Chapter 25: When She Wakes

"How are we supposed to break the curse?"I asked, I felt my face heating up. She was everything I'd imagined and more.

"I don't know..."She sighed, "But what I do know is we will get through this."

"We have to find our family."

Arabella dropped at Ambrosia's feet. "Goddess."

"Ugh..."Ambrosia chuckled nervously."You don't...You don't have to do that."

"But my lady, you are the one I am meant to serve. Look at my eyes."Arabella moved the hair that usually covered her left eye and there was a darker version of Ambrosia's eyes.

"Oh..."Ambrosia looked uncomfortable. "I can release you, you know that right?"

"Release me from what?"

"I employed someone some 5,000 years ago, to help aid me in my search for Kaiser, I gave her some of my power, but she was eventually lost to Satan."

"S-so, my memories are manufactured as well?"Arabella looked sad.

"No, he appears to have put you in some kind of synthetic body with angel genetics laced into it."Ambrosia looked away from Arabella.

I could feel what Ambrosia was feeling, she felt guilty.

"But the point is that I'm reunited with you!"Arabella flung her arms around Ambrosia. "I just knew it had to be you. I searched and searched for you and I finally found you my lady."

"Arabella."Ambrosia said firmly.

"Sorry."Arabella said sheepishly.

"No, it's ok."She said softly, "You did well to find me."She pat her on the head.

Arabella smiled from ear to her, her entire face lit up like that of a child.

"We must get far away from here."Ambrosia tried to stand up, but she fell back into the couch.

"Not yet...We can find our family later."

"Our family?"She raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah my friends from the lab."

She just stared at me.

"Do they mean much to you?"She said finally.

"Yes."I nodded.

"Then they also matter to me. We will find them...Don't worry."

"I will follow you anywhere my lady."Arabella jumped to her feet.

"Where's Shira?"I looked around, but she was nowhere to be found.

"I'll go look for her."Zeke stood up.

I didn't want to leave Ambrosia, but I tore myself away from her and followed Zeke to look for Shira.

We found her in the pool, swimming...Naked.

"Shira."I said unphased by her bare body.

Zeke on the other hand, looked away embarrassed, cheeks flushed.

"Hmm?"She looked up at me from the deep end of the pool.

"Come on...Ambrosia is awake."

"She's awake!?"She said excitedly, pulling herself out of the water, she walked towards us.

"Ehh..."Zeke stepped back, getting even more flustered.

"What's the matter? Never seen a naked woman before?"Shira smirked, stepping closer to Zeke.

"W-why aren't you phased!?"He just kept his eyes on me, trying to block out Shira.

"I'm not interested in any woman but Ambrosia."I said like it was the most obvious thing in the world, which it should have been.

"What!"he yelled. "That makes no sense!"

"It makes perfect sense, just because your faith in the love you have isn't certain, doesn't mean that I'm uncertain in the love I have."

"Why you."He glared.

I began walking away, back to the room.

"Come back here and say that to my face!"He yelled.

"I already did."

"Come back here!"

"Tough shit."I said quickly, walking up the stairs.

I wanted to get back to Ambrosia as quickly as possible. Soon Shira and Zeke returned, Shira's short hair still soaking and dripping water. Her ruby eyes lit up as she saw Ambrosia.

"Finally another girl!"she ran over to her with a smile.

"And what am I? A roach?"Arabella seemed offended.

"No, no. It's just I have been wanting to meet Ambrosia for a long time now."Shira smiled. "And now that I've got the chance to meet her, I am just excited."

"Tch."Arabella clicked her tongue.

"Where is our family?"Ambrosia looked into my grey eyes.

I was lost in them, they were so beautiful. They were ocean eyes that anyone could get lost in. They were the most beautiful eyes I'd ever seen.

"Kaiser."Ambrosia said.

"Oh..What?"I snapped out if my trance and focused again.

"Where is our family?"

I was surprised at how quickly she had accepted people she didn't even know as her family.

