End of School Year

It's been months since my first encounter with Voldemort, and that was the first time I faced an incredibly competent wizard. Not that I can duel with the professors, of course. But that battle showed me that I am like a frog sitting at the bottom of a well. I am painfully weak compared to the likes of him, and I still have many things to learn. Those thoughts boosted my motivation that my progress in both dueling and knowledge of spells increased rapidly. It's almost June, and my determination to get stronger took me to heights.

I can now handle five dummies casting different intermediate-level spells. But I have difficulty fighting dummies that can cast curses because Dark Magic is very unpredictable and tricky to deal with. When I started the dummy training, I started with battling dummies that fire jinxes and hexes. That training course taught me to clear my mind and think very carefully. Even a simple jinx or hex can be very crucial in battle and may cost your life if careless. After I learned how to handle one dummy, I stepped up the level and fought multiple dummies. I was flung across the room nearly every time. The only thing that saves me is my ring, but I know I should never depend my life on it, so I sometimes practice without using my ring.

When I was done, I moved on to fighting dummies that mixed basic charms, jinxes, and hexes. I did the same thing with them. I removed my ring and combated without my precognitive ability, and boy was that very hard. It took me almost a month to deal with them without being injured. I think I just got better at parrying and dodging the spells.

Then the next stage was adding intermediate spells to the dummy. That was the next hardest training course in my life next to my grandfather's lessons. I almost went to class injured! Good thing I have my potions and my Restorarmus spell. That saved my life from being berated by the professors again.

In matters within the school, my friendship with Daphne was unfortunately found out by the Slytherins. So the slimy snakes they are, they tried to introduce themselves to me. I don't even know why never bothered in the Year End party. Only their parents introduced themselves to me.

Eventually though I was found by Draco and his gang. Me being connected to Lucius, I decided to entertain his son's request. Draco, being the heir, approached me and offered some kind of allegiance. Of course, I accepted it as I know we'll have to work together in the future. In the end, Draco basically made himself my right hand man at his own convenience. He acted as my second in command, which was very amusing for me. I got odd looks when people noticed that Draco and his goons were following me, especially the golden trio. They can't understand the fact that Draco answers to me. Some people even thought of me as the snake in the raven's nest. But the more intelligent concluded that I have some power to have connections with the Malfoys. Of course, the name Grindelwald holds a certain weight even within the pureblood houses. That's why even the heirs took me seriously.

Leaving the politics aside, I am very much connected with Logan now. By fighting together in the forest, we now knew what move the other one make will make. Our every movement synchronizes that our teamwork is almost unstoppable. Of course, I still need to keep up with Logan. He's been hunting monsters and humans alike for millennia, and I'll just hold him back if I don't perform well.

Sometimes we change our formation when hunting just for practice. I take the frontline to bombard monsters with spells while Logan kills anyone who dares to go near our zone and finish off enemies that I missed. Although we don't hunt that much anymore. I told him that I have to work on my skills because I suck absolutely. I hate holding him back just because of me. We're equals, and one's gap should be fulfilled by the other. That's why I am determined to catch up so we can fight properly.

Also, I'm almost finished with my detention with Filch. The man already knows me well. I am actually the only student he bothered knowing in his whole life in Hogwarts. The time with the old man was quite fun too, and Mrs. Norris seemed to like me more than the other students she catches in the corridor. I'm actually very thankful that I had detention with him because I found a rare treasure in there. I named it The Ring of Perception.

The Ring of Perception is a ring that makes one's senses aware of what's coming through a flash of an image in his or her mind. Though not able to see much, it allows the person to see two seconds into the future. The ring may look useless, but it is very important for anyone who lives to fight, or those with a dangerous profession. This ring will allow a fighter to predict his opponent's move and even survive an unexpected attack. The ring could be useful research for doing something related to predicting or having a glimpse of the future. But grandfather told me to never mess with time again. The Restorarmus spell is already risky because I am rewinding time, and there's a reason time turners are heavily guarded by the Ministry.


