yamato in Japanese, fluently. Shocking the three who can't speak Japanese.

"Woah uncle Majan can speak Japanese" Wellan and manager Keon couldn't hide their shocking expression

For the guardians, understanding every language is a common thing for them, as their guarding place could be anywhere in this world.

"About that person...he is missing just like Yoka. The cops stopped the investigation due the lacking evidence and the villagers stops spreading the uncertain news... it's been so long since someone really come and asking about this case" He is looking at uncle Majan now

"Will you let us see the Kagawa's house?" Uncle Majan looking into Mr Yamato eyes

"Sure...But the condition is far from good now, you guys might not be able to find anything there," he answered.

"It's okay...oh one more thing Mr Yamato...about that strange person...do you by any chance know where he lived?"this time Mr Libin is asking

"I'm not sure, but I do know an old villa near the mountain, owned by one rich guy who lives abroad... people didn't dare to enter the empty house as some said that house is haunted" he rubs his arm as a sign of nervous, Mr Yamato himself doesn't have any courage to enter the house even though he sometimes shows the house location to some curious tourist

Mr Libin and uncle Majan changing stares, they feel like there might be a chance for them to find something there.

"Can we go into the house?" seriously asking for permission to enter the house, they don't want to miss a chance even though it maybe an empty hope

"Sorry but ha ha ha...you guys want to enter that house?"Mr Yamato laughing but then looking at his guests serious face, he stopped laughing "Are you guys sure about this? But there's no guarantee if you guys going to be safe there and I'm not taking any risks involving the name of this village just for the sake of whatever your interest is" This time he spoke with serious expression

"Jio...my only son, he went missing about a month ago and now we finally got a little light about him, it's a complicated story but we believe that he is with Yoka now...and we're here trying to reach out to them so please...give us your permission," Mr Libin begging, he doesn't remember when was the last time he begs for something but thinking about Jio suffering in that strange world is torturing Mr Libin every night.

"..." Mr Yamato fall in silence, then oddly nodding his head "I will show you guys the location" he speaks with flat voice, so weird.

Uncle Ho realised something when he is looking at uncle Majan who staring at Mr Yamato eyes for a while before.

"Thank you very much for your help!" Mr Libin grabs Mr Yamato hands for a handshake

Manager Keon and Wellan also shows their gratitude by bowing to Mr Yamato, seems like the only one who realised the situation is just uncle Ho and Uncle Majan just smiling when found out Uncle Ho staring at him, put his finger in front of his lips as sign for uncle Ho to stay quiet.


From the Kagawa's family house, they found nothing there but trashes left by those teenager who sneakily smoking or drinking in the house.

Move to the next location, the old villa near the top of the mountain nearby the village.

They arrived in the front gate of the villa which also known as empty house near the mountain. The rusty gate signing that no one moving these gates in long time, dried plants and tall bushes in the big yard surrounding the white painted walls of the house give a great horror appearance, Like it tells you to stay away from the house.

Casually Uncle Majan pushes the gate, they're not complaining or talking. Everybody is here by their own will and their own choices and no more Mr Yamato with them automatically laying the responsibility on uncle Majan and uncle Ho who had experienced with the Trapped World.

Walking toward the front door of the big white villa's building, Uncle Majan takes a deep breath and closed his eyes before pushing the door. Meanwhile, Uncle Ho senses something off around this house... it's too quiet here.

"Wellann...psstt... what's going on?" Manager Keon whispering to Wellan

"I don't know either uncle, just be aware of surrounding..." at least Wellan had a bit experienced with the magic things in the Trapped World makes her confidence to remind Manager Keon to stay alerts.

"Uncle Majan, be careful" Uncle Ho touches the old man shoulder in front of him

"It's okay..." Uncle Majan nods and with a great power he kicks the door


The door opens by forced, slamming each side of the doors to the walls when it opened wide and when they're walking about three steps into the house.


Sharps objects flying from left and right side of the walls aiming them all who still standing in the doorway


Uncle Majan and Uncle Ho call their weapons to protecting


The sound of their weapons clashing with the sharp things echoing in this big grand house.

Just for 5 seconds, the attack stopped.

"What...what was that?!" Manager Keon hides behind uncle Ho.

Wellan and Mr Libin also protecting themselves by running back out to the outside of the house where the attack can't reach them.

