chapter 31

Louise's point of view*

I felt my body freeze with shock.

What did he just say?

it took a while for the sound of laughter to reach my ears before it registered in my brain that he was joking, as soon as the realisation set in, i turned myself away form the idiot scowling as he made fun of me.

'im sorry pumpkin but i needed to shock you sober, your too drunk and im not going to take advantage of you,' he said chuckling softly before moving away from me.

i refused to look at him, to be honest, i was not as drunk as i was earlier, his kisses had seen to that. i felt my face heat up as i remembered everything i had let him do and the words that had escaped my mouth. with a groan, i bashed my face into my pillow several times, momentarily forgeting Alex was still with me.

i felt him slide into the bed a second before i was encased with the warmth of the duvet.

'what do you think your doing?' i grumbled as his arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me so i was flushed against his chest which i barely registered as being naked

'ensuring you dont get sick in the middle of the night and choke to death,' he whispered into my ears as he drew soft patterns onto my belly, 'now go to sleep.'

i wanted to protest, how was i supposed to go to sleep when i could feel his fingers exploring my body leaving a trail of tingling skin, but i found myself slowly drifting off, my world darkening as i succumbed to the arms of sleep.


I woke up feeling unbelievably comfortable. it was like i had gone to sleep on feathers and clouds. i felt all warm and fuzzy and snuggled towards the source of the heat when i felt it tighten its arms around me and let out a low groan.

opening my eyes slightly, i raised my head to look at the owner only to shut them again and burrow my head onto my pillow. it was like some gremline had decided that it would be a good idea to take a sledgehammer to my head.

'I take it the hangovers hit?' i heard Alex's voice chuckled, it was then i remembered last night

'Yep as well as all my memories ugh,' i pouted, 'can we pretend that last night did not happen please?

'Now why would i do that when it was so much fun,' Alex chuckled as he hoisted my body up so that i was lying fully on him, 'especially since its going to be happening again.'

I wanted to argue honestly i did but i was just too damn comfortable and he smelt so nice. I buried my face in his neck and inhaled his intoxicating scent as i tried to stop the rampage going on in my head.

'You seem to have found your spot, but sorry to break it to you but we have to go to the office in an hour,' i heard him say apologetically. I didnt want to go but forced myself up into a sitting position so i was straddling him before pouting.

It all happened so quick, one second i was straddling him rubbing sleep out my face and the other i found myself flat on back recieving the hottest kiss ever in existence. My brain didnt have enough time to process what was happening before my body reacted and my legs clamped tightly around him my fingers running through his hair.

He ran his finger down my sides sending a jolt through my entire being so intense i had to take a breath.

'Your mine, now hurry and get changed' he growled into my ear before storming off somewhere leaving me in a daze.

It took me a while to regain my composure and berate myself for being so forward with my BOSS.

And i didnt even have the excuse of being drunk

I was going to have to face him everyday and work with him i had to be more careful about what i did from now on.

Realising i  didnt have a lot of time left to get ready, i quickly sniffed under my arms befor grabbing some wipes and quickly getting rid of last nights smell. Tossing on a pale pink suite set i quickly applied some light make up to hide the fact that i looked like death before dumping half my bottle of dry shampoo on my head and bolting out the door.

'Why do you look like someone poured flour over you?' Alex asked as soon as i reached the dining area earning a glare from me.

'Never mind heres your coffee the cars outside.'

Following him to the car i quickly spotted painkillers and grabbed two downing them with the coffee.

'How longs the meeting today? How many people is there going to be and how bad do you need the notes?' I asked.

'Its not that long we got most of it yesterday its more of a recap then we're free for a few days before we fly again.' He replied before answering his phone.

Rolling my eyes i leaned back against the seat and deciding i needed a quick nap i fell asleep.