chapter 30

*Louise's point of view*

Alex spent a painfully long time no doubt leaving his mark on my neck, not that I really cared at this point, all I really wanted was to get rid of the barriers that were keeping  me from feeling his cool skin. Impatiently tugging at his shirt, I let out a low growl at the slow pace. I wanted him and I wanted him now! Pulling him closer to me so that I could tell him just where I wanted him, I heard a rip and a pop. We both froze for a few seconds, my gaze transfixed on the tantalising bit of skin that had become exposed. I had the insane urge to lick his chest and without even fully realising what I was doing, I had pushed Alex against the door and my tongue was tracing a line, a path upwards until I found his lips. Placing a soft kiss on his lips, I was fully intending on ending the night here, before my drunken ass got me into more trouble but it seemed like Alex had different ideas from mine.

No sooner had my lips left his before I found myself pressed against the wall, the breath knocked out of me as he  merged his mouth with mine in a brutal kiss that left me wanting more. Fervently grabbing his neck I pulled him closer to me, wanting ever inch of our bodies to be in contact, my fingers threading through his hair as he looped a hand beneath my left knee. Lifting it up, he rubbed his hard on against me. 

'Alex,' I said breathless, II could feel my underwear get soaked with arousal at the sheer size and the fact that I had caused it. He seemed to give up showing any form of restraint and hoisting my body over his shoulder, stormed off in the direction of his room. 

Dear lord, what had I just done.

Kicking in his bedroom door, my body was flung onto the middle of the king sized bed before he discarded his ruined shirt. Taking in his bare chest had my eyes glazed over with lust.

Dear lord, god was so not fare when he was handing out the good looking genes, I thought as my mouth went dry. I startled to crawl towards him before he let out a low growl that had me backing up. I felt a thrill of something akin to fear.

'Mine!' he growled as he got on the bed and pinned me down, balancing his body weight on his arm, he leaned down to my ears, 'You are mine, do you understand?'

My mouth went dry and I suddenly couldn't form a coherent sentence, my mouth was opening but no sound was coming out. 

'No one but me is allowed to touch you, kiss you, satisfy your needs, understand?' he growled again as he grabbed my legs and brought them up rubbing himself against me, instinctively I wrapped them around his waist. Mutely I just nodded, 'if I ever see you flirting with any other man again, and especially in front of me, I will not hesitate to spank your ass red.'

I suddenly had the image of me bent over his lap as he spanked me till I came, I let out a moan in pleasure.

'Ohh you'd like that would you?' he whispered gruffly as he yanked my jeans down my legs leaving only my lacy thong, 'what else do you like ?'

I couldn't focus on the question asked as his fingers circled around my clit before pulling aside my thong and inserting a finger. Almost instantly I let out a moan as my arms came up around his neck.

'Answer me,' he ordered as he stopped playing with my clit. I let out a little whimper before fully opening my eyes and staring at his dark eyes glazed over with lust.

'Anything,' I said as I tried to get closer to him, to make him continue giving me such intense pleasure, 'Everything.'

'Everything? So if I chained you to my bed and fucked you all night?' he asked as he inserted another finger making my body thrash in pleasure, 'Or what if I took you on every flat surface in this flat? In a car? in public?'

All the suggestions of where he was going to fuck me had me tightening my hold on him and bucking my hips to meet his thrusting fingers, Oh god, this felt so good. The euphoria was similar to having chocolate after a really bad day multiplied. I moaned in agreement as I felt a familiar build up beginning at the bottom of my stomach.

'I want to hear you say me name, say it,' Alex ordered as he sped up, by now I had no control over my body, I was completely overwhelmed with pleasure, 'Say It! tell me who you belong to!'

'You, Alex! oh my god! Alex!' I cried out as I finally found my release, my grip on his shoulders only then beginning to loosen. Panting I closed my eyes so that I could try and find some peace as my body still hummed from the intense orgasm I had just received.

'What about up the ass?' he finally whispered.