'Didn't know the Room has sadistic tendencies.' I panted as I deflected another spell back to a dummy. I'm currently inside of the Room, training with mannequins. It's almost the end of the school year and if I'm not mistaken, Harry and his duo are near to the end of their quest. I have no plans on helping them, so I just mentally offered them good luck. They're the heroes after all. The Quidditch team also decided to tone down their training since it's almost vacation, and the senior members will be leaving soon. Naturally, Cho and I decided to talk more. I'm just listening to her since I don't have much to share, and I'm a fool if I tell her my adventures for the whole year. She already knew Logan. Fell in love the moment she met him. Logan hates her since she kept bugging him, so he just runs away from her. When she catches him though, she always carries him in her arms. Logan said that insulted him by treating him like a puppy, and it hurt his pride as the Grim. Not that I took him away from Cho since she would kill me if I do. So I am just there laughing at his misery.

Cho mentioned my books in our conversations. She said it was a huge help since she improved so much after her loss against Harry. After the match, Professor Flitwick was very impressed with her. So he bought her a Nimbus 2000 too. At first, Cho was very hesitant to accept Flitwick's gift. But the chance to win the Quidditch Cup was very tempting, so she accepted it although reluctantly. The professor just said that it was fair that he gave his student a broom since Professor McGonagall did the same with Harry. I guess Professor Flitwick still has the competitive spirit he had when he was the dueling champion. So that's why Ravenclaw won quickly against Hufflepuff at that time. Cho is riding on a new broom. Combined with her skills, she's practically the Queen of the field. Though I can say Cedric was a very capable seeker too. Made Cho work her way to victory even with an inferior broom. I guess the House Heads just have to motivate their teams. By next year, I think the games will be more intense.

A few days passed, and the whole school student went into an uproar. Rumors and stories about Harry filled the whole school. Some said that he defeated a huge monster kept inside the third floor corridor. Some even speculated he defeated Quirrel which turned out to be You-Know-Who. The rumors distorted the real story so much I didn't bother listening to them again. That's also why you can never trust Gryffindors with secrets. They can't keep their lips sealed and they are very loud. No wonder Hermione is always in the library. She can't have the space to study in peace because of her body housemates.

Harry's still in the hospital wing, so people can't interrogate him. They turned their questioning to the other two. Ron repeated the story about how they burned a huge plant monster, open a door with millions of keys inside the room, and his heroic sacrifice during the chess game. If I haven't watched the movie, I would've thought that the story was too unbelievable to be real from the way Ron told the story dramatically.

When Harry recovered and got outside the Hospital though, he was bombarded with the same questions. He told his own version of the story to his housemates, which was the actual truth and without the dramatic effect. The others became a bit disappointed of course. Ron's story was more awesome since it sounded more magical than Harry's version, and it sounded like the truth to them. They didn't ride dragons to light up the devil snare for Merlin's sake!

The stories may have livened up the castle, but the excitement didn't die down since it's almost the end of the year. That means the winner of the House Cup will be announced soon.

All of the students were seated in their respective houses, and the whole hall was decorated in banners with Slytherin's logo. It's obvious for the students who the winner is.

'Sorry to disappoint you all, but Dumbledore will just do what they call a pro gamer move.' I smirked.

My house was placed in second in the rankings and Gryffindor at the bottom. Their table sounded quiet because of that.

On the other side, the whole Slytherin house had a joyful atmosphere. The members of the house chatting with each other. Well, they won the House Cup, they will obviously celebrate. Even the usual stoic faced Daphne has her face softened a bit.

Then, Dumbledore made a speech before announcing the winner. Shortly after that, the Headmaster counted the scores that each house has. With Gryffindor being the last, followed by Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, then Slytherin being the first place. The table of the house of snakes celebrated before Dumbledore talked some more. I smirked at that.

"However, recent events must be taken into account. I may have a last few minute points to award." He said as my smirk only grew.

"To Ms. Hermione Granger. The cool use of intellect while others are in grave peril, 50 points." He said as many students whistled. Some of the other houses, especially Hufflepuffs grumbled at that. Some of the Slytherins were now frowning too.

"Second, to Mr. Ronald Weasley. For the best played game of chess that Hogwarts has seen this many years, 50 points." The lions roared at that while some of the other students silently complained. Even my house found it ridiculous and unfair. The Hufflepuff had it worse though. Being the house of fairness, this unfairness showed by the Headmaster left them frowning and annoyed.

"And third, to Mr. Harry Potter..." The headmaster started.

"For merely existing, I award you the House Cup," I said a little bit loud. Cho punched my arm and giggled at that. Even some of my housemates heard it and laughed too.