"Some place called Heaven's Order."Arabella said quickly.

"Heaven's Order."Ambrosia's face regressed into one of shock and fear.

"What's so scary about them?"I wondered aloud.

"They are... They are a faction devoted to my father."

"They're devoted to God?"Zeke said as more of a statement than a question.

"Yes."Ambrosia once again tried to stand, but failed.

"Shira do you think you can heal her?"

"I'm not sure..."She said slowly, "I sense she has her own healing properties."

"I've been in a near death state for 10 years."She sighed. "Give me time."

"We don't have time."Shira looked at Ambrosia.

"I understand that, that's why I am trying to get up."

I couldn't understand why my father saw Ambrosia as a threat. She didn't seem to be emitting power.

"I need you to destory these bracelets, use your flames."She stared at me. "Just melt one."

I didn't hesitate to call my flames.

"Wait!"Zeke rushed.

"What?"I was a bit irritated with him.

"We don't even know what they do. She could go on a rampage again for all we know."

I'd completely forgotten about Ambrosia's incident.

"Do you really think I'd want to put Kaiser in danger?"She glared at Zeke.

"Don't do it man."Zeke ignored Ambrosia and put his hand on my shoulder.

I shook him off, "I trust her."I melted away one bracelet.

Suddenly a gust of wind burst from Ambrosia and a bright white light blinded me. I felt her emitting devastating amounts of energy. When I opened opened my eyes the entire building was demolished, only the floor under us was in tact.

"What would have happened if I melted both?"

"You most surely would have died."

"What are they?"I asked.

"They are power surpressers, put on by my father. I have multiple of them."She gestured to the black bracelets on her wrists and the anklets.

Ambrosia stood up, then fell forward a bit before catching herself. "I have to get reacclimated."She seemed angry with herself for a problem that wasn't her fault.

"If those things were created by God, how did Kaiser so easily destroy one?"Zeke glared skeptically at Ambrosia.

"They were made that way, only to be taken off by my father or the Devil."

"If you are so powerful how come you can't get them off yourself."

"They were designed to not react to my powers."

"What are your powers?"Zeke kept questioning her and it was getting on my nerves.

"Omnikinesis and immortality."

"No way..."Zeke stepped back, he looked genuinely frightened by her and her words.

"What's Omnikinesis?"I blinked.

"It's the ability to do anything and everything. Able to use any magic or do anything that was, is, or ever will be."Arabella smirked as she spouted information.

"Don't you think that's a little overpowered?"Shira chuckled with a sigh.

"Don't ask me, all I know is I don't know how to do anything and everything, I still have learn how to do things, so therefore I'll never master my power because no one has all the Abilities I do. Since I wasn't born knowing how to do everything, coupled with the fact that I still have to be taught each ability, it kinda cancels each other out.Ambrosia explained. "Anyway shouldn't we get going?"She was clearly uncomfortable.

"No, I'm not done."Zeke glared.

"Zeke..."Shira slowly turned around, "Leave it alone."She sent him a scary look.

"Ek!"Zeke quickly backed down.

That's Shira for you, she could bring down a giant with just a single look.

"Anyway we really should get moving."Ambrosia walked towards the doorframe which stood in tact without a door.

I followed her. I never noticed how short she was until now, probably because I never stood next to her before. She was about 5'3".

"Why are you so short?"Zeke laughed looking down at her.

She chuckled, before shooting him a cold glare and he once again backed down.

"How are you so short? I mean the average height now is 5'7" for a woman, I'm not trying to be an ass or anything, but I'm actually curious."I asked.

"It's been to be disarming."She sounded guilty.

"What does that mean?"I started thinking of what she could have meant.

"I don't wanna talk about it. Let's just go."She stepped out of the doorframe.

Everyone followed her.

"Do you even know where we are going?"Zeke said condescendingly.

"As a matter of fact I do."She grinned back. "It's this way."

And with that we were off.

We're coming...