33. Duanmu Clan

A convoy of people and wagons trudged its way across the grassland. Unlike a normal trade caravan, this one mostly traveled on foot. There were only a few wagons and almost everyone had heavy bags slung over shoulders on in their arms. These were filled with preciously important goods such as ores, beast meat, and medicinal herbs.

The travelers bore signs of a deadly battle, with ripped and bloodied clothes as well as bandaged wounds. Many bore signs of a deadly struggle, with ripped and bloodied clothes as well as bandaged wounds. Some struggled to walk and had to be supported by their brethren. Each person's expression was dark and depressed as if they had suffered a huge defeat. They were the bandits that fled after attacking Gray's caravan.

At the front of this convoy were a few people on horseback as well as a horse-drawn carriage. Atop the flat wooden bed lay a young man with a bandaged head, Tang Duanmu.

Tang stirred, awoken by the sound of horses, heavy footsteps, and a pounding headache. He touched his bandages and winced. There was a giant bruise on the side of his head where Harsh Patel's ferocious kick had made contact.

"Don't move about." An elderly voice spoke from nearby.

Tang ignored the pain stubbornly and sat up, "Granduncle... where are we?"

"Only a week from Abundance Town." The old man riding beside the carriage answered.

"I was out for two days?"


Tang lay back down, overwhelmed by regret. He had been utterly defeated and he had failed to find the rumored gold. Harsh Patel was simply too strong, a true expert at the upper stages of the Spiritual Strengthening Realm. It had been a frightening and eye-opening experience.

The granduncle seemed to sense what he was thinking about, "Do not linger on Harsh Patel. He has been at that level for decades. He is strong but he has no hope of growing stronger. You do."

"But the mission! We lost so many clan members! It was my fault; we didn't even find any gold..."

"Tang!" The elder cut off his rambling, "It wasn't your fault. You did your job. Our losses are acceptable for the amount of goods we managed to take. The mission was still a success and you will be rewarded by the council."

The old man then smiled, "Even though you lost, you did well against the Patel clan expert. I saw you use the defensive form of the fourth style Gust of Refrain perfectly. If you had not managed to react in time and pull off the move, I could not have saved you. Your grandfather will be pleased."


Tang brightened at the mention of his grandfather, the first elder of the Duanmu Clan. His grandfather was the strongest cultivator among their people, the one Tang looked up to the most. Tang wanted to grow up and be just like him, a peerless expert of the plains, and lead the clan to prosperity.

The granduncle laughed, "He will! Your talent is the greatest in our clan for several generations. Your growth is simply breathtaking. You have not disappointed us old farts at all. You are already at the brink of the seventh level and once you master all six styles of the Duanmu Sword Style, you will gain rapid advancement and reach the eighth level quickly. Tang, in this harsh world, the one thing that stands above all is talent!"

"Talent." Tang said softly.

"That's right! No matter how hard your useless cousins train or struggle, they cannot keep up with your cultivation speed. No matter how long they practice their sword, they cannot match your comprehension and learning ability. This is talent. Harsh Patel may be strong but he is old. You are thirty years his junior and in just a few more years, you will have already reached his level. This is talent!"

"Talent..." Tang repeated again.

He understood his granduncle's words of encouragement and it helped soothe his wounded pride. Yet at the same time, he was reminded of a certain person, an overweight giant of a man.

If Tang was talented, then what was Gray? That dirty peasant was only at the first level and yet managed to survive his sword not once by multiple times. There were also those hands that were like steel, capable of blocking the sharp edge of a sword like it was a piece of wood. It seemed impossible yet he had seen it with his very own eyes.

"Tang?" His granduncle called, noticing his uncertainty.

Tang shook his head, banishing thoughts of his absurd opponent from his mind. The guy was only at the first level. There was no point in worrying about someone who barely entered cultivation.

"I'm fine. I understand what I need to do."

The old man nodded in satisfaction. "The next few months will be very important. All of our plans are coming together. Soon, we will wipe out these invaders from our land and take Jade Hill Town, that which is rightfully ours!"


"Yes…" The old man lowered his voice to a whisper, "Your grandfather and I are working on a plan to drastically improve our entire clan's cultivation. When that time comes, our army will be unstoppable. Jade Hill Town will no longer be able to fight us. The events that will determine the future of our clan are about to dawn. You must get stronger quickly. Only then can you participate in the elder council's plans. Only then can you take part and make contributions that will solidify your status completely in the eyes of all the elders as well as our people."

"Yes, granduncle! I won't let you down!" Tang said with fervor in his eyes.

With spirit lifted, he stopped the carriage and jumped down.

"Everyone, stop!" He shouted.

Ignoring the confused looks, he rushed through his people, selecting those that were in the worst shape, with broken or missing limbs. He had them transferred to the wagons, letting them ride instead of walking to their potential deaths. He then took as many bags as he could from others. With his strength, he was able to carry four or five times what the weakest among them could.

"Young master!"

"Don't, young master!"

They complained weakly but Tang would not be refused. His granduncle didn't say anything but merely watched with a twinkle in his eye.

Tang made his way to the front of the procession, laden with bags just like everyone else. He turned and was met with a sea of emotional faces, filled with respect and adoration.

"Duanmu Clan!" Tang's voice cut through the wind and was heard by all, "I take full responsibility for this mission. Those who have sacrificed their lives will not be forgotten. Those who put their bodies and future on the line will be celebrated. Your families will receive the highest honor and rewards."

The crowd clapped and cheered.

"That's right! Our battles against the lord of Jade Hill Town are only beginning. With your loyalty and sacrifice, we shall prevail. We shall show the world once and for all that the Duanmu Clan is the true lord of the Jade Plains!"

A roar of support erupted, wiping away the melancholy atmosphere completely.

"Young Master Tang!"

"We will fight to the last for the clan!"

"Death to the Jade Hill Lord!"