23. Finally Leaving

Gray and Xueling continued to live a harmonious life and fell into a comfortable routine. She taught him the text of the Tome of Glorious Fortune verse by verse. If that got stale, they would separate, with her mediating to heal her wounds and him hunting for fresh meat or mining for ore. When they were both tired, she would tell him stories about the wider world, awing him with tales of grand human kingdoms, spiritual treasures beyond imagination, and powerful ancient beasts that could destroy whole countries.

Finally, after two weeks, it all came to an end. He managed to memorize all seven stages of the Tome of Glorious Fortune. She finished healing her wounds. Her spiritual energy returned to normal and her spiritual sea was mended. She wasn't at full strength yet but she could now utilize her weapons, armor, and other items properly. She no longer needed to hide and it was time for her to leave.

That night's dinner was a quiet one. Gray seemed to sense something and he didn't have his usual appetite. The roast meat in front of them was mostly uneaten as he spent his time staring at her.

She didn't know what to say to him so she let her thoughts drift idly…

The time spent in this primitive mountain was surprisingly pleasant and a part of her didn't want it to end. Here, she had no responsibilities and no stress. She did not have to care about matters of the sect or her family. She did not have to worry about matters affecting the human world.

She also didn't have to suffer the company of detestable men. She didn't have politely listen to them ramble on about their wealth, their kingdoms, or their latest cultivation breakthroughs. She didn't have to watch their face become ugly when she inevitably rejected them.

Gray wasn't that great in comparison either. He was smelly, simple minded, and completely unsophisticated. Yet, his simplicity also had its charm. He constantly made her smile with his antics and boorish behavior. He was chubby and not at all handsome but she had to admit he wasn't too bad. His strange physique held unknown potential and with a powerful cultivation art, his future was uncertain. Perhaps he would be able to become someone of renown?

She snapped out of her reverie and put a stop to these thoughts. She reminded herself once again that they were meant for different worlds.

"Tomorrow, I will leave." She finally declared.

He looked momentarily sad but he recovered and gave her a smile.

"I understand. Your family is worried about you. It's good that you're finally healed."


"Will I be able to see you again?" He asked.

She shook her head and Gray's face sank. He looked so dejected that she truly felt for him.

"I'm sorry" She muttered.

Gray was in turmoil as he processed her words. He always knew this day would come but it still caught him unprepared. He thought he would fine but it was a surprisingly painful feeling. The time he spent with her was amazing. Besides the fights and the arguments about random things, it was as filled with joy. Now all of that was about to end.

If he had the power, he would never let her leave. He would train hard and become so strong that no beast could challenge him. He would expand the cave to create more rooms. He would buy furniture, decorations, and even a real bed. He would learn to cook so that she would never complain about his food ever again. He would become the richest man in the village so that he could buy whatever she wanted.

He dreamed a lot while sleeping next to her in the cave all these nights. He dreamed of all kinds of futures for them but in the end, he always woke up. Fantasies were simply not enough…

"No, I refuse. I will see you again!" He declared,

"Gray, no…"

"No, I will definitely see you again. Fairy sister, please tell me how I can see you again. Please!" He begged. "Even if you don't tell me, I'll train to become the strongest and upend the entire world to find you. I promise!"

Xueling blushed. His words were a borderline confession and she was touched. Unlike other confessions in the past, she did not reject it out right and instead thought about it.

She wasn't a heartless person and she valued good people. Since he did so much for her, it was only right to give him a chance, a hope. It would be a path that he would have to walk himself. It would be extremely difficult, if not impossible. But if he could make it and find her once more, she would be extremely interested to see what kind of man he became.

"There is one way you can see me again." She said, "That way is to become strong enough to be accepted as a disciple of the Fortune Sect. My sect only accepts the best of the best in the whole world. Now is the second month of the summer season. We hold an entrance examination on the third month of the summer season every year. Not everyone is allowed to take the exam, there are strict age and cultivation requirements."

"You are sixteen and at the 1st Level of the Spiritual Strengthening Realm. You missed the age cut off for the Spiritual Strengthening Realm as well as the Spiritual Control Realm. Your only shot is the Spiritual Impulse Realm exam. For that, you must be at the 1st Level of the Spiritual Impulse Realm by the age of twenty-two."

"Twenty-two? Wait, twenty-two?" Gray exclaimed.

He counted the number of years with his fingers and the number of levels he needed to get and realized the immense challenge.

"Fairy sister, have mercy…"

"Absolutely not!" Her tone gave no room for negotiation, "My sect has no exceptions to this rule."

"… How strong are you then?" He asked.

"Pass the exam and you'll know."

"Where is your sect?" He asked again.

"The Fortunate Sect is quite famous across the human world. You'll be able to find out information about it anywhere."

"Why are you being so stingy! At least give me a hint. Ungrateful!"

"Who are you calling ungrateful?"


They argued back and forth for a while until both of them ran out of energy. The pair eventually went to sleep in their own beds, frustrated and lost in thoughts about what the future held.