Chapter 18: The Pair

I was seething.

"How dare you not protect Ambrosia!"I hissed getting in Fenrir's face, as my hands pinned his wrists to the ground.

"I couldn't save her. I'm sorry."He said calmly. "By the time I got in here he had already gotten a hand on her."

"That's all you have to say!!?"I screamed.

"I'm sorry."Fenrir said looking me in my grey eyes.

I glared at Fenrir before releasing him. I stood up and grabbed my things, including Ambrosia.

"Where are you going?"Fenrir got to his feet, scooping up Stella.

"We are leaving."

I stood on the balcony as the helicopter landed and out came a girl about 5'7", with lightly tanned skin and dark brown hair that stopped at her shoulders, cascading over her left eye. Her face was sprinkled with barely visible freckles. Her right eye was emerald green. She wore a black bomber jacket and ripped black skinny jeans. Out of the pilot seat came a tall boy, around 6'2". He was pale with light green eyes. He had stitches all over his body. He walked with excellent posture. His hair was snowy white just like mine. He was lean and muscular. He wore a black suit and had a silver bracelet on his left wrist. He had three black X's under his left eye. He stayed close behind the girl, never taking his eyes off of her.

"Who are you?"I said jumping down, walking up to her, I kept my guard up, but didn't tense.

"We are Synthetics. We were manufactured in a place called Electric Laboratories."The girl said calmly, looking up at me.

"So then you're like us?"Alistair came up behind me.

"No. You are Abnormals."The boy glared. "I can smell it on you."

"Zeke. Be nice."The girl reprimanded him.

"Yes My Lady."He tipped his head slightly forward. "Forgive my rudeness."

"I assume you escaped from a lab yourselves?"She asked, her eyes never broke from Ambrosia.

"From a military lab."I said slowly, eyeing the boy named Zeke.

"Well, we can give you shelter."She said with a devious look in her eyes, a small smirk was on her face. "I'm Arabella Keptis. I assume you weren't given names either. My original name was A-8272."I wondered why she was telling us all of this when she didn't even know us.

"I was given a name."I eyed her suspiciously. I could feel Zeke's heavy glare on me as I took in every detail of this woman's face. "Kaiser."

"And the others?"

"They weren't given real names, but I gave them names."I was really wanting to know what this girl's deal was.

"And that girl in your hands?"She reached out to touch Ambrosia.

I slapped her hand away. "Don't touch her!"I said venomously. "Keep your hands off my woman!"

"You're woman?"She said softly. "That girl is barely alive and yet you hold such a strong bond with her."

She stood silent for a moment before starting again. "I think we can help her wake up."She smirked. "But only if you come with us."

"I'll go."I barely let her get her sentence out before I agreed.

"Kaiser. We don't even know them."Fenrir glared at the pair.

"If I have even a sliver of a chance to save her. I have to take it."I took several steps towards the large machine.

"Well then get in."She headed back to the helicopter. "Of course that'll mean leaving your friends behind."she said hanging off of the bar attached to the helicopter.

I stopped in my tracks. "There is no way in Hell I'm leaving without them."

"Oh?"She said condescendingly, "But did you not in fact say and I quote, "If I have even a sliver of a chance to save her. I have to take it"?"She smirked.

"You bitch."I growled.

In the blink of an eye, Zeke was in front of me, a knife at my throat. "Mind your tongue before I cut it out of your mouth."He glared.

I glared back and within a moment I had disarmed him and he was on the ground.

"Let me make one thing clear."I looked down at him with raging eyes. "I don't care what you do to me. But if you ever! And I mean EVER! Lay a hand on my precious Ambrosia or my comrades, I won't hesitate to murder you where you stand."I threw the knife down, it grazed his cheek and blood trailed out of the gash.

"Goodbye."I turned away from them.

"Kaiser. It's ok, go."Shira said with gentle ruby eyes.

Fenrir's normally vigilant dark blue eyes were gentle as well. "Yeah, you have to save her."

Everyone nodded their head in agreement.

"I can't leave you guys."I said firmly. "You are my family."

"And she is your Sublime."Alistair said, with tears in his eyes. "Go, she needs you."

"Ali..."I smiled.

"Yeah, bring her back. I can't wait to meet her!"Titan laughed, slapping my shoulder playfully.

"Yes. I cannot wait to have a new friend."Stella smiled, from the balcony.

"You guys. I promise I'll come back to you."

"Let's go."Arabella said.

I stepped into the helicopter and it started. I watched as my friends, no my family, got smaller and smaller until finally disappearing from view.

"You made the right choice."Arabella said, staring at me intently.