38. The Lord's Deal

Gray shook his head and held out his hand, "I'd rather not. I just want my money."

"My intent is not to swindle you out of your money." The lord said evenly. "The total amount owed to you has been calculated to be one thousand seven hundred and ninety gold coins and thirty-five silver coins. News of this will inevitably spread and you will attract a lot of unwanted attention. Your cultivation is only at the 1st Level of the Spiritual Strengthening Realm. At your pitiful level of strength, you have a high chance of being robbed or simply murdered for your money."

Lord Reddy patiently explained that Jade Hill Town was not as calm and safe as it seemed on the surface. It might be safe during the day but not necessarily during the night. A newcomer like Gray, who had no family or friends, would no doubt become a juicy target for unsavory people. Even those that weren't criminals might be tempted by the sheer amount of gold.

The average villager in Blue Lake Village made around one or two silver per month. The average resident in Jade Hill Town wasn't much better off and made only twenty or thirty silver per month. This was why trade caravans to far-off lands like the King's Mountains were profitable. They could bring back a hundred gold worth of goods on a good trip and provide a decent living for a lot of people.

Gray's small mountain of gold was a huge deal in Jade Hill Town. It was an amount that instantly made him one of the richest people here. If it fell into the wrong hands, it would be a huge loss and the lord could not let this happen.

"I am not trying to threaten you, I am merely pointing out the truth, a very real danger. If you doubt me, take a look at the guards in the room. They are all weaker than Captain Harsh Patel and even head guard Wuyi Bai. Do you think you can take them on?" The lord asked.

Gray scoffed, "I'm not afraid of a fight."

The lord gave a signal and one of the guards beside the throne room walked forward and gave a curt bow. Gray faced the man and raised his fists. He had no choice but to prove his strength to get his money.

He gave a yell and launched at the guard. A fast punch shot out, directly towards the guard's head. He wanted to use his speed and strength and end the fight quickly.

The fist almost reached its destination but the guard sidestepped at the last moment. Gray blew past his target but he wasn't done. He spun around into leaping kick, again at the man's head.

The guard did not dodge this time and instead blocked the kick with his arms. It was like hitting a rock wall and the man barely budged. He then grabbed Gray's raised leg and hooked his own leg around Gray's remaining leg.

Gray fell like a dead log and slammed into the ground. He saw stars as his head knocked against the stone floor. By the time he figured out what was going on, he was already lying on his back with a knee on his chest and fist raised threateningly above his head.

The disciplined guard got off quickly. He silently returned to his post while Gray scrambled back up and stared at the floor sheepishly.

Harsh Patel chuckled, "You just fought head guard Wuji Bai. He is one level lower than his brother Wuyi yet he was able to beat you with ease. There are many strong people like them in town. There are many that are not the lord's guards and not under the lord's control. Your life can be ended in an instant if you give these wicked people a reason to do so."

Gray sighed in defeat. He couldn't even beat an average head guard so there was little chance he could protect his fortune. He had no other choice.

"So… about that deal?" He asked.

The deal was simple and reasonable. Gray would have to leave the gold in the lord's treasury for safekeeping. He was given a handful of gold coins as an allowance but he could come back and ask for more if he wanted to make a large purchase. He could not ask for all the money unless he reached the 5th Level of the Spiritual Strengthening Realm. As an incentive for keeping his money with the lord long term, he would get a bonus of fifty gold on top after six months.

Gray couldn't find anything wrong with the deal but it simply hinged on the lord's word and nothing else. He agreed and hoped for the best. Given the vast disparity in strength, it wasn't like he had much of a choice.


Only Harsh Patel and Lord Reddy were left in the great hall. Gray had left a while ago while Issac followed the guards and the gold down to the treasury. With the hall now silent, the lord stood up from the uncomfortable throne and stepped out from behind the veil.

"Where did you find such a wild boy?"

Without the veil, the voice was mellow, like a gentle breeze. Without the veil, her stunning feminine features were clear as day.

"He is a little rough. He is from the mountains after all. You'll get used to him, he's not bad." Harsh said.

The lord scrunched her nose. "You are sure?"

"He is a little strange, with unnaturally high talent. He even managed to catch a sword with his bare hands!" Harsh shifted his feet and acted out what he had seen, reenacting Gray's performance during that night's battle.

"No technique whatsoever." The lord observed. "He wasn't controlling spiritual energy?"

"I couldn't see any fluctuations of spiritual energy around his hands or anywhere else on his body. He's simply at the first level, a total beginner. But his brute strength surpasses even the third level." Harsh said.

The lord rubbed her chin and pondered the matter. Having tough skin or unnatural strength wasn't unheard of. Unnatural strength compared to one's peers was an indication of great cultivation potential. Geniuses of famous cultivation sects were rumored to have such potential and be able to perform similar feats. Tough skin was a different matter, one that was potentially due to a special physique. Certain people were gifted by the heavens with rare physiques that gave them special advantages and attributes. They were far more prized by cultivation sects than even those with high potential.

"Fine, he's yours. Keep an eye on him." She said.

She didn't have time to worry about a strange boy. Cultivation potential and rare physiques didn't matter to her. She had long since left that world behind.

"Onto more pressing matters. Send word to the various families. I want a mining expedition to the King's Mountain leaving within a week." She said. "If Amin Baba or his company give you any trouble, you have my authority to deal with them."

"It will be done!" Harsh replied.

"As for the Duanmu Clan," She continued, "Since their casualties were much higher this time, they won't try again for a while. Double patrols for two weeks should be enough. Otherwise, orders remain the same."

Harsh looked like he wanted to argue. He held his tongue but his distressed expression told her everything. She knew he hated them even more than the merchants sucked the life out of Jade Hill Town. The Duanmu Clan was their longstanding enemy. Harsh would have wiped them out if he had the choice.

Alisha's own feelings on the matter weren't as adamant. She didn't see any way to defeat the Duanmu Clan without a long costly war, one which was almost unwinnable. Too many of her people would die. She couldn't let them suffer like that.

Thus, she was content with the current stalemate and the relative peace it provided, save for a small attack here and there. It was the best she could do to keep the promise to her father.

"How's he doing?" Harsh asked, knowing who she was thinking about.

"Not better but not worse. He hasn't been eating well but at least he takes his medicine."

"Is there anything..."

She shook her head, "It's fine. Keep everyone safe, that's the most important thing you can do."

"Understood... Alisha!"


Welcome to the relaunch of The Treasure King - Book 1: Lord of the Jade Plains.

Old chapters have been removed and I will be uploading 2 chapters per day.

I have edited this novel for over half a year, with major rewrites of character arcs, tweaks to setting and world, as well as a few plot changes. Previous readers may find many things confusing so I would recommond a reread from chapter 1.

The complete Book 1 will be available at my Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/kigreenwriting

Thanks for reading. Feel free to leave feedback, anything and everything is appreciated!