44. Alisha

The woman in question stood in the doorway to the courtyard, mouth half agape. This was her home, somewhere she least expected to see that overgrown brute from the mountains. She had no idea how he managed to find his way here.

She turned away quickly but his image lingered. She had never seen a man like him before. She shook her head furiously to clear her head and slammed her fist against the wall. This had to be a setup, somebody had to pay.

She stormed into the kitchen where a familiar face sat at the head of the dining table with a smile that was just a little too smug.


"Father!" Alisha hissed, "You didn't tell me he was here!"

"Oh hey! I forgot!"

She was annoyed that he found the situation amusing.

"It was Harsh, am I right?" She asked

He laughed some more. "Does it have to be him?"

She gritted her teeth. She was going to have a serious chat with her captain, her uncle, one that he wouldn't enjoy. How dare he go behind her back!

But seeing her father's twinkling eyes full of mirth, she threw her hands in the air and gave up. It was rare to see him this happy so she wasn't going to ruin it. Her anger subsided and she busied herself with finishing the array of dishes she had prepared for dinner.

She made sure the various dishes were ready and heated. She made everything from scratch and even bought the ingredients herself. It took a lot of time out of her busy day but it was also a chance to see her father.

She finished off the last few dishes checked on the rice. She set up the table and began scooping and ladling each dish onto large ceramic plates.

"Dear daughter, you made so many of my favorites tonight!" Anand said appreciatively.

Alisha bit back a retort. She only did it he had asked for a big dinner, not knowing he was expecting an extra mouth to feed. She had gladly prepared everything, hoping her father's appetite had improved, that his condition had improved. But it was futile to expect the impossible.

Right as she put down the last plate and finished arranging the metal spoons and chopsticks, their guest arrived with uncanny timing.

Anand welcomed him and led him to an open seat, "Gray, come, sit! I promised you dinner so here it is. This is my daughter, Alisha. She likes to cook and always makes too much… We don't mind if you joined us, right Alisha?"

Gray glanced up and said his thanks before staring unblinkingly at the food once again. Alisha, on the other hand, gave a very frustrated and unwilling sigh.

Anand began describing the dishes.

"Gray, this one is called flying chicken vindaloo. It's my favorite and a specialty of the region. My daughter makes the best in the whole town! But it's very spicy so be careful."

"Try these potatoes, very flavorful, amazing…"

"Have some bison curry too. It's great for a man's vitality, hahaha..."

Anand rapidly piled food onto Gray's plate.

"Thanks!" Gray said and dug in.

Alisha watched the Gray shovel food into his mouth like a starving savage. He had absolutely no manners, to the point that it was slightly concerning. She wasn't concerned about him though, she was just worried that he would eat all the food she made for her father. There was enough to feed five or six people but she never expected Gray to have such an abnormal appetite.

However, Anand didn't mind one bit. He seemed to be having a great time. He was far more lively and energetic than usual. She watched him like a hawk, making sure to pile food on his plate and that he ate it. He had to eat, even if he didn't want to.

"So Gray, I hear you that you are a rich man!" Anand said, ignoring his food.

"Huh?" Gray looked up and wiped his mouth, "Oh, yeah... did Harsh tell you?"

"He did, quite a sizable fortune he said. What are you going to do with all that money? Have you thought about starting a family, are you looking for a wife?" Her father said with a straight face and pulled at her hand, "What about Alisha?"

"Father!" Alisha cried fiercely, wrenching her hand away.

She ignored Gray, who seemed to be choking, and glared at her father.

Her father knew exactly why she wasn't married yet. She had sacrificed so much for him and yet he wanted to make jokes like this.

Anand coughed awkwardly, "Ah, forget I said anything. Alisha isn't quite suitable, she's actually..."

Alisha slammed the table, causing both men to jump. She gave her father a severe look, warning him silently to not reveal her secret. Her status as Lord Reddy, the noble leader of Jade Hill Town, was known to only a few within the Patel family and key allies. Gray wasn't allowed to know.

"What?" Her father protested, "I was going to say that you're actually not attracted to men at all!"

Gray began coughing again which caused Anand to slap his back, "Come on! It was just a joke. You two youngsters shouldn't take it so seriously. Unless… there's something I should know about?"

Gray shook his head furiously, his mouth full of food.

She sighed and ignored the two men who seemed to be getting along swimmingly. She stared at her own plate, stabbing her chopsticks at the food in frustration.

Her status had to remain secret no matter what. It was to protect the reputation and memory of the previous lord, her mother. Nobody could know or people would ask endless questions. And that would dig up old memories and cause her father endless pain and regret.

Only the guard captains knew. Not even the head guards were allowed in on this secret. And so far, there was no indication that any of the townsfolk, be it merchants or miners or ordinary guards, knew anything was amiss. If she had her wish, it would stay like this forever.

Someone like Gray was simply an insignificant person in her life, a fleeting figure that would soon move on. Therefore, he would never know.