Chapter 24

*Louise's point of view*

I will be the first to admit that my curiosity usually leads me to trouble and it would only ring true in my immediate circumstance. I was ever so curious as to who it was that had Alex in such a bad mood. That being said, regardless of how much I wanted to stare and drool over how sexy his back is, I found myself peeking around his large stature. Immediately, my face lit up with recognition.

'David!' I exclaimed happy to see a familiar face. While I wouldn't classify him as a friend, he was probably the closest thing I had in this foreign country. He was more like the annoying little brother that was everywhere more than anything 'What are you doing here? Are you stalking me?'

He only smirked at me before walking towards me but before he could do anything, I felt a tight grip on my arm drawing me away from him. Glancing up I saw that Alex clench his jaw as he sent a dark glare towards David. It was then I remembered the incident between the pair earlier today and could help but smirk as a plan began to form in my head. I'll show the traitor.

'Alex?' I asked trying to seem as innocent as possible, 'are you okay?'

'You are not going anywhere with him,' he growled completely ignoring my question as he pulled me even closer into him. It was like he was trying to wrap his body around me.

'And why is that?' I heard David ask obviously enjoying pissing of Alex, ' I promise I don't bite...much.'

'You know why,' Alex spat back coldly, 'I won't lose her to you, she's mine.'

Again with this possessive thing, just what did he think I was; some sort of object he could own? Well he can go stick it up his arse if he thinks he owns me.

'But weren't you perfectly fine with me going earlier?' I asked sweetly.

He just narrowed his eyes on me.

'That was before i knew it was a man let alone him,' he scowled. I smirked inside, sniggering at his expression. It was giving me and David great amount of amusement.

'Remember I didn't want to go but you insisted,' I whispered trying to sound seductive but probably sounding like I had a frog in my throat, rising up on my toes, I breathed in his ear, 'I'm only following orders. Boss.'

My lips brushed his ear and traced down his jaw as I lowered myself only to give a little squeak as he wrapped his arm around my waist and lifted me onto the kitchen counter.

'Pumpkin, you don't know what your playing at,' he growled, lightly nipping at my ear, 'you're mine and I don't want you anywhere near that dickwad. Am I understood?'

Looking up, I scowled into his face.

'How many times have I told you that I do not belong to you, I am not a fucking object!'

'Louise,' he warned as he moved in between my legs, ' do not test my Patience.'

'No, you do not test my patience. Alex, he is my friend and I would like to go explore Paris since we are leaving soon with my friend. I dont care what you say,' I said stubbornly.

'Well since you insist on disobeying me, I have no choice but to go with you,' he announced suddenly. I gave him a look of horror. Disobey him? Did he think i was a dog on some leash. Bitch sit your ass down!

'you're ass wasn't invited,' I deadpanned.

'I'm inviting myself,'he growled at me as he drew me to him so suddenly my bum slipped off the counter and leg muscles clenched onto his waist for dear life,' its your choice pumpkin, either I go with you, or you dont go at all.'

I scowled at the smug look on his face knowing what he wanted regardless of my choice. My god, he was like an over-eager, over-possessive and overbearing labourdog. Rolling my eyes at his behaviour, I allowed him to accompany us leading him to give a childish cheer. I looked at him in complete confusion, one minute he is arrogant, another he's so damn sexy, then he's bossy and possessive and now childish, just how many sides did this dude have. I never really knew what Alex I was going to get everyday, which im now beginning to realise why I like him so much.

Without thinking, I let myself smile at him before laying my head on his chest listening to the steady thud of his heart. I knew that he was only acting this way because of his misguided feeling that he must protect me. For some reason he seemed to think i was helpless and that my people reading skills was rusty. I rolled my eyes as I remembered how he scowled at every man I spoke to claiming he knew what they were thinking because he was a man.

His possessiveness however, I really couldn't justify. I mean we weren't even together for him to feel the need to lay any sort of claim on me. He made sure men stayed a good five feet or more away from me.

For god sake, it was like i was dating him but without any of the benefits. i felt myself pout.

'So have you sorted out whatever you guys had going on,' Davids voice asked cutting through the fog of isolation we had surrounded ourselves in. i had completely forgotten that we were not alone and briefly looking down i realised that my legs were still around Alex's waist only know he had his hand firmly on my butt. squirming out of his hold, i found my face heating up three different shades of embarrassment as I realised the had just watched the entire thing.

'Oh, im already missing the feel of your ass pumpkin,' Alex smirked as I threw him a glare. Did the man have no modesty!

'Shut up and get ready otherwise we'll leave without you,' I threatened only to realise it was me who was not really dressed appropriately as I was still in my work clothes. Throwing my head back in frustration, I stomped out of the kitchen and up the set of stairs to my room.

I needed a break from Alex anyway. He always left me feeling all sorts of hot and cold and I hated it but at the same, I just want to know how he would feel without the barrier clothes gave. Lightly slapping my cheek, I gave myself a good talking down to.

He was my boss for god sake, I should not be thinking such illicit thoughts about him, it would only make me a liar and a hypocrite.

But god damn that Back and ass. I could still feel just how firm it was from when my legs were wrapped around him. Growling, I stomped into the bathroom.

I needed a god damn cold shower.