next to appear was Dementer who was looking at Aaron with curiosity.
"So you are our new leader..."
Aaron gave off a nod.
Dementer looked him up and down, "Do you like cereal?" she asked.
There was a couple sighs in the room. Aaron looked at her with curiousity but nodded nonetheless.
"Yes," he answered, "But I haven't had any in a long time."
She gave him a soft smile, "Then your ok in my book." she said before she sat down in her seat.
She seems to have an obsession of cereal now
Or cereal grain.
Demeter was one of the oldest gods in the ancient Greek pantheon, and she guaranteed the fertility of the earth and protected both farming and vegetation.
Daughter of Kronos and Rhea, sister of Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Hera, and Hestia, Demeter was the mother of Persephone and Iacchus (both with Zeus) and Pluto, the god of wealth (with the mortal Cretan Iasion, who was subsequently killed by a thunderbolt from a jealous Zeus). She also adopted Demophon, the Eleusinian prince, who gave the human race the gifts of the plough and knowledge of agriculture. Demeter was also pursued by Poseidon, and to escape his attentions, she changed into a mare; however, Poseidon too changed into a horse and their resulting offspring was Arion, the winged horse ridden by Hercules. Demeter and Persephone were very often paired together and sometimes even referred to as a single goddess with a dual aspect. The duo was often referred to as 'the Two Goddesses' and the Demeteres
Next was to appear was Athena, The goddess of wisdom. Athena was the Goddess of War, the female counterpart of Ares. She was the daughter of Zeus;
She was a weird one as no mother bore her. She sprang from Zeus's head, full-grown and clothed in armor.
She was piercing Aaron with her unique stormy grey eyes. Aaron shot her a blank look.
She sat in her seat and began analyzing me,
Athena, also referred to as Athene, is a very important goddess of many things. She is goddess of wisdom, courage, inspiration, civilization, law and justice, strategic warfare, mathematics, strength, strategy, the arts, crafts, and skill.
She is known most specifically for her strategic skill in warfare and is often portrayed as companion of heroes and is the patron goddess of heroic endeavour.
Athena was born from ZEUS after he experienced an enormous headache and she sprang fully grown and in armour from his forehead. She has no mother but one of the most commonly cited stories is that Zeus lay with Metis, the goddess of crafty thought and wisdom, and then swallowed her whole as he feared she will give birth to a child more powerful than him because of a prophecy – but she had already conceived.
She nodded at Aaron but stayed silent
She cursed medusa over something Poseidon did. Her Anger clouded her judgment.
Poseidon snorted.
last the final olympian appeared he looked like the average drunkard.
"Who the hell is this guy?" He asked. "Why hasn't he been killed by the old man fro daring to come here?"
"He killed him..." Apollo answered. "He took his place."
DIonysus looked at him curiously as he sat down in his seat
Dionysus was the Olympian god of wine, vegetation, pleasure, festivity, madness and wild frenzy. He was depicted as either an older, bearded god or an effeminate, long-haired youth. His attributes included the thyrsos (a pine-cone tipped staff), a drinking cup and a crown of ivy.
Dionysos was a son of Zeus and the princess Semele of Thebes. During the course of her pregnancy, the god's jealous wife Hera tricked Semele into asking Zeus to appear before her in his full glory. Bound by oath, the god was forced to comply and she was consumed by the heat of his lightning-bolts. Zeus recovered their unborn child from her body, sewed him up in his own thigh, and carried him to term.
After his birth from the thigh of Zeus, Dionysos was first entrusted to the care of Seilenos (Silenus) and the nymphs of Mount Nysa, and later to his aunt Ino, Semele's sister, and her husband Athamas. Hera was enraged when she learned of the boy's location and drove the couple mad, causing them to kill both their children and themselves.
The Thrakian king Lykourgos (Lycurgus) attacked Dionysos and his companions as they were travelling through his land and drove them into the sea. As punishment, the god inflicted him with madness causing him to murder his wife and son and mutilate himself with an axe.
King Pentheus of Thebes refused to accept the god's divinity and tried to apprehend him. The god retaliated by driving the king's daughters into a crazed frenzy and they tore him apart limb from limb.
Dionysos instructed the hero Ikarios (Icarius) of Athens in the art of winemaking. However, some shepherds, upon drinking the wine, thought they had been poisoned and killed him. The sorrowful god then set him amongst the stars as the constellation Bootes.
As Dionysos was travelling through the islands of the Aegean Sea he was captured by a band of Tyrrhenian pirates who thought to sell him into slavery. The god infested their ship with phantoms of creeping vines and wild beasts, and in terror the men leapt overboard and were transformed into dolphins.
Dionysos married princess Ariadne of Krete (Crete) whom he discovered abandoned by Theseus on the island of Naxos.
The god launched a campaign against the Indian nation in the farthest reaches of Asia, leading an army composed of Satyrs, Mainades, and demigods.
Dionysos journeyed to the underworld to recover his mother Semele and brought her to Olympos where Zeus transformed into the goddess Thyone.
"Finally!" Aaron sighed, "now the last of the olympians are here we can-"
"why the hell is Ares knocked out.." Dionysus interrupted
Aaron frowned before he raised a finger at Ares and shot a bolt of lightning at him.
He woke up startled. all of his hair sticking out and burnt marks all over his body.
"Glad you can join us." Aaron smirked. Ares glared at him, as other olympians either snickered or smirked.
"Now let us begin..."