"For pure love and outstanding courage, I award Gryffindor house 60 points." The hall cheered up a bit even if the Headmaster basically cheated them to tie with Slytherin. He's the hero after all.

"And finally, it takes a great deal of bravery to stand to your enemies. But a great deal more to stand up to your friends. I award ten points, to Mr. Neville Longbottom." The House of Lions was now celebrating loudly as they won the House Cup, with many cheering Neville for the tie-breaker.

I just laughed at all of that. I knew we will never win the House Cup, so I just enjoyed the other students' reactions as the Headmaster announced the winner of the House Cup. Well, it's already the end of the school year. I'm still a minor, so I can't still do the things inside my plan, so I will be spending my time inside the mansion improving myself and creating some spells. I can go all out there since the house was hidden from the world. I won't be lonely since Gorbey's with me. I can even explore different places with Logan. He's fast enough to move from one country to another in a short time. Gorbey to be lonely inside the manor, so might as well buy one more elf so he can at least has a companion with him. He sure will love that.

While going to the station, Cho suddenly asked me.

"Where's the manor you're staying at? We can at least write to each other you know?"

"Well, the manor is under heavy protection, so I won't be able to receive letters from other owls. Although I can send mine to write letters." I explained.

"Well, remember to write to me alright?" She requested.

"I'll... try?" I said, unsure.

"Fred..." Cho said in that same tone again and I'm sure that tone has a lot of implications.

"...Fine." I gave a resigned sigh at that.

"Weekly?" She asked.

"Weekly," I said weakly. I can just not win against this girl.

"See you next year Fred," Cho said.

"Why don't you sit with me inside the train? I'm sure Hermione and Neville won't mind. Besides, your friends suck." I offered her.

"Did you just mock my friends?" Cho said in disbelief.

"I'm telling facts here and not because I don't like them... maybe a little," I admitted.

"I-I don't know Fred. They've been with me since last year." Cho said.

"Come on. You can even make more friends there. You can't be just stuck with that group of yours." I said while my fingers gesture an apostrophe in the air.

"So now you're lecturing me now about friends?" She said while chuckling.

"Yeah, I'm taking you away from those pretentious friends of yours," I said while I pulled her with me towards the train. She didn't even resist and just allowed herself to be dragged inside.

"I won't win this argument, will I?" Cho said.

"Yes. Besides, I'm not even telling you to stay away from your friends. I'm just suggesting that you should make more friends."

"But I won't see them for the whole break." She said.

"Well, you can just talk to them first so they will know why you disappeared," I spoke.

"Alright," Cho said as we moved towards her friends' cabin. When she told them about our plan, her friends glared at me while I just smiled at them. I know they didn't like me, that's why I never bothered talking to them at all. We shortly roamed the train to find Hermione and Neville. Unsurprisingly, Harry and Ron were also there.

"It seems the stars of the House Cup are all here," I said to them. Ron and Harry were both surprised to see me there. Hermione just rolled her eyes at my antics, and Neville was being Neville.

"What are you doing here Fred?" Hermione questioned.

"Why is that always the first thing that you ask whenever we meet Hermione? You're breaking my heart. I even gave you that holster as a sign of friendship." I spoke while putting my heart to my chest, pretending to be hurt.

"Who's that girl with you Fred? Is she your girlfriend?" Neville asked innocently.

"Why hello there Neville, and no she's not. Cho, you knew already about these four, but I'll introduce them to you anyway. That bushy-haired girl is Hermione Granger..."


"That red-haired boy with an emotional range of teaspoon is Ron Weasley..." I pointed to the kid with dirt on his face.


"That four-eyed boy over there is Harry Potter." My finger pointed to the Boy-Who-Lived.


"And that shy little guy over there is Neville Longbottom."


"Everyone, she is Cho Chang. She's one year older than us. Harry, you already met her in your first Quidditch match right?" I introduced her to everyone in the cabin while Harry was nodding. He certainly remembered that girl. Gave him a lot of work to catch the snitch even if he already has the Nimbus broom.

"I know you! You're the Ravenclaw seeker! You were very brilliant back there!" Ron recognized her. Of course, Ron was a big fan of Quidditch so he recognized Cho quickly.

"Thank you, but Fred here was the one who taught me how to fly and do those turns you see," Cho replied shyly. She can never get used to being praised.

"Fred? He can't even touch a broom!" Ron argued and laughed.

