Chapter 1: Pilot

I ran as fast as I could over the slick gym floor, the harsh bright lights blinded me. I knew what I could get if I beat my record. They... had screwed me up. They... had screwed all of us up. And we didn't even know it. I pushed myself to run even faster, I beat my record by 23 seconds.

"Number 7-777."My tag echoed throughout the gym.

A tag was what we were given in place of a name. We weren't supposed to be given real names, it was a rule that was strictly enforced. For if they named us, attachment was sure to follow. But she had given me a name anyway. Kaiser... It meant king. Everyone knew who I was...And I was hated for having a name. My grey eyes stared ahead blankly, looking at nothing in particular as my body moved without my thinking towards the reinforced steel doors.

The soldiers stood at attention, not bothering to look at me as they guarded the door. It was a show of power. Even with our abilities, they didn't need use of military. We were their guinea pigs. This was their way of asserting dominance over us. They had warped our minds with drugs and tests, twisted us beyond what any person could endure, they poked and they prodded. I was an abnormality among Abnormals. I was classified as a Class 7 Tank. Seven meant perfection and I was just what they wanted. I was their perfect little pawn with the strength of a queen and to them I was as important as a king. That's why I was allowed to be given a name. I stood at 6'6". I am 20 years grown.

A Tank is a term given to one who has enormous power and potential, that is able to be controlled. There are 10 classes. Anything over 7 is considered to be too powerful to handle and too uncontrollable. Generally those over 7 are put down. However it is said that the lab has a Class 10 Alpha. The most powerful of all, with power that surpasses even a Class 7 Tank. I was considered perfect because I am able to be controlled and still produce enormous power. I was branded with the mark of three black crosses under my left eye. I had pale skin and long jet black hair that went past my shoulders to the middle of my back. I hadn't realized I was just standing there staring through the open door, until a soldier pushed me grunting "Get a move on." I towered over the guards, but they weren't afraid to push us around. I had a shock collar, with an explosive implanted into it as well as a poison that could be released within minutes. A chill ran up and down my spine as my bare feet came into contact with the cold metal floor.

"Kaiser."A woman said gingerly, beckoning me into her large lab. "Sit there if you will."she didn't look up from her clipboard.

She was 5'11" and thin, a petite thin, a thin that seemed as if she was liable to break in half at any moment. She had blonde hair that sat at the nape of her neck in a tight bun and wore round black glasses with a lab coat that fit well on her small frame.

"Another test."I stared up at her from the icy steel chair. Four soldiers surrounded me, securing the restraints.

"That'll be all gentleman."She continued scrutinizing her clipboard. She knew that she was beautiful and she had the melodic, sweet voice to match. She was 28 years old. Once the guards had exited the lab, she looked up at me with sharp, piercing ocean blue eyes.

"Are you gonna leave me here forever Maria?"I smirked.

She smiled, walking over to the door, putting in the definite passcode to make sure we remained alone.

"It's been a while hasn't it Kai.."The way she said my name was so erotic, it excited me. She bit her lip, looking out from her round glasses. Straddling me, she cupped my face, planting a passionate kiss on my lips. I kissed her back, my muscles tightened as I fought against the restraints. I wanted to dominant her, but I couldn't. I didn't know how I felt about her, but I loved the sensation she gave me. I loved the pleasure I got from whatever it was we were doing. The Abnormals were raised with minimal contact so to be stimulated in such a manner was almost cruel.

"I love you Kai."she whispered, her warm, subtle lips grazed my ear. She got off of me, pulling down her black skirt, flattening it against her small thighs.

I stared at her, "Still not going to say it back..."Maria let out a small sigh, she seemed disappointed.

"You know I don't know what love is. I'm not like you. When I feel it, I'll know."I said slightly embittered, she was selfish in her attempt to get me to love her. She wanted it to be her and I think I wanted it to be her, but it just wasn't. We don't know what love is until we meet our one. Until we meet them whatever we think love is is just twisted and nothing like the real thing.

"You aren't my Sublime."I said firmly. A Sublime was the name for the mate of an Abnormal. When Abnormals find their mate, it is said to be such a strong feeling that it ties them together forever, they become one and the love they share is said to be unconditional and irreversible, really unable to be described by any words. A bond that could never be broken. An indescribable tie that bound two into one. Seldom was it that a human was a Sublime. It wasn't allowed. So even if a human was a Sublime, the human was generally kept from the Abnormal, unless it was for experimentation.

"Now to get on with the tests."She sighed, looking hurt.

I laid there on the long chair, I felt as though I should feel bad, but I didn't. I did not love her. She used me as much as I used her. It was a mutually beneficial transaction. Everything I knew about my condition was because of her. The labs, the purpose of these experiments, all because of Maria.

She stuck a needle into my neck and one into my arm.

"This will hurt a lot.."She looked pained by what she was doing to me. I think she loved me, but her feelings would never be reproached.

She flipped a switch and a black liquid began rushing through the tube connected to the needles. As soon as the liquid hit my blood I started to scream in agony. My mouth began to foam and my eyes began to bleed. I screamed louder, this pain was worse than being forced to complete Experiment 104. My screeches bounced off the walls and my body began convulsing. A pain unlike any I had ever felt penetrated my body. Maria watched as my jet black hair turned snow white from the trauma, she diligently took notes on her clipboard as to how long I lasted the treatment and how it affected me.

It felt like an eternity, before finally everything went black. I saw a light at the end of a tunnel, I walked towards the light, then I heard the screams of Maria.

"Wake up!"

"Come back!"

Then I felt a pull, the light got further and further away. I began racing towards it, but no matter how hard I tried, the light kept getting farther away. I felt that I was being sucked back into my body.

I opened my eyes, gasping for air.

"Kaiser..."She sighed in relief, her eyes were red and her face stained with tears.

"We did it..."she paused, looking astonished. "We brought a Class 7 Tank back to life."she whispered in awe.