Chapter 5: His Friends

I stared at the ceiling of my cell room. The white lights were hatefully bright. I held Ambrosia in my arms, I would never let any harm come to her if I could do anything about it. She had bruises all over her, needle marks and cuts. It looks like she was fresh out of an experiment. It pained me to see her in this condition. My mind swam with thoughts of only her. I wondered what she sounded like, I wondered what she... A knock on the door interrupted my gradually more perverse thoughts.

"Kaiser."My friend Fenrir's voice was on the other side. I felt instantly territorial. I snarled at the thought of anyone coming close to my Ambrosia, then I remembered that Fenrir would understand, he was a Feral. A type of Abnormal. It mean he had animal blood coursing through his veins and that meant he possessed animalistic powers and physical traits.

"Come in."I grumbled grudgingly.

He opened the door and as usually he had his sleeves and shirt wrapped around his waist, revealing a chiseled six pack and muscular arms. His skin was the color of coffee beans. His large wolf ears stood at attention, his fluffy tail swayed behind him, his hands laid comfortably in his pockets. A white crescent moon commanded attention from it's place on his forehead. That was his branding.

"Who is that?"His ears twitched, waiting for an answer.

I sat on my bed with Ambrosia in my arms, staring at him.

"I knew I smelt another scent mixed in with yours."He stared at me nonchalantly, now of all times he chose to be patient?

"She is..."I narrowed my eyes, taking in every inch of Fenrir's familiar face, before I felt my glare soften.

"She is my Sublime."I couldn't help but smile. I had no business being so happy, but there I was.

Fenrir's fanged grin went from ear to ear and his tail began wagging. "Dude I'm so happy for you."He took a clawed hand out of his pocket. He moved his hand close to mine and I gave him a death stare and wrenched back ready to attack him if he came any closer to her. He sensed my hostility and withdrew his hand. He was a wolf, so he understood the necessity of territoriality. Instead of being offended or pissed off, he merely laughed.

"So having a Sublime is this intoxicating?"He laughed trying to catch his breath, he was hitting his knee.

I narrowed my eyes again, I didn't understand what was so funny. I didn't want anyone laying a hand on her, everything could be a threat to her. I think I was extra protective because she was unconscious and couldn't protect herself. Fenrir must have sensed my annoyance because he stopped laughing.

There was an awkward pause of silence, leaving only the gentle sway of Fenrir's tail to be heard. Normally he would be silent, but when we were alone, we let our guards down a little. We were allowed to be lax. I quickly changed the subject, after all he was still my friend. Some of us were allowed to have friends to see how we interact.


Fenrir's ears flattened and his tail stopped swaying. I guess I shouldn't have asked. There was another long pause before Fenrir spoke up.

"They..."His voice broke, he stood a minute to collect himself, but there was still a heart-wrenching expression on his face that pained me. "They took her."He finally managed to speak.

Fenrir and Stella weren't each other's Sublimes, but they loved each other very much. What they had went against the laws of Abnormals. Love before a Sublime was supposed to be twisted, but their love wasn't. They knew they weren't the destined one for each other. They knew they weren't each other's Sublimes. But they didn't care. They didn't care...

Fenrir sighed. Wolves were truly loyal. I understood him now, for I had a Sublime to love and care about.

"Stella is going through Experiment 83..."His voice cracked.

"Drug dependency again?"I wondered why they drugged Stella so much. Fenrir's metal collar blinked green. He nodded his head solemnly.

"What about Alistair?"I tried to change the subject again.

"He's probably in the garden."Fenrir's expression was really heart-breaking. I felt bad for him. I now knew what it was like to have something you wanted to keep safe so badly that you'd do anything for that person.

"Fenrir.."My grip on Ambrosia tightened, she turned over in my arms. She looked like a sleeping princess. She really was stunning.

Fenrir looked up at me through his stormy blue eyes.

"What is it Kaiser?"

"Go sniff out Alistair. I have something I need to talk to you guys about."I said slowly, unsure of if I would be able to comprehend what I was about to ask of them.

Fenrir nodded and ran off to find Alistair's scent. Within 10 minutes Fenrir was back with Alistair in his company. Alistair was a tall, lanky boy about 5'11", with strawberry blonde hair and dark brown eyes. Freckles were sprinkled over his pale skin. He was a Class 3 Type Communicator. I looked down at Ambrosia, I didn't want to let her go. I felt like I was losing a piece of my soul, but I reluctantly got up and set her on my bed. I took in a deep breath and looked down at my two friends.

"I wanna escape."