I stared at Ambrosia's sleeping face. She really was beautiful.
"Kaiser."Fenrir leaned on the doorway.
"Yeah Fenrir?"
"We are gonna get out of here. And our mates will be free from this place."He smiled.
"Yeah..."I said quietly, caressing Ambrosia's soft cheek.
My father said he had gotten what he wanted. I remember having a feeling well up inside of me...but...I don't know.
"I will do this for you..."I breathed softly, looking at her peacefully sleeping face.
"When do we make our move?"Fenrir's tail swayed persistently.
Shira walked in with a serious look and eyes that seemed to be drowning in thoughts.
"What is it Shira?"I was a bit confused as to why she just showed up.
"I..."She hesitated. "I might be able to wake Ambrosia up..."
I jumped up, gripping her shoulders, shaking her a bit, "Then what are you waiting for?!"
"I...I'm not certain I can do it..."she stepped up to Ambrosia, placing her hands over her, a green light shimmered from her hands.
Ambrosia's eyes fluttered open revealing those beautiful black orbs that shimmered like the night, before closing again.
"Try harder."I huffed.
"Kaiser."Fenrir put his hand on my shoulder, "She's doing the best she can with what she's got."
I stayed silent.
"You told us our powers were dampened by these collars...I'm sure when we escape and find a way to get them off, she will be able to do it."He tried to comfort me.
I clenched my fist, how am I so powerful, yet so powerless...
"Yeah..."I said quietly, trying to convince myself more than anything.
Three days passed peacefully, then I woke up to beging carried out of my room.
I stayed quiet, trying not to make a fuss. It was early in the morning, a glow in the dark clock showed me it was 2:55AM. The lights were off in the hallways. I didn't know where I was being led, but I was woken up from a dead sleep.
It was a long time that I was carried until I was finally thrown into a room filled with mirrors. I'd heard about this kind of technique from Stella. This was a pyschological type of technique. I stood up, shivering and rubbing my arms trying to get rid of the goosebumps. I looked around, walking up to a reflective surface. I'd never seen myself until now. I stared at my reflection, reaching out to touch the thing called a mirror. I was entranced by myself, not in a narcissistic way, but in the way that you'd see yourself in a new light, as though it was your first time ever seeing yourself. When I touched the mirror it was cool to the touch. I felt a droplet fall on my skin, I looked up and gallons of liquid dropped onto me. I looked in the mirror again and what I saw was something atrocious. It was scarier than my father, it made me deathly afraid. I looked around and the being was everywhere, then it came running at me and I crouched down, gripping my head.
"Go away!"I screamed.
When I opened my eyes and looked up I was face to face with the disturbing creature. It's hot breath crawled over my skin. I was violently shaking uncontrollably. I tried to stop myself, but I couldn't. This intense fear had its grip on me. It was like all your worst fears into one big thing that was housed in something so malicious, looking at it was enough to make you sick with anxiety. I backed into a corner and began rocking back and forth with my knees pulled into my chest.
"Be afraid..."A voice called out to me, it was a vile voice. "Be very afraid of the Darkness..."
It was enough to send shivers instantly scurrying along your spin. It made my heart race, it pushed a pain into my chest, crushing my lungs, choking my throat to where I was barely able to breath. I began gasping trying to claim breaths that were not mine. I crawled towards the center of the room, then collapsed, I looked down, even the ground was made of mirror. I stared at my expressionless face and my desolate grey eyes. Whispers erupted from all around me, surrounding me. It was eerie and chilled me to my very core. I felt myself start to hyperventilate, as the whispers gradually increased to shrill screams.
I laid there for what seemed like an eternity, before a low, ominous voice called out to me from beneath the screams. I couldn't move any longer, so I just continued laying there. Then the voice called to me again and again and again and again and again and againandagainandagainandagain.
Slowly I lost my grip on sanity and I felt my numb limbs push myself to my hands and knees. Without my commands my hands flew to myself and I began laughing.
"We've done it. We are slowly getting to him."I swear I heard my father's voice between the screams.
I continued uncontrollably laughing before I felt a needle pierce my skin and everything went black.