"I told you no one will believe you," I whispered to Cho. She just chuckled at that. I am not surprised Harry didn't feel love at first sight with Cho. Puberty hasn't hit him yet.

We entered the cabin and sat beside Neville. We had a fun talk, especially Cho and Hermione. Hermione was quite happy and relieved that there was now one more girl inside the group. Being the only female must have made her a bit lonely. They hit it off quite well since they are both bookworms, and they have a lot of similar interests. Harry and Ron were very surprised at that.

"What are your plans for the break Neville? Any party I should be aware of?" I asked him. The last time I spoke about that, Draco suddenly appeared in front of the cabin and gave me an invitation letter. It will be very funny if it happened again.

"There's none actually. I think I'll spend the whole break just inside the house. What about you?" He asked.

"I don't actually know. There's not much to do inside the mansion." Logan and I already agreed that we'll roam the forests of Europe filled with monsters to continue our hunt.

"I thought you're living inside the orphanage?" Ron asked.

"Well, the Grindelwald family decided to claim and declare me the heir. So, I am officially adopted." I said. I can't actually lie here. Neville knew I attended the Year End party, how was I even able to attend if I'm living inside the orphanage? Of course, I omitted facts like the location of my mansion or the fact that I have no guardian at all.

"It's actually quite brilliant, you know? The house I'm in has a lot of books, and I can use magic there since it's a magical house." I said. Harry and Hermione looked envious at that. Of course, they live in a muggle house. They can't possibly use magic without being detected by the Ministry. Although I have a lot of books, most of them contained dark magic. Not that I'll tell them of course.

"Can you invite us there Fred?" Neville asked. All of them looked excited at that, except Cho. I already told her that I can't invite guests inside the house.

"Sorry, Neville but I can't. Grandfather was still the Head of the house even if he's imprisoned." I explained. Neville looked a bit sad on that?

"Why can't you" Harry finally spoke.

"I don't know about Ron, but most of the purebloods' mansions put up protection wards to prevent unwanted guests. The head of the house is the only one who can choose people that can come inside his house. Since my grandfather is still the Head house, the magic inside the wards will only follow his orders." I explained. Hermione and Harry were surprised by the information since they only entered the wizarding world recently.

"How did you know all of that when you're just like us?" Harry asked. He has a point, I was an orphan before I became the heir.

"My house elf told me." I just answered them.

"House elf?" Hermione asked this time.

"It's like a housemaid, but they're smaller and have magic. Also, they are bound to their masters and can never leave them." I explained. Hermione looked horrified at that. Growing up inside the muggle world, the idea of slavery is a taboo for her.

"How can you not know them? There were a lot inside the school!" That fact shocked them.

"What? Where?" Harry asked.

"Honestly, do you even bother exploring the whole castle? Do you even know who cooks your food and keeps the castle clean?" That made them wonder.

"I thought Dumbledore just makes the food appear from nowhere just like during feasts," Ron said.

"Those are the elves' magic, Ron. Dumbledore just sends some sort of signal so they can make the food appear on the table."

"Well, Gorbey is quite lively though. He likes doing chores and helping me. He actually feels distressed if he has nothing to do." I clarified.

We talked more for the rest of the ride. Neville even joined the boys' conversation while the girls conversed. They will really be good friends. I just hope Cho will realize how bad her friends are, and she's being influenced by them. As a good friend, it shall be my responsibility to help her.

Logan decided to appear inside my robes at that, so I brought him out and introduced him to the others. The girls quickly snatched him away, while the boys wondered how a dog appeared inside my robes. The Grim growled at me when I gave him away, but I ignored him. I just watched him being played like a puppy.

We disembarked the train when it reached the station. They promised each other to write letters, except Ron and I. Ron never writes letters since he's lazy and my mansion prevents anyone from delivering anything. But Cho reminded me of my promise, so I just nodded. I was very happy for her since she found a friend in Hermione and the others, and she was thankful that I took her away from her friends.

Once I separated from the group, I left the station with Logan and went to an alley. There I rode him and we vanished into the shadows. I just showed him the image of the mansion before we travelling there.

We landed in front of the mansion and met with Gorbey who was just outside the house.

"Hello, Gorbey." I greeted the elf.

"Welcome home, Young Master." The house elf greeted back as he took my trunk. We walked inside the manor as I formed plans for the summer break.