8 Why is he staring at you?

As soon as I am inside I am hit with the smell of alcohol and perfumes. YUCK. Although It's a party I don't see people dancing and getting drunk. I somehow felt at ease. Abby introduces Travis to me. Travis is cute and has blue eyes he is in the sophomore year but he treats us as his friends.  Abby left me with Travis saying she has to say Hi to her friends. So we are sitting talking and with drinks in our hands.

" So Lyra I haven't seen you around "

" I don't socialise much "

" Boring "

" I love it "

" What's wrong with having fun?"

" Who says I don't have fun, Mr Travis?" I ask him curling my lips upward.

" I doubt it" Travis raise his eyebrow as he waits for my answer.

" I don't care" I saw his lip tilting upwards whenever I reply.

" Do you want to dance?"

" Ohh No no. It's a big No. I cross my arms emphasising my answer.

But Travis grins mischievously and lead me to the dance floor. Nobody is in their right mind now they are all drunk to care about us.

Abby offers me a drink but I only took water. I don't want to drink and made a fool out of myself.

Travis is dancing weirdly and I can't help but laugh at his face.  He looks so hilarious right now.  I look at Travis and see him dancing without a care and I follow his lead. I probably look like a horse with my steps but Travis doesn't seem to mind because he only laughs at me.

  We dance till our feet hurts and we were laughing the whole time. I feel relieved because I don't have classes in the morning.

I wonder If cole is here because he sure looks like someone who would love a party with his cocky attitude and bad boy aura.

" You look like a seal when you dance Lyra" Travis tease me.

" Why Thank you ." I bow my head playfully.

" Lyra why is Cole staring at us? "

I look his way and Holy cow!!! I double-take to see Cole leaning against the corner glaring at us. Now he's back to glaring, after leaving me yesterday with the pathetic confusing action he dares to glare. I glare him back with much intensity until he looks away from me.

While I was busy killing him with my eyes  Travis swap his fingers in front of my eyes. "what's that just now"?

" Nothing "?

" Lyra I don't see that as nothing?"

" Is Cole Anderson your boyfriend?"

What?? no way in Hell.

" What? ?? No way. Wait do you know Cole?"

" Yeah, he's in our team . "

" Soccer ?"

" Yeah. "

"Ohhh. Travis, it was nice meeting you I think I have to go now I want to sleep early " I said because it's half past 11 and I badly need asleep.

" Enjoy your company Lyra see you soon. "

  He gave me a peck on the cheek and went away. It was just a friendly peck on the cheek. I search Abby and found her playing truth and dare with a group of boys and girls.

I feel bad to call her when she was in the middle of the game so I went outside for some fresh air.

Once I'm out I feel like I can breathe freely. It's cold out here but I don't want to go inside yet. I love the calm and being alone is euphoric.

" So you show up"

I don't need to turn around to see who it is. That deep voice is enough to let me know it's Cole. I don't know what he is doing out here but I don't mind him here with me.

" Abby drag me here"

"So You and Travis?" he asked me.

I turn to see him staring ahead.  The faint glow of the light illuminates his face making him look so beautiful. If I am an artist I would love to capture this moment and draw it.

" You're staring again "

" Sorry "

" You didn't answer my question"


" Do you like Travis? "

"I met him this tonight ."

" So?"

" I can't like someone in that short amount of time ."

" So you mean You don't like him?"

" No way. I don't "  he seems happy with my reply because I saw his lip twitch.

" Lyra do you believe in love at first sight?"

  I think about his question and shake my head " No I don't believe in love Cole. Whether It's love at first sight or any type of love?"

" Why not?"

" We humans are selfish"

" You're so right"

"  Cole, do you wanna play a game?"

He looks and me and nods. " what game?"

" Okay both of us are gonna ask questions and we gave an honest answer but it stays between us no matter what. "

" Okay, I'll go first. "

" Sure ask me"

" What's your middle name?"

"Adrain "

"My turn "


"Do you have trouble sleeping ?"

He looks quite taken by my question.  I'm curious to know this because ever since the night he texts me I have a feeling he has trouble sleeping.

