
"Argh!" I grunted as I was hit by a speeding bludger, followed by another one. It's been three weeks since I started practicing my dodging and reaction time, and my progress has been very slow. My precognitive ability will be useless if I react late, that's why I set up my training starting with dodging bludgers and trying to accurately fire spells at them. I tried not to use too much movement when evading attacks so I will have some space to make a counterattack. This training requires determination since they can't be solved by magic, only training, and experience.

I am already fighting seven bludgers, but putting more will be very brutal for me. I also had the room conjure some moving targets to practice my accuracy and precision. The bludgers were quite intelligent too. When they realized they can't attack me alone, they decided to work together and hit me on both sides, making the training more difficult. Luckily, I still do physical training so my stamina and speed can keep up with the rapid bludgers.

I ducked at the incoming bludger before stepping aside to dodge another one. I turned around while firing a freezing spell to the bludger that was coming for my face. before moving around again to dodge the other one. When these bludgers worked together, they worked like a pack of wolves hunting together. They barely gave space for me to think and breathe. They are very unforgiving that they do not even care if you can't catch up with them.

A couple of spells later, I made the last bludger explode into pieces. I flopped on the ground after that, sweating and panting heavily.

'I must say, you're doing it quite nicely for a beginner.' The Grim praised.

'Yeah, I have to quickly get used to my ring. It can't help me at all if my senses can't keep up with the precognitive flashes.' I spoke.

After a few more minutes, it was finally dinner. I cleaned myself before going down the hall to eat supper. Things have been normal in Hogwarts for now, but I know Quirrelmort will move soon. I've actually seen the golden trio once when I helped Mr. Filch patrol occasionally in the corridor, but I just let them do what they want. I only catch those upper years who like to do something fun during the night, especially couples. When I spot them, I just let Mr. Filch notice them and let him do his work.

With a full stomach, I continued upstairs to resume my training. We won't be hunting for the night, as the residents are becoming more dangerous. Those weak creatures allied themselves with other weak monsters to ensure their survival from our slaughter. The Acromantulas are actually very quick to reproduce, so there's no worry about them going extinct. Unless I want Aragog to come out of his cave and go on a rampage in revenge.

I decided to step up the training and put another two bludgers for training. They are very fast and hard to hit, that's why they were the perfect targets for me to practice on. My goal is to practice until I can fight 10 bludgers at once. After that, I'll create another room to increase the difficulty of my training. I was thinking of recreating the X-men's Danger Room. I plan for the room to conjure dummies that can use simple but different spells, and make them fire at me. I'll have to not only dodge, but also parry, deflect spells, and do counterattack. Then the spells will become dangerous and the pace will increase the more difficult the I make the training is.

'I hope I don't become a masochist for this.'

I thought as I released 9 bludgers that circle around the room first before they all focused on me. It seems they had a silent communication that they decided to work together.

They didn't hesitate and they all launched at me. I ducked, turned, rolled, and even launched slowing spells just to impede their attacks, but they are very ruthless. I was forced to do multitasking as each hand has different spells fired to the bludgers. One hit me on my back, which was painful as hell. But I ignored the pain and continued dodging them all. I even caught one with my telekinesis and crushed it, but that didn't deter them at all. Instead, they became faster and harder to see. If I didn't know, I would say someone put a horrible curse on them. I kept my mind intact as the rings flashed different images. I quickly dodged out of the way of each attack and returned with an Immobulus charm and a wandless freezing spell.

'5 down, 4 to go.'

Eventually, the bludgers were all destroyed. They actually made me go all out. Meaning, I still have many rooms for improvement, but I think I'm doing well. The worst thing that may happen to me is broken bones and a bruised up body that will most probably end up in Madam Pomfrey's hospital again. I don't want to be punished again.

I stood up, done for the night, and went back to my dorm. I brewed a healing potion and drank. A few Restorarmus later, I am ready to go back. I plan on training with the nine bludgers until I'm comfortable enough to move on to the next level.

I also studied a lot of books about dueling. The stances, proper etiquette, even the rules of the dueling sport was not spared. I learned a lot, but it's not enough compared to the lectures that I might receive from Professor Flitwick. I'll still have to wait until next year for that though.

I've also always kept a pouch for potions with me. I can never expect what to happen whenever we go to the Forbidden forest. It has been quite some time since I last went there. I think the creatures there have started to calm down too. They must have become agitated because of our late adventures.

