Chapter 25

louise's point of view*

Cautious of the time, I took a very quick cold shower, just long enough to knock the tiredness out of me and some sense in.

Now knowing that it was David, someone I knew and liked, who was going to be showing me around Paris, I was honestly really excited. When I was still in University, I had always wanted to travel with my friends but being a student, I was perpetually broke all the time so this was as close as I was ever going to get to that dream.

Quickly throwing a cream cardigan over some jeans, I stuck my feet in some boots before racing downstairs. I dressed for comfort and just because Alex decided to stalk us did not mean I was going to change into something more fashionable.

Entering into the kitchen, I was greeted by the sight of the two men glaring at each other, well, more like Alex glaring daggers at David while David merely smirked.

I swear he derived some form of pleasure from annoying Alex.

'Guys! Are we leaving or not?' I asked rolling my eyes, I was annoyed at both of them.

I heard Alex grumbling something about my stubborn ass but I chose to ignore him following David out to the driveway where he opened the passenger door for me.

'Im not sitting in the back,' I heard Alex state stubbornly. I turned around, already annoyed at him to find him with his arms crossed and a stubborn glint in his eye.

'Well I'm sorry, but I don't remember inviting you so you can deal with it or just not come. Preferably the second one if you're just going to create arguments,' I snorted as I chucked my bag into the car.

'Need I remind you that I am the one doing you a favour by letting you go?' I heard Alex say. I turned around in complete disbelief at the bullshit sprouting from his mouth.

'Need I remind you that it is you who had to resort to bargaining and blackmailing in order to come with us!' I cried out.

'Aw, don't tell me you already forgot about the contract you signed and the clauses?' He asked me smirking smugly, 'Now why don't you be a good little girl and sit in the back, pumpkin?'

Snarling at him, I grabbed my bag, slammed the door of the vehicle and stormed back inside the house.

Him and his patronising ass can go screw themselves for all I care!

I heard footsteps following me and felt another wave of anger crash through me.

' Just leave me alone, I really don't want to see your horrid face right now!' I yelled as I stormed up the stairs towards.

'Well, I feel quite insulted,' I heard Davids familiar voice. Spinning around I came face to chest with David even though I was on a higher step. Instantly, I felt my cheeks heat up in embarrassment.

'Sorry,' I squeaked pathetically, 'I thought you were Alex.'

'Well that's even worse,' He said attempting to make a joke.

'Look, I'm sorry you had to come all this way but Alex has just put me right off. I don't feel like dealing with him tonight.' I sighed, feeling slightly guilty.

'Hey, don't let him get to you, remember how you were looking forward to going out tonight and your just going to let his little bitch fit ruin it for you?' He asked me, disbelief obvious in his voice, 'As your best friend and native Parisian, it is my job to show you the beautiful city that I call home.'

'Since when were you my best friend?' I asked amused by his what im guessing was supposed to be inspirational speech.

'Oh please, every one is too scared of Alex to even look at you let alone speak to you, ' David snorted as he rolled his eyes, 'If it wasn't for my bravery and dashing good looks, you would be a lonely little fashion fiasco.'

'What the hell?!'I felt genuinely insulted, I mean I know I haven't got the best taste in clothing but I didn't even buy the clothes on my body right now, a professional did. Voicing my thoughts I was only greeted with another snort. What even was he, some sort of pig, I thought irritated.

'Well I'm sorry baby girl then, cause if you hired this so called professional, you need to fire them ASAP. You are in the city of fashion, you should embrace it and not hide behind whatever that is, ' he said gesturing towards my clothes, 'and that is why you are coming with us. Learn from the best if you plan on getting Mr Billionaire over there.'

Instantly, my face was set ablaze as I felt myself turn various shades of red.

'What! I do not want Alex,' I squeaked pathetically, I swear I was becoming Minnie mouse.

'Mmm, when did I mention his name,' he said smirking slyly, he was finding to much pleasure in my embarrassment, ' Besides, even a blind man could see you two lusting after each other.'

Going to protest this, he only had to raise his eyebrow and tilt his chin towards the kitchen for me to shut my mouth and follow him back outside where Alex was waiting with a bored expression.

'Finally over our little temper tantrum are we?' He said looking bemused before opening the passenger seat and getting in leaving me fuming outside.

Well, those men were obviously blind for a reason if they mistake my wish to whack a brick to his head as lust.

Sighing, I opened the back seat and shimmied in, barely managing to lock in my seat belt before the car was speeding down the road.

The drive into the city centre was void of conversation not because of my anger at Alex. No, given time I did come around to the fact that Alex wasn't doing anything wrong just following the contract plus the backseat was slightly cramped for me so I could only imagine the pain he would have felt.

No, there was no conversation due to both me and Alex trying to keep our food down as David sped down the street, completely ignoring all the lights. And he wasn't the only one, on many occasions, cars had taken sharp U turns in the middle of the road or just cut across us. It was like there was no damn rules!

The moment the car came to a stop, I stumbled out of the car and never before had I been so happy to see and feel the ground beneath me. Stationary.

I was trying to stabilize my stomach when I felt a hand rubbing my back.

'You think you had it bad, try watching every narrow miss, you would have taken a panic attack,' Alex chuckled as he smoothed my back.

Glancing up at him, I felt a rush of emotions that I wasn't quite ready to analyze.

'I think you forget that he is a pure blood Frenchman because of his light accent,' he chuckled continuing on, completely missing the besotted look, I assumed I had on.

'Promise me one thing,' I said breathlessly as I straightened up, gently placing my hand on his arm.

'What?' He asked, instantly concerned.

'You better be driving us back,' I said smiling slightly before an all too familiar sickening feeling ran down through my stomach before I found myself doubling over and emptying my belly onto the pavement as Alex held my hair.