Chapter 3

Without paying any attention to this girly group, I turn around and ignore them. The hated, long blonde hair blows around me. Why I hate my hair?

1. I hate that my hair goes until just before the bottom.

2. I hate combing.

3. I hate that my brother can pull me by my hair better.

My back is now facing the girls and Isamu. He still stands there rooted. Now I wish there were more people here. Oh, dude! Maybe then it would be easier for me to finally make new friends! These girls will make a story out of what just happened and then somehow make me look arrogant or something different. My only witness is Isamu and he seems likable, but who knows? I don't know him and the others don't know him either. He is rather not trusted than the three girls who are already annoying me. The only ones who would believe me would be the boys... But better than nothing. Let's see. Maybe it won't even be that bad! There are really stupid boys, but on the whole, it will be better than being completely alone. Maybe Isamu still has friends in parallel classes. But ... what if he can no longer suffer me at all? What if I went too far? The only girl among boys ...? No thanks, but two friends would be great... So many people are just not my favorite thing.

Isamu takes his bag and sits down at the table next to me. The girls let hear loud whispers. You can hear every word. They shouldn't whisper if you hear them! That's stupid! All the time Isamu stares at my hands as I start to write like crazy again. The next profile I am writing. It is the profile of the guy who is going to start a relationship with the main character in my next story. All the attention is set on the first day. I'm looking forward to finally getting out of here. But I still have my job today and have to do some shopping ... So I have to wait a while to go home.

Slowly more and more students are coming into the room. The girls who come in first go to this girly group. They are going to be the popular kids in class. But not with me. The boys all gather around Isamu. He's telling the whole guys what happened before they came. Now he is telling the story for the 10th time. The girls apparently get a different story in their ears. In the end, there are already two groups. The boys and the girls. Excluded me. But I'm not a group either! I'm me. As always. Only the boys don't talk bad about me. They seem to like that I defended myself. The girls already seem to hate me ... What did the group put in their ear? What did they do with the truth? If something gets tiring, it's this class. But I will not submit and I will not change my mind for anyone. I'll stay here.

Over time, a friendly smiling teacher comes in. Obviously, she will be our class teacher. Shortly after she has set up on the teacher's table, the bell rings. Everyone is distributed in the room and of course, only boys are sitting around me. "Good morning. I'm your class leader Bara Yoshido. First of all, there is no class today," the teacher begins. Cheers break out at the words 'no lessons'. Both on the girl side and the boy side. Only I disagree. Then there will be a lot of organizational things. Oh god ... I'll sleep through half the day. "Next to the topic where most of you could be very interested in, the clubs. There are many clubs and lots of free space in this school building. And now the question could come up: 'Do we have to join a club?' The answer is 'yes.' At this school, there is an obligation to join at least one club. This performance in the clubs is also a separate grade. The fourth graders rate you. You have to introduce yourself to them. Some of the clubs will introduce themselves to you today. Well, after the breakfast break you go through the school building and watch the performances of the club members. They tried very hard, so please be friendly. If you don't like a club, you can also create a new club, where you have to rate each other. To form a club you need at least three members ", then whispers break out in the last row. Oh no ... There will be a new club by us. These three girls will form one. I already have the perfect name for them. The Gossip Girls.

The teacher continues: "Then let's see if everyone is there ... I call up your names and you answer loudly and clearly with 'Yes.' So, Akagi Ayumi? " A tall brunette gets up and clearly says: "Yes!" And so it goes on ... The teacher calls up names and these people stand up and report. My last name starts with Y, so I'll probably be called last. As you know it in every class, the boys don't just mean 'yes', they say something like 'present' or 'Sho (random name) ready.' Yoshi has to exaggerate of course: "Present and ready to flirt with some girls!" A few girls giggle. Mrs. Yoshido just rolls her eyes. I am not laughing. Did he want to wrap me around his finger earlier? I didn't talk to him for a long time, but he didn't seem like that kinda guy to me ... isn't it always the one who doesn't seem like that?

"Yokoyama, Sarana," I am torn from my thoughts after a few more names. Silence. So now the whole class knows my name ... Wonderful ... Not. I carefully rise from my chair. All eyes are on me. With a deceptively firm voice, I say: "Yes." I immediately fall back on my chair. I collapse. Done! I announced myself in a firm voice AND I survived. No other names are called ... So apparently I'm the last in the class book. Get away from it if you have such a great last name ... At least I like the name.

After we're done with the presence, the boring part begins. The instruction. We have done this so often! It's the same at every school and then it's done every year!