Chapter 6

*Alexander's point of view*

I couldn't believe the intense surge of jealousy that I had just experienced so I deposited her in front of my office before going to get the contract. Hopefully the distance between us allows me to think probably. This was going great until I was heading back towards my office when I hear voices that seem so much louder in the quite environment. Increasing my pace, I rounded the corner to see the devil in disguise trying to woo Louise.

Key word try.

My brother is an abomination, he seems to think bad pick up lines work better than real ones. I think he missed the point. As I neared all I heard was Louise being extremely rude.

'Shut the fuck up and leave me alone,' she deadpanned.

I felt strangely proud of her.

Off their own accord, my arms wrapped themselves around the fast becoming familiar waist.

God! For some reason I felt strangely comforted and happy whenever I touch her.

'You heard the lady blaise,'i growled, ' what are you doing here? And don't give me that rubbish.'

'What do you mean 'what are you doing here?','he asked seemingly surprised yet smug about my lack of knowledge behind his presence, god knows he wouldn't be here out of his own desire to see his younger brother, 'didn't your assistant tell you about the meeting?'

'Yes well he was an incapable fool who I just recently fired,' I replied already feeling antsy. I was ready for this useless conversation to be done with, not that I was going to let his annoying presence go unmentioned ' Not that any meeting with you in it would be of any importance with me anyway.'

I could almost see the invisible knives being sharpened and thrown at me from the glare I was sent.

'Why don't I just discuss this at the meeting,' Blaise said through clenched teeth, his face red as he entered room 24.

'Is she staying? Who is she by the way,?' Blaise asked curiously. Yet I felt  a challenging undertone. Combined with the horrible flirting from earlier, I could only draw one conclusion from it.

I could see my little green monster raise its head.

The little shit was after what's mine!

'Yes she will be staying, she is to be my new secretarial assistant, she is also mine so keep your hands, eyes, breath and mind away,' i growled out dangerously hoping to send out a message, my arms involuntarily tightening around her causing her to frantically twist around like a trapped worm. I wanted to laugh at the spectacle she was making of herself but decided against it last minute and loosened my hold. I needed to be in her good books.

At least that's what I keep telling myself. Yet as my eyes followed her as she walked up to the fucktard, I knew that wasn't completely true.

'Hello, my name is Louise Speirs,' she said surprisingly cordial. Considering her very fast shooting down earlier of his pick up lines and ego, I was half expecting her to scowl at him and stick her tongue out like the big baby I'm beginning to realise she still is.

Deep down I knew I should be worried about my mental state as I had knowingly hired an emotional female with an attitude problem because she was hot.

My dad would have a heart attack, I thought bitterly.

'Ah, a beautiful name for a beautiful face, a summer wine, better with time.' My idiot of a brother said and I instantly knew what Louise was thinking by the way her smile was quickly replaced by a scowl. Moving swiftly I grabbed her hand and pulled her towards me before there was a murder investigation in my office. Wouldn't look good for the business.

'No he did not mean to call you old, he was trying to give you a bad pickup line as he thinks they work best,' I explained to an extremely pissed off 5ft woman, softly rubbing her back before a frown descended upon my face, 'even though I specifically told him no'

'Oops?' Blaise said smirking at me as if he was the cat who got the cream., 'you can't blame me for your girl wanting me more''

I wanted to run him over to see if he also had nine lives.

'Tell me why you're here now or get the fuck off of my property,' I growled.

'Oh yeah dad wants us to go to all the offices in Europe in order to make sure management and the idiots bellow are doing their jobs right,' he said as he made himself comfortable in my chair. I narrowed my eyes at him before he stood back up again, hands in surrender, before slowly exiting the room.

'what do you mean us? A small voice said. I was surprised that Louise was still here, she was so quiet I thought she had done what every emotional female do and go to the bathroom. Instead, she was half hidden by my body. She was using me as a human buffer from my brother.

'Am I going to be losing my job before I even start cause that's a first.'

'No, you will be with me at all Times,' I said not bothering to ease her in. I knew it would be useless.

'But what about my family and friends,' she stuttered angrily. Cute, 'you should've discussed this with me before!'

'Before what?' I asked amused at her antics, 'Before you got fired, which was inevitable, or when you quit your job, also inevitable? You should be thanking me for making it faster.'

'Yeah, I mean I don't really speak to the family and have like no good friends,' she pondered out loud before seemingly making her decision.

'OK, but how long will we be travelling and where in case I need to pay for a visa and my rent,' she asked.

'Well, I would suggest getting out your lease, we are not coming back here,' I said as I looked at her closely trying to gauge her reaction but instead got distracted by her eyelashes. 'We have 3 other offices in Europe it'll take us at most 6 months but then I'm going back to America, you would be expected to relocate, it's in the contract.'

Opening my brief, I pulled out the contract quickly having it snatched off my hand. Quickly reading through it, she made small noises of disbelief every few seconds her knuckles going pale with how hard she was gripping the paper. I'm guessing she reached the clause's.

'what is this?' She ground out surprisingly calmly.

'The contract you've to sign before working for me,' I answered cautiously.

'Really? Because it seems more like I'm signing my life and independence away!' She yelled.

Yep definitely the clause's.

Damn it! I told them to be more discrete!