" Do I have to be honest?"

" Well, it's an honest game. It stays between us remember " I say and he nods.

" Well I have insomnia"

" Ohh. Your question"

"Ahhhh I got one. Am I handsome?" He asks smiling sheepishly.

What am I supposed to say now?

"Yes my turn "

He leans in and cups his ear " I didn't hear that"

I smack his shoulder and say yes louder.

" Which finger did you pick your nose, Cole?"

" Is that even a question?" He asks and looks at me weirdly.

"Which finger Cole I am curious? "

He didn't answer he just show me his forefinger.  His face right now is so hilarious I can't help but laugh so hard.

He looks annoyed and flicks me in my forehead " Will you stop laughing."

"Okay okay I thought you won't answer but hey Cole " He looks my way and I pretend to pick my nose with my forefinger. He smiles and smacks my head playfully.

" My turn ". He thinks hard and smiles mischievously " Lyra B cup or C cup???"

" Geez that is so not allowed, Cole out of the rule"

" Well, the last time I check there is no rule now tell me" he smirks and wait for my answer.

My face is so hot and I mutter "B" under my breath. But being Cole with dog ears hears and laugh at me.

" Ohh Lyra I am so enjoying our games"

" Shut up"

" Okay, Cole pink or purple?"

" Noto"

"That's not fair you have to choose one"

" Okay purple"

"Haha, I'll buy you a purple hairband. "

"  I'll throw away"

" You'll love it Iknow " I wiggle my eyebrows at him.

" My turn"

" okay"

"How many seconds did your first kiss last?"

What!!! How am I supposed to say to that? I haven't had my first kiss yet Cole is asking me. I just shrug and cole looks confused.

" Come on you said honest Lyra"

" I haven't kiss anyone. That's eww"

" Are you serious?"

"Wait have you?" I ask him and he just smiles.  What the hell maybe this first kiss topic reminds him of his first kiss. " Don't ask my question? "

" Okay, I am not curious" Lies Lies  I won't fall asleep tonight.  This curiosity would eat me alive I just know.

" Cole my turn "

" Go ahead ask me"

" Apple or Orange?"

" Orange"

" Lyra on a scale of 1 to 10 how much will you rate me?"

If he asks me this six years ago I would definitely give a 10. If he asks me on the first day it would be 2.1 but he's sorta my friend for now and I enjoy his company.  " Okay, I'll rate you 4. "

" 4!!!??"


" Cole In the alphabet what is the letter that has the most water?"

" Is it like a riddle?"

" Nope. Just a question "

He thinks hard and says " W?


" How C?  Is it because it's a curve ?"

"  How is the curve related to having most water? "

" How am I supposed to know?

" C( SEA) "

"Why didn't I think of that"

" Cause you're genius"

He chuckles and God that sound did a lot of things to me.

" Lyra Chocolate or Vanilla?"

" Vanilla"

He looks at me pointedly and fake gasp. "Seriously you prefer vanilla over chocolate.  Geez you taste sucks"


"Why are you ao rude"?

Now It's my turn to fake gasp " I am rude?"

He rolls his eyes "duh".

"You take that back"

"  Nope". What's wrong with him or am I rude? ? Whatever though  I am not dwelling on Cole thinking  I am rude. Right now I have games to play and I am so enjoying it.

" London or Paris Cole?

" Paris"

It's quiet and I look over to see cole staring at me.  I don't like it when he stares at me, It makes me uneasy and I blush hard. I hope he asks me his next question not stared at me wordlessly. " Lyra Travis or Cole?"


" What ?"

" You heard me the first time"

I kept my mouth shut.

What am I suppose to answer .. Travis is someone I met today but cole is my crush six years ago.

" Travis"

He clenches his fist but soon masks his emotion. I don't understand why he would ask me such ridiculous questions.

  Both of us were quiet for sometime when I felt cole holding my hands. I am surprised he doesn't hear my heart beating at an abnormal speed.

I don't dare to move nor look at him. I felt his eyes at me but I am just so scared to turn and break this moment. Cole continued holding my hands and I love and hate it at the same time. I HOVE IT.