9 Barbie and ken

I plan to sleep the whole day It's weekend and It's been so long I haven't fully rest although.

I feel like I have lost tons of weight. It's been two months, other than tons of assignment I love college.

Abby and I have spent most of our nights watching a movie. Although I have never asked about her relationship with Lee, I have my suspicion. Sometimes I caught them staring one another with longing faces when we were in the cafeteria or when we hung out.

Cole and I pretend as nothing happen. Abby, Lee, Cole and use to hang out during the weekends together.

Abby and her friends were gone out for today and she won't be back till late night. I want her to tell me about Lee but I won't force her.

Just when I was about to sleep Abby came back and practically drag me out from of the bed.

" Lyra you have to come, I don't want to go alone "

" But I thought you were with your friends"

" I don't want to go with them, I want to go with you"

" Go away Abby I am tired"

" Lyra, Cole will be there "

Now I am fully awake but I have to play it cool "why would I go when your cousin is there?"

" Lyra don't think I haven't seen you two together "

" Pfttt ...I don't know what you are talking about Abby"

" OHH Please drop the act"

" Alright, what about you"

"  What about me?"

" Don't act clueless Abigail?"

" I told you not to call me that"


" Lyra If you don't come with me now I'll tell Cole it's the time of your month"

I gasp" You wouldn't dare "

" Ohh I will" she smirks knowing I am about to give in.

" Fine Fine let me take a shower"

" Go ahead "

" Abby, Seriously a movie??

" Well it's Lee idea"

" Lee huh??" I wiggle my eyebrows and she blushes hard.

" Shut up"

It's been 15 minutes we have been waiting for the guys but they haven't shown up. I swear I will go watch it alone, forget about them.

Just when I was about to lash out at Abby I saw Lee waving at us, O was about to wave back when I saw cole and a blondie behind Lee's back. They seem to be in deep conversation and doesn't notice us.

I feel a pang of Jealously at the sight, I wish I stayed in my dorm, bed sounds much better than seeing Cole with a girl. Abby glares at the girl and looks at me apologetically I just shrug.

Lee smiles widely and makes his way towards us " Hey guys"

" Hey back"

Finally, Cole looks up and his eyes widen when he saw me. He looks at his date and ignored me completely.

" Hey, guys meet Rachel " Oh so his blondie name is Rachel. 

We introduce ourselves, and I drag Abby and went away from the Barbie and Ken couple.  I sat beside Abby and Lee next to her. I crank my neck to see Cole and Barbie whispering in each other ear. Ohh how I wish I could slap both of them.

I tried so hard to concentrate on the movie but I just can't.  My brain is plotting with different Scenarios to murder the couple behind me.

If I hear giggling one more time I swear barbie will break her nose tonight.

Finally, after an hour of giggling and sulking, I practically ran out of the theatre not wanting to witness another lovely scene.

I have met her only today but Rachel aka Barbie is in my dislike list.

I am out alone waiting for Abby when Cole came out alone, I wonder where he left his barbie.

" Lyra I thought you are staying in today"

" I  change my mind"

" You heading back now?"

" Yeah "

Cole looks at me with a serious expression and Speaks up. " Lyra about Rachel ."

I hold up my fingers and interrupts him ." Cole you don't need to explain anything, Whoever you date is not my business. "

For a second I saw hurt flashes in his eyes but he masks his emotion pretty well. Honestly whatever Cole do is not my business, but I can't help but feel sad. " Cole I better go, enjoy your night " I walk away from him.

I saw Abby making her way towards us, I want to leave this place as soon as possible.

Cole ignore us completely and went away. Abby looks confuse and look at me with her' you're explaining later' look. I shrug and drag her away.

" Lyra what's that just now?"

" what's what Abby?"

" You and Cole"

" Ohh nothing"

" It doesn't seem like nothing"

" Abby just drop it. I want ice cream now"

" Okay "

It's midnight and I am laying in my bed wide awake, my mind wanders to cole and I can't help but feel a bit disappointed.

Why would he hold my hands at the party?  I guess It's just a friendly gesture.

If he likes someone who am I to judge or get jealous. I have my own life, and I plan to enjoy it fully.

But I keep on thinking about Cole, this obsession I have is what I hate about me. I don't know how to act around him after our conversion today at the movies.

Whatever I'll just sleep for now,

Cole said he had insomnia.....

  Ohh my Gosh what is wrong with me?

Stop thinking about Godamn Cole Lyra.

It's Monday and it feels like time flew when I dreaded it. I don't want to face Cole Anderson today. Maybe I can ignore him, wait what about literature class? , I should just sit somewhere else today.

I am on my way to my first class when the devil calls me" Lyra ."

I stop in my track and wait for him to make his way towards me. He gave me a small smile which I ignore ." Morning  Lyra Adrian", Cole has been calling my middle name since I told him at the party.

" Morning to you too coleee," I said.

And like that everything went to normal between us. Both of us act like We don't have the conversation last Friday, and I am not complaining. 

We had separate classes and I turn my head to bid him goodbye when he held my wrist " Lyra I am sorry "

I am confused to why he was saying sorry " Cole Is it about Friday? , If it is I told you It's not my business. "

  He looks angry " Then do you fucking mind Travis business," he says harshly.

" Cole  I- uh " I stammered and keep my mouth shut when Cole interrupts me by holding his fingers up.

  " Save it Lyra"

He releases his grip on my wrist and walks away.

What is seriously wrong with Cole? Why is he always dragging Travis into our conversation? I am not the one who brings date last Friday.