"Ho...be careful, I can sense a familiar aura here but it's too weak, hopefully it's not a trap..." Uncle Majan observing the walls, hoping for no more attack if they step farther into the house

"Uncle Majan, let's split up...this house is too big, and we don't have much time before it's dark," Mr Libin suggesting

"That's right...we don't have much time. Wellan can go with Ho, and you two can go with me" he divided the group.

They are splitting from the front room which is the living room.

Uncle Majan, Mr Libin and Manager Keon go to the left hallway while Uncle Ho and Wellan go to the right hallway.

Walking carefully leading by their senses and open each door of the rooms to find a clue or perhaps someone.

Uncle Majan, manager Keon and Mr Libin just entering one room.

"Isn't it the kitchen?" Manager Keon looks around this one medium size room, filled with kitchen wardrobe.

"Isn't bit strange to have an old empty house with a clean kitchen? Is someone living here?" Mr Libin also checking the utensils cupboard

Slowly Uncle Majan walking toward the fridge and open it.

"Someone's here" he quietly close the fridge and looking at Manager Keon and Mr Libin.


Just then they heard a screaming voice coming far from other room.

"It's Wellan's voice!!" Manager Keon startled, he wants to run right away to Wellan voices, but he remembers that too dangerous

"Come on!!" Uncle Majan run to the voice follow by the two.

"Wellan!! Where are you guys?!" Uncle Majan trying to make Wellan repeat herself

"Uncle Majan!! We are here!! Here Uncle!!" Wellan voices are guiding them to the place they're trapped

This trap hole is in one big bedroom.

The sound of their running feets getting closer to Wellan and Uncle Ho's position

"Uncle Majan! Manager Keon!! Mr Libin!! Be careful!! We're in a trap hole!!" this is uncle Ho's voice warning the guys to be careful

"They're here!!" Manager Keon found the trapped hole "Are you guys alright?" manager Keon bent down to take a look at Wellan and Uncle Ho down there, this trapped holes is a two metre deep hole

"We're okay" they feel relieved

After pulling out Wellan and Uncle Ho from the hole, they're sitting around the hole.

"Did you guys saw the guy from before?" Ho Jalung is looking around

"What guy? Did you guys? perhaps...seeing someone in here? We were from the kitchen and it weird that the kitchen is clean like someone is living here" Mr Libin tells the strange conditions of this house

"We saw a guy before we fell into this trap...he is looking at us coldly when we asked him questions about whom he is" Wellan remembered that cold looking guy

"He must be the one who stayed in this house! So it's not a haunted house!" Manager Keon gets excited

"You're right but from the previous attack welcoming us in the front door...I don't think he wants people to come in here" Logically Mr Libin speaking

"That's right..." Uncle Ho agrees with Mr Libin thought

Despite the conflict they're talking about, uncle Majan stands straight, walking fiercely to one small door beside the tall wardrobe.

"Uncle Majan? Are you okay?" they're getting nervous when no answers from Uncle Majan

They're standing and observing his odd movements. There must be something behind that door... everyone except uncle Ho got in ready to fight position. Of course they don't know what they're fighting but what so wrong about getting ready for whatever might shows behind that door.


Uncle Majan spins the door knob to opening the door

They're unconsciously hold their breathing but then, it just someone standing there when the door widely opened, one tall gorgeous guy looking back at them with the pale face.

Uncle Majan fell to his knees after seeing this guy in front of him

"You...You are...Kelarox? oh dear...you are Kelarox right? My fellow guardians" with shaking voice, Uncle Majan kept asking the guy repeatedly

The tall guy hurriedly catching Uncle Majan and sits in front of him, holding Uncle Majan shoulders...he doesn't dare to lift his face at all

"Yes its me." he sniffs "How are you Majan? How did you find this place?" he helps Uncle Majan to stand

"Wait up! Uncle Majan... do you know him?" Wellan is the first one asking question after watching this sudden sad scene in front of them

"Oh...sorry but guys...this is Kelarox and Kelarox they are my friends" Uncle Majan introduce them as his friends

"Hi... I'm his fellow guardian of the Real World. My name is Kelarox. I'm sorry for attacking you guys before" he bowed down and asking uncle Majan in different language

They're talking for a while in unknown language then all of them move to one secret room. This room is much comfortable than other rooms they found before

He serves them nice and warm tea, everyone sitting comfortably around the table.

"So... It was you the one who sent Yoka to the Trapped World?" Uncle Ho just goes straight to the point

Not instantly answer the question, Kelarox softly looking into Uncle Ho's eyes.

"Yoka...that sweet boy, No... it's not me" Kelarox says