chapter 29

*Alex's point of view*

I watched Louise as she watched for her food confused. The women was giving me so many mixed signals that it was beginning to make my head turn. I knew that with her being female. she was probably over thinking everything that happens between us and psychoanalyzing everthing as they like to do. However it seemed as if she was beginning to get used to me and the idea of us and for sum bizarre reason, that made me ridiculously happy.

Not long after our waiter from before came around the corner did i hear a low angry growl. it took me a while to process that the sound was emitting from Louises stomach. I let out a low chuckle as i watched her turn a fascinating shade of red i had yet to see on someone.

Too amused in her antics I was slow to react when her arm shot out and she downed half her wine glass within the span of three seconds.

For a second I thought she was completely unaffected by the strong alcohol, I was about to applaud her as i do like my women to be able to stomach their alcohol. Then all of a sudden, a stream of tears started running down her face as her face distorted in disgust and I found myself doubled over in laughter as she downed another glass of wine to try and combat the effect. However it was not so funny when i realised she was sharing with David.

'Are you sure, maybe we should switch if you cant handle the alcohol,' David suddenly suggested.

I inwardly cringed, if there was anything i learned from my short stint in Britain, it was that the British were very passionate about their alcohol and ability to consume an unhealthy amount and stay 'unaffected'.

'Well excuse you! I am a full bloodied brit, drinking is in my blood!' she growled as she sent a glare so sharp it could kill ten bulls, I was just not expecting it to be that potent otherwise i would not have downed half the damn thing so fast!'

'Calm down sweetheart,' i said soothingly as i rubbed her back, i could see that she was getting herself into a bit of a state, and i didn't really fancy going back home with a drunk and pissed off Louise. I dont want to mess up the progress we had already made with stupid words that would definitely be flung around the room if we went home in that state.

'But he insulted my heritage,' she whined giving me this adorable pout. I studied her face carefully as i tried to see if the alcohol had already gotten into her system or if she had slipped into one of her 12 year old phase's. It was getting me worried.

'Pumpkin, France has some of the most Alcoholic beverages in the world and you just mixed some' i asked her gently, i didn't want to poke an already pissed of louise, it would be like poking an angry bear, 'are you sure you'll be okay?'

'Yes!' she hissed out as she shot me a glare. i wanted to question her more or even better get her home to bed but decided it would be best to just retreat.

For the rest of the night, i watched her carefully and got more and more pissed off as she flirted with every guy in the vicinity. I learned that the more louise drank, the more drunk she got and the more flirty she got.

At one point during the evening she left her seat and sashayed over to the bar area where she decided that it would be a good idea to try and flirt with two guys simultaneously.

'Aren't you going to go over there and be your normal possesive, controlling overbearing self?' I heard David ask me. I sent him a glare.

'No, because i am not controlling or overbearing,' i growled out, 'And i am only possessive of what is mines so that dickheads like you cant get to her.'

'What, so you think the two guys about to do body shots off her are a better choice than me?' he said giving me an amused look as he pointed behind me.

Instantly my head snapped back to the direction he was pointing to and sure enough, louise was sprawled half hazardly over a table in the corner, lifting her to in preparation for one the two douche bags to do a body shot off her.

i had never got up so fast in my life, one moment i was sitting down at my double, the next second i was standing over louise's body, my hand resting heavily on one of the guys shoulder.

'What do you guys think you are doing?' i growled out as calmly as i could.

'Man your going to have to wait your turn, were just gonna pop some of this off her then hopefully half a little frisky fun eh,' he replied gleefully, blissfully unaware of the murderous thoughts running through my brain.

'Not with my girl your not,' i growled out as i tightened the hold i had on his shoulder until i saw him wince.

'hey man! You cant be blaming us guys if your hoe ain't loyal,' the idiots stupid friend interjected as his friend yelped in pain before stumbling away from me. They were quite obviously American.

'Hey! I ain't nobody's hole!' Louise shouted from behind me.

'Louise, baby, please shut up,' i sighed already exasperated with situation,before turning back to the two men, 'look, i suggest you take your cheap alcohol the fuck away from here otherwise you might not back it back to good o'le america in one piece.'

'sorry man, maybe next time get your bitch on a leash,' The guy who i nearly destroyed his shoulder muttered before he and his friend scuttled away. If a drunken Louise hadn't wrapped herself around my leg like some horny feline, i would have handed their asses back to them before they managed two steps.

Sharing a look with David, as much as i dont like him, we both Knew it was time for louise to get to bed. grabbing her gently by her arms, i hoisted her up against me and carried her surprisingly heavy body to the car.

She was getting heavier and heavier, every day since i met her. Maybe she was finally getting fat from all the junk she inhales on a regular basis. The drive back to the apartment was thick with tension since Louise had fallen asleep so there was no mediator between me and david.

As much as i disliked him, i had a sneaky suspicion that i would be seeing him around a lot as he obviously had no intention of leaving louise alone. And although technically i could choose who louise befriends because of the contract she signed, i also knew that i would be six feet under and she would probably never speak to me again.

The car suddenly jolted to a stop and before David could try and start up any form of conversation I sprung from the car and hoisted Louise along with me, stopping only long enough to grunt out a thanks.

I was lugging Louise's fat ass back up the stairs when I felt her wake up.

I could feel her eyes wandering over my face for the longest period of time, it got me worried. What was she psychoanalysing now?

'Are you done checking me out pumpkin?' I joked instead, grinning down at her as she froze looking like a deer in headlights.

I let out a deep laugh as she burrowed her face into my chest taking rest on her spot before hearing a strange inhaling sound.

Bewildered, I stopped walking and looked at her.

'Are you- Pumpkin? Are you SMELLING me?' I asked, completly confused but highly amused as I watched her turn a bright red as She fumbled looking for a viable excuse, knowing there was none.

'It's not my fault you smell yummy! Its your fault for smelling so damn spicy!' She cried accusingly as she attempted and failed to cross her arms, 'Also it's totally not fair how hot you are. Like, women don't stand a chance.'

'You think I'm Hot'n'Spicy?' I asked grinning. I was beginning to like drunken Louise, they do say drunken minds speak sober thoughts.

'Dont look so smug, I just compared you to my favourite Pringle flavour,' She said sticking her tongue out like the 12 year old she is, 'I might just eat you, you've been warned.'

I let out a low laugh as I pulled her closer to me as I lowered my head and took in the sweet scent that was Louise. I was so temped to lick her, see if she tasted just as sweet.

'Oh, I'll definitely eat you,' i whispered as I placed a soft kiss on her neck and shoulder making her sigh in pleasure.' You'd like that, wouldn't you?'

She let out a low sensual moan that had my dick twitching like a bitch as I kissed a trail down her neck in search. My hands running down her sides only stopping when I found my spot. The place wear my mark will sit proudly warding off any and every ass hole, telling them straight that she was mine.

Without a second though my mouth went to action, sucking a kissing, doing everything in my power to make it as prominent as possible while Louise slithered below me in pleasure, letting out little grunts of approval and moans of pleasure.

There was no doubt about it, she was wholly mine.