It's when Harry Potter, his friends, and one Draco Malfoy received detention from Professor McGonagall, and she requested Mr. Filch's presence. So being a helper I am, I was forced to go with him to meet with the others. Must be that time when they'll have to go inside the forest, but what does it have to do with me? Good thing I'm only tangled with them a few times. But those times were annoying as hell. With Ron being a jerk, and Harry being too... Damn it, I can't even hate him. I know he's too deprived of care and love, but he needed to find good friends at least. He got Draco right, but Ron was not exactly the ideal choice either. If I was him, I'd rather choose Hermione and Neville. Neville's loyal and brave, even though he's shy as a deer. Hermione may be too bossy, but she has a good heart.

"Good evening, Mr. Filch, and to you too as well Mr. Grindelwald." The cat professor said. I saw the four of them and just nodded. They are quite curious how did I end up with Mr. Filch. I actually quite like working there too. There's lots of stuff stuck inside of his storage room. Aside from the storage within the Room of Requirement.

" Good evening, Professor." I politely said as McGonagall continued her business with Filch. After their talk, we brought the four towards Hagrid who was standing beside his hut, sobbing. They must've taken the little dragon then.

Filch talked about how brutal the punishments were back in his days. And the four children looked horrified at that. I was faring better since I already knew that from the movies and books.

Finch talked to Hagrid and how they have to help him with something weird happening inside the forest. He didn't make me go with them, so we just went back to the castle. He quickly dismissed though and went in for the night.

Logan and I knew about it too. Apparently, someone has been attacking the unicorns, which was a very big taboo inside the wizarding world. Unicorns are the purest of creatures and killing them was one of the worst crimes one could ever commit to a magical creature. Even centaurs asked us in one of our hunts, but they let us be when they realized we were not connected to the attacks. They just advised us to tone the hunt a bit because the creatures were beginning to be agitated. Well, we haven't attacked them for a few weeks, so the situation must have calmed down a bit already. Also, unlike the books and movies, there has been no unicorn killed since the monsters didn't lower their guard, even during the night. So it was very difficult to enter the forest during that time. So my interfering with Voldemort might bring a few unexpected things. What would it be then? The only time he can consume unicorn blood would be now since the monsters have already calmed down, but he would be very weak if he decides to do that. He's very weak and afraid of death, so he must be feeling very desperate to live then!

'Fuck, what have I done?'

I quickly called Logan. He already heard my thoughts so I just prepared my utility pouch and rode him. We transported into the silent forest as we surveyed the surroundings. It was very quiet until a loud neigh was heard.

'That must be the unicorn!' I thought as we rushed and tried to find the source. We found a unicorn moving with great difficulty as someone in a hood approached it. The unicorn was already bleeding, and the attacker already had some of the unicorn's blood when I cast a powerful Bombarda at him. He was flung to the rocks and some boom sounded. The wraith licked his hand covered with unicorn's blood very greedily. Then it's red eyes turned to me. I almost felt the chill when he stared at me with pure hatred at that, but I didn't stare since I know Voldemort was an accomplished Legillimens. I don't want to reveal too many cards for now. Fortunately, my Occlumency backed me up. I pushed down all of my fear and confronted Quirrelmort. The man didn't have his wand, but Voldemort is very proficient in wandless magic, so we exchanged spells at that. It was quite difficult because I am trying to protect the wounded unicorn. The wraith didn't say anything as we kept fighting. The man was very weak, but his spells are very strong. However, my first fight against Voldemort didn't last long. I lifted many rocks and attacked him using the Oppugno charm. There was another explosion and smoke erupted due to the attack. When the smoke dissipated, the figure was long gone so I turned my attention to the bleeding unicorn. I made it drink a lot of healing potions before closing up the wounds. Then, I called Logan who was hiding for a while. I didn't want him to be revealed so early, so I have to do all the work myself. The Grim didn't like my decision, but it was very important for both of us, so he relented.

Harry and the rest of his companions ran towards here the moment they heard the explosion. They were running when they saw flashes of light within the forest, so they ran faster.

Some of the centaurs managed to reach me before the others, so I explained to them what happened. They even found the unicorn lying on the ground weakly, but slowly healing and they thanked me for saving that one. They say it was the vilest act to consume a unicorn's blood. They let me go as they tended the unicorn and healed it properly. What I gave was just a first aid after all.

Harry, Draco, and Fang are mostly here, so I immediately rode Logan and vanished into the darkness. I realized that Voldemort was very powerful even if he was severely weakened, and that made me think. I still lack in a lot of areas, and I'm very weak. But it won't last long as I will step up my training and become strong enough to face him. His wandless magic proved himself to be a very powerful wizard, so that thought humbled me a lot.

I just went to sleep that night both exhausted and excited. I'll face him in the far future, so I have a lot of time to get stronger.