Chapter 3

*Louise's point of view*

'Work for you?* I asked bewildered, 'Are you mad? you don't even know me'

'I know enough to ask you, obviously, I'm not stupid enough to tell you any office secrets and stuff until after I've run a background check on you and you've signed a contract,' he said, rolling his eyes at my stupid question that really wasn't stupid, ' it's just I really need a new secretarial assistant, the one I have the now is useless and hates his job more than you hate yours.'

'I don't know...' i said biting my lip, I can't believe I was seriously considering this, I didn't even know the guy. for all I know, he could be part of the mafia, ' i don't really know anything about you or the company you work for.'

'Oh, I'm pretty sure you do,' he said smirking, ' I'm the CEO of Goldenberg Co. You know, the biggest software development company in the world. which just happens to be right down your alley.'

I stared at him in complete and total shock. NO FRICKIN WAY!

'Are you serious right now, that is my dream company to work for!' i squealed before reality set in, 'But didn't I remember you say something about how you can't trust females with company secrets?'

He had the decency to look away and blush awkwardly. I had to suppress a snicker at his bashful behaviour which was in complete contrast to the asshole he portrayed earlier.

'Yeah about that conversation, a lot of the stuff I said was just to wind you up,' he admitted gingerly.

'Why?' i asked confused as I cocked my head to the side.

'Well, I don't think you realise how much fun it is to see you turn red from anger, its quite sexy,' he said smirking at the glare I shot him before I spun around and stomped towards the staff room, 'Where are you going?'

'Where does it look like dingbat?' i growled, 'it's my tea break. so why don't you o enjoy your food?'

'Oh, you mean the food you never served me because you never asked for my order?' he asked sarcastically causing me to freeze and turn around.

'Can you please wait just another half hour until my break is done, we have allocated times and if you miss it, you don't get any-' I began to begged pathetically.

'Louise! What is going on here?!' My boss's obnoxious voice boomed at me causing me to internally cringe. I knew that was my break gone. Sighing, a begrudgingly walked towards Alexander.

Nothing sir, just helping out a customer,' I grumbled.

'Well, you really should hurry, one of the staff has to leave early due to an emergency so your covering their shift till sophie comes to take over,' He said to me giving me a disgusting smirk that caused my mouth to drop open.

The little shit!

'But sir! Its my break the now!' I exclaimed angrily.

'Too bad, were short two hands and as I see it, yours are free,' he shrugged while still smirking. I wanted to smash his face with a brick.

'Well as I see it you have a pair of free hands as well,' I said narrowing my eyes at him, 'plus its illegal to make me work 12 hours with no break!'

'You've done it before so I don't see the big deal,' he shrugged giving me a bored expression.

'Well yeah, cause I agreed to that, I don't agree to this so go stuff it up your arse and do it your self,' I said angrily as I turned away from him to get Alexanders order. Alexander Hoffman, also known as my potential new boss who saw just how bad of an employee I was. Great going lulu, you really went and blew that chimney hole!

Quickly grabbing a prepared plate that probably was not prepared for Alexander but I didn't really care right now. I needed my break, turning around to enter the secluded dinning area I noticed that not only was Alexander still there but bossy Joe was also there turning a nice shade of hatred.

'I swear to god Louise Atherckan speirs, if you do not do as your told, I will fire your arrogant ass right here right now,' he growled at me.

' Arrogant?me?' I asked genuinely confused.

' Yes you! Always thinking that you're better than everyone here and that this job is bellow you,' he snarled before aggressively grabbing my arm. Thank god for my quick reflexes or I would have dropped the order.

Before I could object to his completely accurate accusation, Alexander beat me to it.

'That's cause she is, anyone holding any useful degrees is better than this dump,' he said disgust quite evident in his voice, before his eyes darkened and he took a threatening step forward.

Now, I'm counting to three and if you don't let go off her, your restaurant will be ten feet under, am I understood?' He growled as he came behind me.

No sooner had Bossy Joe let go of my hand that Alexander had his wrapped around my waist, causing me to crash against his solid torso.

Yum, I thought wickedly, all muscle.

Mentally scolding myself and my wayward mind, I tuned into the end of the conversation between the two men.

'She will not be working in this dump of a place as of now, she belongs to me and will be working for me and if I ever here, see or smell your stank ass near her, you won't like the results, understood?' He growled dangerously as his hold on me tightened.

I feel like I should be offended that he quit my job for me without consultation but to be quite frank, I really couldn't give to shits. In fact I was pretty darn happy and excited since ill be starting my dream job sooner than expected. It just made leaving a lot easier, I mean sure, I would loved to have been the one who gave bossy Joe the proverbial and literal middle finger when I told him where he could stick his shitty job, but I was still satisfied with the face Joe had on his face the now. It was a cross between a look of complete fear and constipation. Yes, completely satisfied.

No what I was pissed off about was him saying I belonged to him.

What was I, an object? A pet?

He could think again if he thought I was letting that slide.

'Go get your stuff, your not coming back here,and meet me here in 5 minutes,' he ordered me strictly as he gave me a slight push towards the staff room before turning and entering the dining area.

Fuming, I collected my stuff, my anger brewing every second I thought of him so imagine my pleasure when he popped his arrogant face through the door scowling at me.

'I thought I told you five minutes?' He scolded me.

Taking a deep breath to calm myself so I don't fuck up my dream job before even starting it.

' And I think you need to learn some manners!' I snapped, ' Who do you think you are ordering me around like that! I am not a dog or a pet and I most certainly am not and never will belong to you, you arrogant jackass!'

As you can tell, I failed.