Chapter 16

*Alexander's point of view*

'Oops?! Why the hell did you think that was okay,' She yelled at me, I could see a vein pulsing in the side of her head. I felt my trousers stretching uncomfortably, Jesus she was sexy when she was mad. Face slightly red, lips scowling pathetically, it was more like a pout. God damn it, she was adorably sexy. I had to smother the urge to smile at the sight she made cause she would just get even angrier at me, and I knew I had to  try and get on her good side. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to completely mask my amusement because she suddenly took a what I'm guessing was supposed to be threatening step forward yet with her size, looked like a bit like a pissed of female gnome.

'What you think this is funny?' she asked me narrowing her eyes before spinning on her heels and stomping out the room. Amused, I followed her out her room and down the corridor until she was wondering the halls, obviously lost.

'What are you looking for?' I asked as she came to a stop in front a door and peeked her head in.

'Shut up and tell me where your room is,' she scowled at me, completely contradicting herself but I kept my amusement to myself.

'Down the hall to the left, third door down,' I responded, curious as to why she needed to know, 'Why?'

Ignoring me, she sped up until she found my room and barged through the door heading straight for my closet. Realising what she was after, I let out a soft chuckle and sat on the bed.

'You do know that I don't really care if you confiscate my stuff, I'll just go and buy new stuff. Money is no issue,' I said smirking at her but she didn't turn around, instead, she knelt on the floor rummaging through something I could see

'I know you are rich but could you replace sentimental things like this,' she said as she stood up triumphantly holding up a black box.

My eyes instantly widened as I stood up straight.

'How did you know that was there?' I growled as I tried to grab the box from her but she quickly pulled it away from my reach and danced away.

'You may be rich and everything but you are still a guy and your ability to come up with a creative hiding space is non-existing.' she said smirking at me before strolling out the room with my box still in her hands leaving me standing in the middle of my room, completely shocked at what had just happened.

Quickly getting my wits back, I ran out the room and towards er room just to find the door was locked.

'Louise! I swear to god, open this door right now!' i shouted as I banged on the door, getting more angry the more I thought about my stuff, 'That is my personal stuff! you better have not gone through it or god help you!'

Suddenly, the door swung  open making me shuffle backwards revealing a dressed and smirking louise, growling, I pushed past her and into the room, my eyes scanning for my box but it was nowhere to be seen.

'Where did you put it?' I growled at her.

'I've confiscated it for the time being and believe me, until I see that you have learned your lesson, your not going to be seeing it anytime soon,' she said, narrowing her eyes at me before, flicking her hair over her shoulders and walking away away, 'Come on, haven't we got somewhere to be.'

I've never wanted to hit something more than I wanted to right now. Narrowing my eyes at her retreating figure, my eyes drifted to her backside and almost instantly, most of my anger vanished as I trailed behind her as my eyes stayed firmly fixed on the ass that was so deliciously moulded by her prim slate grey pencil skirt. Upon entering the car, the view instantly disappeared and some fo my irritation from earlier returned.

'We are meeting with some very important clients today about a merger and we can't afford for anything to go wrong, am I understood,' I growled as I slipped into business mode.

'Yes sir,' she replied in a flat almost robotic voice, causing me to glance over at her. She was looking straight ahead, her back rod straight.

'I hope your short-hand is good,' I said as we pulled up in front of an office building. Opening the door, I exited and saw Louise had done the same, not even bothering to wait for me. Rolling my eyes, I placed my hand on the curve of her back, feeling her try to arch away from my touch, leading her into the building. 

Barely slowing down, I manoeuvred us through the crowd of people that were in the reception towards the front desk.

'Hoffman,' I said briskly to the red head behind the desk who was staring at Louise with what could only be described as doe-eyed admiration.

'si' he stuttered before passing me a passcode. tightening my grip on Louise, I guided her to the elevator while simultaneously trying to hide her backside from the eyes of the thirsty Frenchmen. The idea that they were admiring what's was mine, left me seeing red. I knew I had to try and calm down before the meeting began otherwise I might make a mistake that could lead me to lose millions. And I don't mess with my money. I knew all this and thought I would be able to get through this as the elevator closed her from everyone else's view only for the door to open again and a tall brown haired man entered the elevator, choosing to stand too close to Louise for my liking. glaring at the man, he ignored me and instead sent a lopsided smirk to Louise. almost instantly, my arms wrapped themselves around her waist and pulled her towards me.

Glaring at the doors, I was relieved when the door opened on our floor and quickly I stepped out, dragging Louise out the elevator and away from him, feeling more satisfied the bigger the distance between them.