Chapter 2

*Alexanders point of view*

As I walked into the restaurant, I couldn't help but smile. The little spitfire from before had just made my already pissy day a hell of a lot better. The faces she made when she obviously disagreed with what I was saying but still trying to remain civil made me say more, just to see if I could make her snap. Even at the cost of seeming like an asshole.

I was one, I wasn't going to pretend like I wasn't but damn. When I spun her around, thank god she wasn't a kid, or the rush of arousal that hit me would of lead me down a road, I didn't really fancy taking. With that sweet, delicate, heart-shaped mouth that looked like it was made to be kissed, the look of desire that had graced her features the moment she first saw me, oh yes, she most definitely was not a kid.

Grunting I came to an abrupt stop when a body crashed into, turning around, I glared at Scott, who admittedly, I had forgotten about when I had met that little slice of heaven earlier.

Jesus Christ!

What was I thinking of! I was more sexually frustrated than I had originally thought. Yep, after the stupid lunch with mother, I'll go find myself a good little slut to get rid of this feeling. They didn't even have to be pretty!

'Mr.Hoffman,we have your room reservation, if you would just follow me,' the man whom I assume is the manager says as he leads us to the back rooms. Honestly, I was impressed with the restaurant. In London, paying more did not always mean a great deal. Everything in London was high priced, and while I could afford it a million times over, it did bother me when I had to pay to drive my own car to the city centre. Who on earth puts a price on the road. This country just likes to bleed you dry, another reason I couldn't wait to get back to good old America, Plus I had found out that the country planned to tax me 60% of my income.

Fuck that shit.

I liked the money I worked hard for too damn much. If all goes to plan, I'll be out of this hell hole by next week. This was why this meeting was too damn important. Taking a seat in the head of the table, I watched as other businessmen began to trickle in.

As talk of the expansion was taking place, I glanced at Scott, my secretarial assistant who should have been taking notes and doing his job, only to find his head back and eyes closed looking dead to the world. Giving him a hard kick under the table, I smiled in satisfaction at the look of agony on his face a he excused himself from the table. The Lazy bum was probably just going to have another nap when I got back, I needed to have a talk with my HR team about the worthless employees they were hiring. I've had to fire 3 in the past two weeks. if the didn't clean up their act soon, it'll be their asses on the firing block.

Grabbing the notebook which was empty of the notes that should've been present, I quickly shot down the information I remembered from earlier slightly worried about my ability to take detailed notes while trying to persuade the investors and fulfilling my job. As much as I wanted to fire Scott right this moment, I was resigned to having him around until te end of the week, or at least until I could get a replacement willing to re-allocate.

I was furiously writing down the information when I heard the door close, thinking that it was a bit too soon for Scott to be back - I didn't expect him to be back for another good twenty minutes - I was confused until I laid my eyes on the vixen from earlier. I couldn't help smirking when I saw her eyes narrow on me before a look of exasperation flitted over her face. She was like an open book, her emotions laid bare on her face.

'Good morning gentlemen, My name is Louise and I will be your host today,' she said, forcing a tight smile before pulling out a little white notebook, 'Are you ready to order your drinks?

I could tell that she did not like her job here, that much was obvious from the way she held her body, it was almost as if she thought she was better than this job.

'Yes, could we have 9 glasses of your Best white wine?' I asked smirking trying to catch her out from not knowing the wines on offer and their quality.I hated people who were lazy on the Job.

Narrowing her eyes at me again, she straightened her back.

'Right away sir' she said her voice completely neutral. It surprised me; if I hadn't seen her expressions, I would've thought her to be completely unaffected and professional.

A few seconds after exiting the room, Scott re-entered looking very shifty and on edge. Something was wrong, I was about to demand answers from him when our hostess re-entered with the drinks making quick work of distributing them to the rest of the businessmen. she got to me and seemed to realise that there was an extra man in the room.

When I had ordered, I had quickly surveyed the room, forgetting Scott, not that he needed more stimulation to suck at his job.

'Good morning sir, what would you like to drink?' she asked Scott politely. He glanced at me nervously then back to her. She gave him an encouraging smile that had me scowling for a reason unknown to me.

'Just a glass of water,' he stuttered. I rolled my eyes so back, I was surprised it didn't stay there.

She jotted his order down before getting everyone's food order and scurrying out of the room. Everyone's but mine. When she came back five minutes later with Scotts water, I grabbed her hand to stop her from leaving so quickly, however, the moment my hand touched hers, a tingling sensation shot up my body and a wave of arousal hit me like a brick wall. Just as quickly she yanked her hands back and was out the room.

'What the hell was that?!' i asked myself as I awkwardly shifted my body to hide my very obvious boner. It was the only thing that prevented me from running after her. The main part of the meeting was over already and we were just waiting for the correct paperwork to be drawn.

'So, Alexander, I hear that you're going to back to America soon,' Isaac, an older man nearing his fifties commented as everyone began to relax and enjoy their wine.

'Yes, that is true, I need to be back at main headquarters soon and quite frankly I miss my home country,' i admitted. Isaac was one of my closest friends, even though he was fifteen years older than me, we got along really well, my sometimes cold personality complimented his very well.

'Ah, the land of the free, or should I say, hot women,' he snickered.

'yes, that too,' I admitted, I wasn't embarrassed to admit it. I loved the female body, even if it did have a hideous face on top.

Just then, Louise entered the room balancing and incredible amount of what I presumed to be hot plates. Almost Instantly I was out of my chair to help her, only to be sent a glare, or what was meant to be one, only it was replaced by a strained look on her face. she was obviously stressed out about something. completely ignoring her warning look, I grabbed a plate only to almost drop it due to the heat. Instantly my eyes snapped to her face, but already she was looking away from me and placing the plates in front of my colleagues.

The moment the last plate was placed on the table, I grabbed her hand and dragged her outside before I exploded.

'What the hell were you thinking!' i yelled grabbing her arm and inspecting the damage left on her arms from the hotplate, 'Did you not realise the harm that could cause? or did you just not think at all!'

'Can you stop screaming at me?' she asked sounding exasperated as she tried to tug her arm free before eventually giving up.

'if you must know, it wasn't my choice, normally I would've used a tray but since my boss was being a dick, I didn't have that option.'

'What do you mean being a dickhead?' I asked suspiciously as I ran my hand down her arms. A sudden wave of protectiveness rushed through me that almost left me disorientated.

'Ever since I rejected the asshole, he has been making my job a living hell and trying to find a reason to fire me,' i muttered, ' we were running low on trays and as you can tell it was a busy day so he insisted that the trays stay outside so that they can serve more than one table and it was more effective.'

'So why didn't you just bring in the plates one by one or something instead of trying to be superwomen and bringing them in all at once?' i asked, still confuse. what runs through some people's minds these days?

'It's against company rules, all food must be presented at once, it was what he was hoping me to do, so that he could fire me, I bet, 'she grumbled before attempting to cross her arms before realising I still had her hand, 'Not that he would have to wait much longer hopefully, as soon as I get a job related to my degree, I'm out of this hell hole.'

'Whats your degree in?' i asked intrigued.

'Software development and business management, why?' she asked confused but the gears in my head were already turning, making plans. I was firing Scott, that I was sure of, and I would need a new secretarial assistant anyway and by the sound of things, she wouldn't mind reallocating.

Opening my mouth, I lost all tact I had.

'Work for me,'