Chapter 18

*Alex's point of view*

I wanted to kill him, I wanted to pound every male face in here until they were never able to look at what is mine but I just wanted to kill that asshole.

I could not seem to be able to control myself during the meeting, usually I was the master of the poker face and kept all emotions at bay, but not with Louise. Apparently, my body could sense when someone was ogling Louise because I got tense and cold all over and fond myself scanning the room looking for the culprit before giving them a glare telling them fully what would happen should they even think of making an advance on her. I kept glancing at her whenever someone else was speaking to make sure she was keeping up, yet she surprised me because unlike the other assistants, she seemed genuinely interested and was keeping what appeared to be very detailed notes. By the time break was due, I was feeling rather happy and satisfied at the distance the men consciously put between Louise and themselves and the fact that she didn't seem interested in any other male here.  My stupid pride was seemingly soaring through the air as I recalled just how interested she was in my business. searching the room for the lady in question I found her now where to be seen. Frowning, I walked towards a group of men who instantly quietened as I neared.

'Have you seen my assistant?' i asked them politetly in french, I knew these group of men were married so held no real threat.

'You mean the sexy little she-devil with the tight skirt and round ass?' one brash and seemingly cocky man smirked. I instantly hated him.

'Arent you married,' I asked, raising my eyebrows threateningly.

'Yes, happily so, but that doesn't stop a man from looking and appreciating,' He said shrugging casually before taking a sip from his glass.

'Well excuse me if I don't like others looking and appreciating what is mine, am I understood?' i growled at the guy, the longer the guy stood in front of me, the stronger my urge to punch him in the face grew.

'Oh, don't tell me you wouldn't look and appreciate another dudes hoe, maybe even take a side hoe yourself, ' he snickered nudging me gently, ' i sure as hell wouldn't mind taking her as my side hoe.'

Gripping his hand fiercely, I squeezed until I saw him wince in pain before letting his hands drop to the floor.

'Well you can stop dreaming and erase that from our mind because it is never fucking happening,' i growled at him as I took a threatening step forward, ' I don't like to share what is mine and if you even think about looking in her direction ever again, I'll make sure to have a nice long chat to your wife about your viewpoint on your marriage. I'm sure she would love to hear about your side hoes. Hopefully, she bleeds you dry during the divorce.'

I watched in satisfaction as the colour slowly drained from his face with every word I said before plucking like a chicken and scuttling away. Turning around I saw the familiar figure of Louise coming around the corner, I went to move to help her as I'm sure her ankle was hurting, no thanks to me of course, when I saw her walk into a wall.

stopping in my tracks I looked at her in disbelief, I had not taken her to be someone easily distracted or ditzy, unco-ordinated, yes. she was a woman, I'm sure it's in most of their genes, but this takes the biscuit.

About to make my presence known in order to laugh and mock her, I saw the guy that had sat way too close to her during the meeting for my liking. the guy, I had to send fifty get-away glares to make it known to him that Louise was not on the market.

I could feel my blood boil as he leant in close to her ears, too close, intimately close. The only reason my anger was staying - just barely- under control was the fact that I could see just how uncomfortable with his proximity she was. 

Storming my way towards the pair, ugh that sounds disgusting, I saw the man make some hefty excuse to leave. While happy that he was no longer near her, I was also slightly upset I was not able to put him into the ground.

'Who was that?' I ground out politely, I knew that my temper had put me in the doghouse with her and I had to get back out. I was greeted with a ver proud grin that left me peachless before looping her arms through mine. I barely recognized what she was saying, too hung up on the fact that she initiated contact and was not worried about the intimate position in public.

I tried and failed to contain my goofy smile.