Chapter 9: The Trials Part 3

As our auras intertwined, they fought and fought. I got into a fighting stance. We began circling each other.

"Make a move."He grinned.

I relaxed, I would wait him out and learn his movements. It was a long time that we circled each other. He slowly started to get annoyed. He lunged at me. You'd think he would have waited me out. I guess he was eager to get this show on the road. I stepped to the side, swiftly dodging him. If what he said was true...I should be even more powerful than him. He grabbed my right arm and I quickly pushed his hand off with my left.

I jumped back, thinking of a strategy. He lunged at me again. He is used to having the upper hand, he is confident in his abilities. I turned, grabbing his arm, twisting it, then pulling him down before kicking him into the wall. Smoke filled the arena.

He came rushing out if the smoke latching onto me, I was pinned on the ground taking a barrage of punches. I held my hands up shielding my face, his power was unbelievable. I grabbed his wrists, pushing my body up with my legs, pulled his arms in opposite directions before kicking him off of me.

I pushed myself up, landing on my feet.

"Sir why are you holding back?"That familiar voice called out.

I let him come at me and I lifted him up and threw him, He landed on his feet, skidding to a stop right before the edge of the arena.

"Getting old in your age?"I smiled.

"You are quite patient. Must have gotten it from your mother..."He raced towards me. I stood my ground and stuck out my arm. He stopped right before it and I grabbed his wrist and his elbow, then slamming him on the ground.

'There was no way he was this easy.'I thought.

I narrowed my eyes and ran towards him, I grabbed his arm, slinging him out of the arena. I was mad, but not livid.

"Why are you doing this?!"I yelled, "You're toying with me!"

He landed feet first into the wall, cracking it. Then jumped down back into the arena.

"I am toying with you son."

"Why...You wanted to fight so fight."I glared at him.

He sighed. "Son I do this because I can. I can do whatever I want. I can manipulate your future with Ambrosia and everyone else."His grin was disgusting.

He walked towards me.

"My son..."He closed his eyes, "You want freedom don't you? No, you want Ambrosia's freedom. Well if you don't complete this task I'll make sure she never sees the light of day."

I was taken aback, did he know that we were planning to escape. I remained silent. No, or else he wouldn't be doing this, he would have gone about this differently.

"Then take it!"He sped towards me, "In this world you have to take what you want!"He yelled.

I was fed up, the air around me began to whirl, my hair whipped wildly with the energy forming around me. I hated myself for doing this...But I had to take what I wanted. Debris flew everywhere. I summoned a gust of wind and blew him out of the arena. He started to push himself from the wall, but I manipulated the metal to hold him there.

"I have to take what I want don't I?"I felt something emerge in me, something I hadn't felt in a long time. I felt a grin form on my lips. It was like something took me over.

My father's eyes widened before a smile appeared on his face. "Yes. It has begun... The challenge is over!"

The force urged me to keep going, but I didn't let it control me. The winds died down and every piece of debris crashed to the ground.

"Ambrosia."I demanded coldly.

"As promised."He snapped his fingers.

Ambrosia's body fell from the terrace. I jumped up, grabbing her hand, pulling her closer to me.

My father didn't care about her wellbeing. And I wondered why she still hadn't woken up.

"Father..."The words tasted unnatural in my mouth.

"What is it 7-...Kaiser."He corrected himself.

I glared, "You don't need to force yourself. It's not like I'm your son or anything."I grumbled sarcastically.

He grinned at my comment. "What did you want?"

"Why hasn't she woken up yet?"

"You don't want to know...It will only make you angry."He crossed his arms over his chest, looking a bit worried.

"Tell me."I stepped closer, I kept my grip on Ambrosia gentle.

"We inject her with a special blend of medicine to keep her docile."

"And by docile you mean unconscious."I hated him.

"Yes."He said plainly.


"And what?"He pretended to be confused.

"I know there is more. Quit telling me the bare minimum and half truths."

"That's the only way we can contain a level 10. Is to keep them unconscious."He sighed.

"I have three questions then."

"Go on."He sighed again.

"Then why was she awake when I first saw her."

"We had to see if you were each other's Sublimes."He said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

He disgusted me, he had no problems using people to meet his end.

"Second question. If she is so powerful, then how did you capture her in the first place."

"When I found her she was unconscious in the middle of the ruins of a great empire that had been annihilated."He didn't seem to be interested in the conversation in the slightest.

"Will she ever wake up?"I held my breath, my heart raced with anxiety, waiting for an answer.

"If I so choose."He smirked, he now looked interested. He enjoyed the notion of having me under his manipulative control.

"I have so many more questions."I tried.

"You said three. Besides I'm sure you'll get them soon enough. Now if you'll excuse me."He slung on his coat in one swift motion. "I got what I wanted...Now I have business to attend to."

And just like that he was gone. I was left with Ambrosia as the lights that harshly flooded the arena turned off. In the dark, I could feel the cool touch of Ambrosia. "I promise...I'll get you out of here."