Chapter 6: Stella

I stared at the two of them. Alistair and Fenrir. They could out me and I could be put down. But I trusted them. I had faith in them.

"I want Stella to be free from this place."Fenrir's looked at the ground, then at me his eyes full of undying determination. "I'm in." His tail lashed furiously. Alistair stood there, looking at the ground

"Ally?"Fenrir put his hand on Alistair's shoulder.

"I don't know..."He said sheepishly, rubbing his arm. He didn't have a branding. Communicators weren't given brandings.

"We wouldn't be able to do it without you."Fenrir's tail wagged, I guess he was happy at the thought of escaping.

"You can speak to the walks and ask them where the soldiers are!"There was a wild look in his stormy dark blue eyes. "I'm getting Stella out of this place. Whether you help or not."His eyes narrowed.

"Stella isn't even your Sublime."Alistair said bitterly.

Fenrir growled, pinning Alistair against the wall. Normally they played like that, but even Alistair didn't know when to be sensitive. His tail lashed, he was furious.

"Fen..."I said, trying to soothe my friend, I knew that if Ally had said that to me about Ambrosia I'd be pissed too.

"Ally don't say stuff like that."I glared at him.

Alistair shrunk underneath my glare.

"I don't know... This place is all we know."Alistair's words disgusted me.

"How could you..."I was so mad and disgusted that I couldn't even get proper sentences out.

"I...I..."There was a long pause of silence, before Alistair spoke up.

"I'll think about it...That's the best I can do.."Alistair ran out, probably to the garden.

Fenrir watched as he ran out.

"He'll come around Fen."I looked down at him.

"I hope so...I don't know how we'd make it out without him."Fenrir's mind must have been drowning with thoughts of Stella.

"We can do it. We don't need him. He'd just make it a lot easier."I reassured him.

"Stella should be done now."I gave a gentle smile, "You should be there when she gets out."

"Will you come with me?"Fenrir looked overwhelmed, a look that was new on him.


I looked back at Ambrosia who lay peacefully sleeping on my bed. I followed Fenrir to the lab where drug dependency treatments were given.

Fenrir's tail wagged furiously, he was excited to see his chosen mate. Stella came out, looking decrepit. She tremored and shivered under a light blue blanket. She could barely walk, she fell forward but Fenrir caught her, he lifted her up, holding her close.

"Stella..."He looked utterly bewildered and filled with sorrow. She had a gentle beauty about her. She had long wavy blonde hair and eyes the color of the pool. She was skeletal, the experiments did that to her. Her branding was a black star under his right eye.

"Fenrir..."She coughed, her eyes fluttered.

"I'm here."He said gently.

"I...need..."She began weakly.

"Shhh.."He soothed, he knew what she craved, they made her dependent upon drugs because of her powers. She possessed Demonikinesis, the ability to manipulate Demons, half angel half devil creatures. As well as Asterokinesis, the ability to manipulate energy generated by stars. Those abilities needed to be controlled, as being able to manipulate Demons was incredible. She squirmed in Fenrir's strong arms, then began throwing up. Fenrir's bewilderment was quite evident.

He set her down, and began rubbing her back as she threw up on the white floors.

"Fen.."She cried weakly, between her retching.

"I need Kathotine."Her eyes filled with tears.

"They've been giving you wax?"Fenrir's mighty voice cracked. He was normally such a powerful presence, but this broke him.

She looked up at him with puppy eyes. Then her eye began to twitch, then like a rippling effect the rest of her body began to twitch.

I felt bad for her. Poor drug addicted animal.

"Stella."I walked up to her, "I want you to meet someone."

"M-my mouth!"she yelled, it was like she couldn't even see me, "It's salivating!"she began hyperventilating.

The paranoia had set in, when the drug would wear off she'd get like this and sometimes stay like this for lengths at a time. Her hyperventilating got more intense and she began to convulse. I felt intense pain for Fenrir, all he could do was watch as his chosen love was in so much distress. Fenrir, the Wolf, the one I'd known all my life, had a face of agony plastered to his face, his heart was liable to burst from sadness at any moment.

"Stella."His lip quivered.

She shook violently underneath his gentle grasp, she struggled, but she looked up at him. What happened next broke him I think. She put her small hand on his cheek, "Y..yes m-m-my love..."tears streamed down her cheeks.

It was almost enough to make a grown Abnormal cry...Almost, I refused to shed tears for that would show my disrespect for their love. It was the way of the Abnormal, or the way we were taught anyway.

"Stella..."he cooed quietly. "I'm here for you."he pulled her closer, hugging her, holding her on his chest.

She trembled again, holding onto him.

"I want her to meet Ambrosia."I smiled, Fenrir smiled weakly and picked her up. I led them to my cell room.

"Who is...that?"Stella said weakly, staring at Ambrosia.

"That's his Sublime, Stella."Fenrir smiled.

"This is Ambrosia."I couldn't help but smile when looking at her.

"She is gorgeous..."Stella smiled, her head twitched.

I felt for her. I couldn't even begin to imagine what it was like to have to be put through drug dependency treatments. By law I should have gone through those treatments, but it was beginning to make sense why I got special treatment. Being the son of Satan and all.

"Stella...We are going to escape..And you'll finally be free from all these tests..."Fenrir put his hand on Stella's cheek.

"What about Shira?"Stella looked as if she was going to cry.

"We take only those who we can trust."I wasn't going to jeopardize Ambrosia's chance at life.

"I know..."Stella began, before looking up at me from her place in Fenrir's arms. "But I've know Shira all my time. We can trust her. Plus her powers would be useful."

"Ok... Is there anyone else we can bring in the loop?"I stared at Fenrir.

"Phoebe and Titan."

"Ok, so tomorrow, we get Alistair's answer."I said calmly. "Then ask Phoebe, Titan, and Shira to join us."There was a pause, all three of us looked at each other. As if we were syncing our thoughts.

"Then it's settled..."