Chapter 2: Deadman Walking

I was shackled, chained, cuffed and muzzled. They say if an Abnormal dies and comes to life their power will be doubled. My eyes latched onto Maria with a desolate stare. My head was fuzzy and I had a splitting migraine that blurred my vision. I suddenly remembered that there was not only one light but two lights. One with blue flames that threatened to devour me alive for all eternity. The other was warm and gentle and promised to care for me forever.

The soldiers led me through the bright, empty white halls, the light beamed down harshly on me.

The floor was cold, the only sound that could be heard was that of my heavy, bare feet slapping against it and the quiet sound of the soldiers boots. Normally I wouldn't let myself make a sound as I'd already been put through stealth training, but I was exhausted. My now pure white hair fell over my eyes, I was forced to trust the soldiers to lead me for I couldn't see.

I was pushed into a room and my body fell onto the ground. I felt so weak. I hated it. I was still in bondage so I couldn't move. There was a long pause of silence.

"Kaiser..."A man's voice bounced off the walls, it was a voice unlike any I've heard. It was an authoritive voice. It was a voice that was laced with evil.

"Experiment 7-777."

I felt my body being lifted by my hair. Soon a malicious looking man in a black trench coat was staring at me through fiery blood red eyes. His stare sent chills racing up and back down my spine. This was the first time in a long time that I had felt genuine fear. His stare was one that could stop a giant in his steps.

"So this is the Deadman.."He whispered to himself, taking in all of my features.

"He sure is a pretty one."He chuckled to himself.

"Yes sir, he is indeed very handsome."a woman's voice sprang out from somewhere behind me.

"Even his branding is pretty."He said more to himself than to the woman.

"Yes sir and fitting don't you think?"She said attentively. "The mark of three crosses."

He nodded his head.

"Get him a hair cut."He bellowed. "Get him a shower. Get him some new clothes. Then have him sent back here for indoctrination."

'Indoctrination?'I wondered to myself. I also wondered what the hell was a Deadman.

I was hoisted up into the air, my body was still paralyzed. I hadn't known why at the time, but looking back, it was because of who that man was, they released a paralysis on me to keep me from harming him.

I was strapped down to a chair with a petal beneath it, then a man in an apron came at me with scissors. I struggled, jolting to try and get away.

"Kaiser..."he said gently. I ceased struggling so much to listen. "I'm not going to hurt you." Then I stopped struggling entirely.

My long white hair was cut down short to behind my ears. I was cut bangs as well. I felt I could hardly recognized myself, but I doubt they cared about that. All they cared about was that I had died and come back to life, which is why I assumed they called me a Deadman. I was right. After my shower I was led down a corridor with lights so strong they tore into my eyes brutally, then taken to a bright room filled with clothes.

"Let him pick whatever he wants to."the same woman's voice commanded the guards, who hesitated to let me go.

"Boss's orders."She said firmly, as if that would make them comply. Immediately they took off my shackles and chains and cuffs, but they left the muzzle on.

I could take them. I could escape, but I didn't because the collar could have me killed within minutes. But that meant I still had minutes to try and escape. Dying via trying was better than just surviving in this place.

But I didn't take that chance. I looked at the woman. She had silver hair and ferocious light green eyes that threatened to kill. She looked around 27. She was beautiful as well. Almost on par with Maria, maybe even at the same level. She stood at maybe 5'8".

I took this opportunity to look around. I stretched my body, which was still numb from the paralysis. But I could move and my limbs wouldn't fail me. I had been put through that training as well, how to withstand poisons and paralysis, however the lab used a different kind of poison and paralysis, one that we hadn't been trained to stand.

I walked to a long line of clothing on a metal rod.

"He moves so silently.."The solider on the right whispered to the one to the left.

"If I hadn't watched him move with my own eyes I would have thought he teleported."The one on the left stared at me. They both had their hands on their guns, ready to take aim and attempt to kill me at any moment. But I had a feeling that their bullets wouldn't, or rather couldn't harm me. Before, my body told me to fear being shot, but now it was as if my body was desensitized to it like it had been trained to endure it.

I saw a black hoodie with red roses on the sleeves and a black tank top, both with Gucci written across them. What the hell was a Gucci? I reached for them, taking them off of a hanger. I unbuttoned the black jumpsuit I had been wearing all my life. It was how they classed us off through color. I had worn black my entire existence, so it had come to be my favorite color. I took a black shoe that had a check on it. I looked at the tag, it read Air Force 1. I didn't know what that meant, but I liked the look of the shoe. Then I looked around for pants, then I noticed the hanger that had the tank top and hoodie had matching black pants. So I put those on. I looked around, maybe I could get new earrings here. I saw shimmering diamond earrings, so I pointed to them and the woman nodded her head. I walked up to the glass case that held them, then slid it open, taking out a variety of earrings. I took out my silver ball ones and put in their place the diamonds. Then I put earring cuffs on both my ears.

"Let's get a move on."She stood at straighter attention than the soldiers.

I ran over to her, looking down at her. She narrowed her eyes, scrutinizing me, she looked like she was thinking hard on something. The soldiers went to restrain me.

"Stop."She bit firmly. The soldiers immediately stopped, frozen in their positions.

"But Elaine, we have to restrain him."The soldier on the left sounded weary.

"If he wanted to escape he would have tried it."She said bitterly. "He's not going anywhere."

With that I was taken back to a room, I suppose it was the room that was where the man was.

"Kaiser."He smirked, stretching out his arms. I stood there, staring at him unsure of what he wanted.

"You don't recognize your own father?"He put on a face of hurt, but his eyes were malevolent.

He wrapped his arms around me. I shivered under his strong arms. I didn't understand this physical contact and it spiked my nerves.

"My son."He said quietly with a voice laced with happiness.