Next to show up was apollo, Apollo was a sister to Artemis.
Appollo was the god of the sun. As his sister was Artemis the goddess of the moon.
Both are twins, sons of leto and Zeus.
"Yo..." he said with a grin. Aaron just nodded his head.
Apollo was a dangerous God, just like the rest, if things don't go his way, he ends up going insane.
He destroyed entire cilvilizations just because he couldnt take no for an answer when it comes to women and sex.
Killing millions of innocent people, just because he wanted revenge on the girl who rejected him.
On the bright side, he was also. a masterful magician,
Apollo is known for delighting Olympus with tunes played on his golden lyre. His lyre, a stringed instrument that resembles a small harp, was made by Hermes.
The nine Muses are companions of his; they were goddesses known for inspiring art and music.
Apollo taught men. in mythology the art of medicine, so he is often referred to as "The Healer."
Apollo is alternately referred to as the God of Light and the God of Truth.
Apollo served as an intermediary between the gods and men.
Because of his truthfulness and integrity, he was granted the gift of prophecy and oracles.
Apollo defended the oracle at Delphi against Hercules, who was angry at the priestess for having denied him a prophecy.
Apollo killed a serpent named Python as a result of a contest; it was conquered by a single arrow.
According to Homer's Illiad, Apollo played a major part in the Trojan War. He infected the Greek encampment with a plague and aided Paris in killing Achilles.
Ironically, Apollo was also a purifier, able to cleanse even those stained with the blood of their relatives.
He has is good. but his bad is beyond him, it makes him no different than his father.
Hello darling..." Aaron didn't even need to loo k up to see who was the source of that voice.
She is the with love, beauty, pleasure, passion and procreation never seen much love only lust, pleeasure, and passion.
Aphrodite was married to hepahstues, (I feel like I got his name wrong) the god of fire, blacksmiths and metalworking. Aphrodite was frequently Unfaithful to him and had many lovers; she is caught in the act of adultery with Ares, the god of war. In the she seduces the mortal shepherd Anchesis Aphrodite was also the surrogate mother and lover of the mortal shepherd Adonis who was killed by a wild boar.
Along with Athena and Hera, Aphrodite was one of the three goddesses whose feud resulted in the beginning of the trojan war and she plays a major role throughout the lliad
Aphrodite is supposed to be symbol of female beauty.
That is mostly the only thing good about her.
Besides she has the apearance of the God of war games, which as Aaron admits is gorgeous.
But lucky for him, during his time in his original earth, he had watched so much porn, thousands upon thousands, of all porn but gay. He was a lonely teenager then, can you blame him, for curiosity?
Because of this he is not so easily swayed by the female body.
Aphrodite sat on her throne and started to stare at Aaron unblinkingly with a smile.
...It was...
...Very creepy...
The next to come was Hephaestus
He glanced one look at Aaron with an indifference look much like artemis but then glanced at hera with a raised eyebrow as she was glaring at Aaron with hatred.
"What Ailes you "Mother." He emphasized the word mother in a sarcastic manor.
Hera ignored him.
Aaron couldnt blame him.
"I demoted her from her Authority position." Aaron replied, "so she is pissed at me."
The God of Fire snorted. he glanced at Ares... "He didnt think I have the right to become king." Although he didnt want this job to begin with.
"He wanted to fight me for it...and as a result..." Aaron geustured to where Ares limp body was unconcious on his throne.
Haphateus snorted, he was liking Aaron already.
"Step aside are ruining my view. of what a real man should look like..." Aphrodite said...half lustfully as she stared at Aaron.
Hephateus frowned, "typical....
InGreek mythology, Hephaestus was either the son of Zeus and Hera or he was Hera's parthenogenous child. He was cast off Mount Olympus by his mother because of his deformity or, in another account, by Zeus for protecting Hera from his advances. As a smithing god, Hephaestus made all the weapons of the gods in Olympus.
"Ah the man with the flying shoes..." Aaron said looking at him with a nod
"You aren't bad..." Hermes replied with a grin as he sat in his seat.
Hermes is the Messenger of the Gods. He assisted in turning a baby sculpture that Queen Hippolyta made into a real baby resulting in the origin of Princess Diana.[1]
In the Post-Crisis, Hermes was present at a meeting with fellow Gods in to talk about the dwindling worshipping from the mortals. After Zeus deemed this issue beneath him and left, Hermes accompanied Aphrodite, Ares, Athena, Demeter, and Hestia to the Underworld and the Cavern of Souls, where Gaia has housed the souls of women who have been unjustly killed by men. They harvest the souls to reincarnate them into Amazons and give them a home on Themyscira. One of the souls had been saved by Athena for the day when Hippolyta would sculpt a baby out of shoreline clay wherein Athena would infuse the baby sculpture with that spirit enabling Princess Diana to be born.
In the original greek mythology
Hermes was Noted for his impish character and constant search for amusement, Hermes was one of the more colourful gods. While still a baby, he stole his half-brother Apollo's sacred herd of 50 cattle from Pieria, cleverly reversing their hoofmarks by adding bark shoes to make it difficult to follow their tracks. Hermes, therefore, became associated with thieves and he managed to keep the stolen herd until the satyrs finally discovered it in a cave in Arcadia.