Chapter 2

My gaze wanders up again, between the branches of the left tree. A pair of eyes seems to lie directly on me. No staring at me. A black-haired boy looks down on me. His eyes are ice blue, which goes very well with his hair. I don't normally worry about anyone, but it makes me shiver. His cold eyes only seem to see me. It scares me. What does he want to see? The boy seems to be two classes above me because his classroom is on the 2nd floor. The floors are assigned to the class levels. The first floor for the first classes, including mine, the floor above us is for the second classes, and so on. A total of 4 floors and the roof, where you can even go up.

The boy seems to notice that I discovered him. A smile comes over his lips. Without wanting to, I give him a false smile, which everyone always sees. This boy also does not seem to notice that I don't really feel joy. His head turns away from the window. Finally, I am no longer observed.

I carefully continue on my way. First I have to change my shoes and then next to the staff room. Besides, the classroom is 1-1. My new class. Is there someone in the room? Hopefully not, then I don't have to talk to anyone. Otherwise, please let there be so many people that I don't get noticed when I enter. The first floor ... Too bad ... Then I can look out the window so dreamily. Yes, yes, but then I don't have that much creativity. When I look out of the window, I want to find inspiration there too.

The school should normally go until 3:30 p.m. Then I can finally go home. Today everything is presented to us and we have to introduce ourselves. No thanks, but introduce myself? You could forget that ... Otherwise my name and nothing more. I don't want to be a class representative either. Too much contact with people in my class and outside of the class.

While I exchanging my sneakers for slippers, for school, I am again glad that my locker is on the edge. I am a great conclusion. The girl on the edge of the abyss. Ok, I'm interpreting too much in there again. I put my shoes in the lower part of the locker. Then I open the top part and put all my school books in there. Except for those that I could need until breakfast. The breaks between through will only be around 5 minutes. So, not much time. My favorite thing is to prepare for class beforehand so that I don't stand there completely stupid if I am taken on.

My path continues. The location! Right next to the staff room! Well, maybe it's not that bad ... I might not be bullied in the classroom. I mean when the teachers are right next door? Do these people dare at all? No bullying at this school ... That is not possible. In every class, some who play the 'super cool' ones. It goes without saying that they are not. I'll just have to try not to meet them and avoid them as much as possible. Most of the time it didn't work that well, but let's hope it works. Hope dies last! I'm not quite dead yet!

In front of the door, the classroom of 1-1, I stop briefly. For a short moment, my eyes close themselves and I take a deep breath in and out. Then I quietly open the door. It is exactly the door that leads in from the back of the classroom. So I can first look at my surroundings unnoticed. The room is kept in a minimalist style, but it is still cozy. Three girls are already there. Each one has a different hair color and all hair is dyed. One has pink hair, another blonde and the third has turquoise. They look like the typical bullies I've seen so far. Otherwise, there is a brown-haired boy in the room. So a total of 5 people if you count me. I briefly consider where to sit. Preferably in front of the teacher ... But is that really good? It doesn't matter. If I don't sit there now, I have no chance. It is simply the best place! The teacher ignores you there and you can still follow the lessons well.

So I make my way to my chosen place. When I walk towards the board, all 4 pairs of eyes are on me. Oh God, that's embarrassing! Why are they staring at me now? Nevertheless, I sit down on the course. Immediately the girls start to whisper too excited for my taste. I have just finished unpacking my books and school supplies when the boy approaches me. You can hear his steps. The Girly Group is now whispering even more excited. The boy stands in front of my table and looks me in the eye. "Heyo ~ who are you?" He asks me kindly. Everything has become quiet. The boy's brown eyes don't look at me with hostility, but they're very interested. A little shocked that I was addressed, I answer: "S-Sarana ..." A little silence while the girls started whispering behind me again. That'll be the ones sitting in the back of the classroom doing shit all the time. The unknown boy smiles kindly at me. "I am Isamu," he says proudly. So now no longer unknown. The girls giggle behind me. Typical girls. "Sarana~?", The pink-haired one speaks to me. To be polite, I turn around so that I can see her. "Y-yes?" I answer. Her friend, the blonde, apparently wants to continue the conversation: "Aren't you the fool? Kumiko told us about a Sarana in her class, she was so stupid!" Next to me, Isamu's body is tensing. He now seems to be barely able to hold back from beating these girls. "It's okay, Isamu ..." I whisper to him. However, his body does not seem to relax. Now it was the turn with the turquoise hair: "What do you want here? You're too stupid to do anything!" I bear the insults calmly. Even if I said something, they would just ignore it. I've tried it often enough. To be honest, it only got worse in the girl circles. The boys don't believe everything so quickly, but of course, they also wanted to be popular with the girls, so they put me down too.

But Isamu can no longer hold back now. Of course, he stops and doesn't hit anyone, but he doesn't have anything to say about it ... He doesn't seem to have anything against it: "How can you insult Sarana so much?! You don't know her! Maybe she's nice!" Wrong, wrong, wrong. Oh, Isamu, I didn't want to get you in trouble and now I'm doing it. Just leave me alone and you will be able to live your life in peace. From the beginning she starts to smile angrily: "If you stick to this stupid cow, you are just as stupid as her." Isamu is on the way to the girls when I gather all my courage. As if by myself, I get up, put a hand calmly on the boy's shoulder and start talking thoughtlessly: "Your descriptions of yourselves are very good, you know that? And the word 'stupid' is getting really boring. Are there more insults that I already know and get boring? Oh, forgot, your cells behind your bridge of the nose are not so well developed, I'm sorry." The mouths open slowly around me. Oof. It's out.