Chapter 1

"Get up, you stupid brat!", A hand I know well pulls me up by my hair. My brother stands before me as friendly as always.

After our parents died, he had to take me in, since I am only 15 years old and therefore cannot own an apartment, I have to live with it. In the beginning, he was very nice, but then he fell into alcohol ... Last night his last boss seems to have fired him again. Again and again the same ... It must have been the 10th job ... It is no wonder that I go to a small school and still have a job after class to support him. The little temporary job as a maid doesn't bring in that much money either. I wouldn't get another job because I still have the school on the side.

"Come on! You have to make breakfast before you go to school!" Comes my brother again. At least he's so 'nice' to wake me up. I hate that I don't dare fight his terror. "I'm ready to go ...", I mean sleepy, but at least it's something! "Hurry up!", He turns and slams the door behind him. At some point, the door will break like this.

Luckily the school year starts AND I go to a new school, that means nobody knows me and starts bullying me immediately and nobody knows my 'friendly' brother who is a really good actor. But before he comes back, I should probably really hurry up. I quickly jump to the closet and open the two double doors. It's winter, which means I even have to wear sweaters and hoodies again. Mori, what my brother's name is, will start beating me in the fall. Not on purpose, but through alcohol and what else do I know, what else he takes, that's how he became. But even if Mori is the way he is, he remains my brother and that's why I love him despite everything. Not many people can say that, but I know he's not a bad person. With a firm grip, I take a black sweater and jeans. I shouldn't wear a hoody on the first day. The first impression is what counts. With my phone and schoolbag, I make my way to the kitchen.

The apartment is not big. A room for my brother, one for me, a bathroom, and a tiny hallway that leads into a living room and the exit. The kitchen connects to the living room. Once in the living room, I don't even stop. My steps go straight to the small kitchen. I quietly open the fridge. At first glance you can see: I have to shop again. I roam around the kitchen to find out what else we have. There is still a lot of rice left. Well, at least enough to make a rice omelet and onigiri. We even have nori sheets! I still have enough time, because I was woken up so early. In theory, I could even have breakfast here, but I won't. My brother could have a rage attack at any time. Right then, I prefer not to be around him.After half an hour the meal is ready. Fortunately, because Mori was already on the way to start complaining about me. He probably already smells the rice and is irritated unusually quickly. I quickly put the omelet in front of him. Annoyed, he murmurs to himself: "It's finally time." "There are still 5-minute noodles in the cupboard for your lunchtime. Today I won't be back until the evening," I say, as always. Even if it seems that he is not listening, he absorbs every word. If I didn't show up for dinner on time, it would be uncomfortable. The best thing is to go to the supermarket today and buy everything I will need. As if he could still read my mind, Moris ays: "If you go shopping, there is money in the moneybox again." I go to the can. It's not much, but it's the beginning of the new month, so I'll get my wages today. Everything is carefully packed in my small wallet. I quickly take my bento in one hand and my bag in the other. While the wallet slips into my pocket I also put the bento in. I check that all the books are there and then set off.

Since we live on the outskirts of a smaller town, the school is not that far away. You have to walk a distance from the house, but it's not as far as I do at other schools. I don't have a bike. I haven't saved enough money for that yet ... Or rather, I haven't been given enough money to do so. Half of my wages go to the household, the rest I keep to myself. But... When my brother is in a frenzy again, he takes everything he finds in money. Strangely enough, he skips the house till again and again. Which is a good thing though? So I run to school. Through the most beautiful little streets that I know. The alleys and paths that are not full of exhaust gases. Trees grow around me in the small gardens of the rows of houses.

For school, I had to do everything on my own; choose the school, register, talk to the principal, and buy my books. The director has invited me to talk more often because apparently, I have a basic knowledge of the other schools I've been to. He wanted to see if I could understand everything at school. His tests were very simple and he was shocked that I solved them with ease and very quickly. Of course, the director wanted to speak to my legal guardian, but I can't put my brother in front of him. With cheap excuses, I managed to keep him from asking my brother again and again.

At the entrance to the school, I can see a few heads in the windows. These are probably the people who come from further away or who later turn out to be the nerds. The school spreads out a little further. Everything seems so huge, but in itself, the rooms are just big. With my bad sense of orientation, I will still find my way here. I only just know the way. The first time I had to come here, I got completely lost. Fortunately, I was only 15 minutes late. Of course, I also called and reported that I had to come a little later. As an excuse, I said I had to help my sick brother.

The only thing I'm worried about now is bullying. In all other schools where I was, I was the victim. Also because I could be considered a nerd. I was assured that there had never been bullying here, I can't believe it. Most of those affected don't even report when they're bullied because they don't trust themselves. Just like me. My greatest hope is still that I will find at least a friend. No one else dared to be a friend of mine. A girl tried it ... In the end, she was bullied in the same way and moved away. She never wanted to see me again and blamed me. After that, nobody ever tried again. Nobody wanted to help me in any way. Why am I the victim? I'm not that different! I'm actually just a normal girl. Yes, maybe I like to read and write stories, draw and maybe I'm good at school, but ... Some bullies had the same hobbies. They knew nothing about my job. I kept it from everyone. Only my brother knew about it. One of the reasons is that he chose the job for me.

I walked uncertainly towards the school building. Between the trees that have stood here for millennia. The rules say nothing about not being allowed to climb on them, but I assume that it would be very difficult to climb a few meters without branches from the start anyway.

Two huge cherry trees are right next to the entrance gate. I remember that there is a big cherry tree on the back of the school grounds.

My eyes wander admiringly on the huge school building and between the branches of the trees. No matter how many times I will see it, I will always admire it.