7 I like your dad

I am so exhausted today considering I have classes in the morning.

Abby is out with her friends, she invited me too but I decline because all I want is my bed and binge on Netflix.

Just when I was about to shower I received a text-only it was from an unknown number.

" Lichen you'll pay for what you did before. All the guys think  I am gay and have a crush on Prof. Gideon.

I laugh slightly at the text. I don't need to ask who It is because the nickname is enough for me to know who It is. Wait I don't remember giving him my number. I guess Abby gave it to him.

Ahhole how did you get my number? _Lyra

I have my ways__ Cole

Did you get from Abby?___  Lyra

Nope____ Cole

And I am not sorry  _____ Lyra

You'll pay for this___ Cole

Iam not scared_____ Lyra

Really??____  Cole

What makes you think I am scared of you?  _____ Lyra

Fine you ask for it_____ Cole

Eat your shit____ Lyra

You'll regret it ___ Cole

I don't bother replying to that and went ahead to shower. I wonder what he meant by I'll pay for that I mean it's not that bad. Nobody would believe Cole is gay he looks manly and stupidly handsome.

Whatever he's planning I have to make sure I don't fall for it.

For now, I have lots of assignments to work my butt off and I need to call my parents.


LIchen___ Cole

What is it again? ? ____ Lyra

It's midnight why were you still awake? ?___Cole

I am watching a movie____ Lyra

What movie is it???___ Cole

None of your business ___ Lyra

Don't be so mean____ Cole

Says the guy who still refuses to call me Lyra___ Lyra

  I prefer Lichen____ Cole

And why would that be??___ Lyra

Just____ Cole

Go to sleep ____ Lyra

You are not my mom ____ Cole

Thank God ____ Lyra

Why are you thanking God???____ Cole

I would be in jail for murder if I am your mom___ Lyra

Come on you don't mean that___ Cole

I mean it ___ Lyra

Geez what's got your panties in twist___ Cole

My panty is my business ___ Lyra

So it's really twisted? ___ Cole

Shut up ____ Lyra

I am sleepy___ Cole


Sing me a lullaby___ Cole

What the hell___ Lyra

Don't you know how to sing?? ___  Cole

I sound like a dying whale____ Lyra

It can't be that bad ___ Cole

  Once my dad pay me not to sing when there is a visitor in our home___ Lyra

I like your dad___ Cole

Figure____ Lyra

Why don't ask me If I knew you before?___ Cole

So now you remember??___ Lyra

Yeah, I remember ___Cole

Why did you transfer schools?__ Lyra

Why? Miss me?? ___ Cole

You wish___Lyra

I know___ Cole

Goodnight ___ Lyra

Are you sleeping? ?___ Cole

Yeah, I have classes in the morning ___Lyra

K___ Cole

Goodnight __ Cole

See you tomorrow Ly___Cole

He just call me Ly I can't help but smile at that. Meeting cole after six years I am kinda happy and sad. I am sappy for now.

He seems so happy this time and I am glad he doesn't seem to be moody. He's being sweet with Abby and Lee too. I just wish he'll stop being sarcastic around me.

I have a feeling we'll be seeing each other a lot since Abby is his cousin and Lee is his best friend.

I wonder If he has girlfriend did...   Hold your horses Lyra you did not just imagine that. God.

I mean It's no harm being curious right?? right.

   I wonder If I'll see him tomorrow. Wait Did I have literature tomorrow?  Let me just check and sleep. okay,  I just love literature class. It doesn't have anything to do with the 6'tall elephant eye colour with a sharp nose and jawline that can slice an apple.  I'm being dramatic right now but Cole jawline drools worthy.

I can't help but smile when I sleep but Abby is snoring, that's so attractive. Heh.

I have classes in 5 minutes and was on my way when Lee waves me over. I walk up to him smiling.


"Hi sleep well?" He asked me.

"  No, I have to wake up early for classes. College is  horrible and do you know Abby snores so much I can't fall asleep."

" Yeah Abby snores a lot " he replied barely audible.

Now that I think about It Lee and Abby don't talk much when they are together. I wonder if they have some history. I want to be so nosy right now but seeing Lee being so uncomfortable I decided to drop it.

" Lee I'll see you later ."

" k Bye"

I wave at him and went away. Just when I am about to round the corner I am yanked back by an arm around my waist. I yelp and look up to see Cole looking down at me smiling.

" Hey"

" Is that necessary ? "

" Hi to you too Lyra. "

He just calls my name !!! Yesss  !!! I must be smiling because Cole pokes at my dimples. I look at his eyes and I am shocked by the intensity of his eyes staring at me. He blinks twice and just smiles.

" Have you seen Abby?"

" she's in the dorm. She says she has classes in the afternoon."

" What about you?"

" I don't have classes in the afternoon"

" Well see you later I have classes to go"

" Okay "

"Ohh by the way Lyra "

" What?"

" you look pretty "

I blush hard at that he must have seen it because he chuckles and went away to his class.

Poetry classes are so boring I have to slap myself hard not to fall asleep during the lecture.

It would have been embarrassing having a drool on you when your professor is giving a lecture.

I zone out thinking about Cole the way he smiles and how he is being decent with me today.

I am back from my classes and I am alone reading ' It ends with us' by Colleen Hoover.

Knock ... knock

I wonder who It is because Abby is in her classes and I don't expect a visitor.

Still, I went and open the door to see Cole raising his hand to knock again.

What is he doing here?

" Abby is in her classes Cole"

"   I know "

" Then why are you here?"

" Do you have Michael number?"

Now I am confused, who is he talking about. Cole seems nervous and strange.

" Michael who?"

" Ohh never mind"

Now we were standing awkwardly not knowing what else to say. I don't think inviting him in won't be strange because we are sort of friends. " Cole ahhh do you wanna come in?"

He looks at me and smiles lightly.

" Sure"

He went inside and sit in my bed making himself comfortable.  I don't know how to act now being alone with him.

" Why are you standing there talking to yourself? "

" I'm not talking, I am just moving my lips "

He looks at me weirdly and shrugs. "Whatever"

Cole closes his eyes for a sec and I just stare at him he looks so good sitting there like he owns the bed.  His white t-shirt clung to his body perfectly and his hair falls over his eyes. Cole is the definition of perfection It hurts to see him being too perfect.

" Take a picture would you? " he says. He must have seen me staring at him because he smirks when he says that.

" I have seen better "  Lies but I don't want to be caught gawking at him.

"  Lyra"

What's with the tone of his voice. He sounds so serious right now.

" Yeah?"

" Can I be honest?"

I am confused and curious about what he is talking about.

" Honest about what Cole? "

" I am happy"

" What? "

He stood up and make his way towards me, I just back away till my back hit the wall. He stood a few feet apart and caress my cheek, his eyes were the only thing I can see for now.

He leans in and whispered " Thank you. "

He back away and just like that, he left me standing in my room all alone with thousands of questions swirling in my head.

Its Friday night and I can't be more than happy to finally sleep peacefully.

It's already night now and Abby is persuading me to come with her to a party. It's being held by a senior of our college and Abby is being invited. She argues with me saying It's a good chance for a freshman to make friends and live a little.

I have gone to parties during high school with Georgie and my friends. Honestly, it's not a good experience and I don't plan on going tonight.  But Abby is being so persistent and I've got no choice. I hope this will be the last time she asks me to go with her.

1 hour later,

I already feel nauseous even before stepping in and I am already regretting my decision coming here. Abby looks so gorgeous with her black top and high heels. I look like a potato standing with her.

I badly want to turn back and watch some movies in my bed right now but It's too late because Abby is already dragging me inside.