10 Happy with other guys

Cole P.O.V

I fuck up, Rachel is my friend and I don't have any feelings for her yet I always seem to mess things up.

It was a dick move bringing Rachel with me last Friday, I thought Lyra won't be coming with us but I was surprised when she was there.

Ever since the day I saw Lyra again I can't get her out of my mind, she is such a mean person sometimes but that's what I like about her.

She looks so adorable when she gets angry with her nose scrunching up or the way she blushes when someone compliments her.

Lyra is beautiful but she doesn't realize it but I guess that's what makes her more special.

Six years ago, my parents have a strange relationship and they always fought with each other and I am pretty depressed.

  Lyra sat behind me for the whole year on our geography classes.

After mom and dad got a divorce I went away to live with my dad.

I am so furious when I saw Travis and Lyra laughing and dancing at the party. Travis is a cool guy but I don't like the idea of Lyra being happy with guys, call me selfish but I don't want Lyra getting comfortable with another guy other than me.

Lee is an exception because he and Abby have some sort of thing going on and that guy is so whipped. I know he had his eyes only for my cousin sister.

Lyra is quite funny and I enjoy talking and spending time with her. She looks so cute with her brown round eyes, the way it looks huge when she is amazed or blinks many times when she thinks hard. I'll be damn to let anyone have her but I ruin it by bringing Rachel to the movies.

I was about to explain to her that Rachel means nothing to me but she surprises me by saying it's not her business.  I felt defeated after hearing her say that and got so furious I went back to my dorm leaving Rachel with Lee.

I have to talk with Lyra today, I search for her immediately as soon as I reach our campus. I am already late for my classes but I need to talk  Lyra first. My eyes immediately land on her walking towards her class, but I call her " lyraaa ."

She stops and spins around to look at me, and waits till I make my way towards her.

" Good morning Lyra Adrian" I love calling her middle name because It kinda suits her.

" Good morning Coleee" she greets me back, Damn !! Lyra is gonna be the death of me, she sounds so cute and it takes a lot of willpower not to kiss her.

She looks perfect today with her white t-shirt and her denim shorts. Her brown hair is let loose and she tucks a strand of her hair behind her ears.

I love her long wavy waves, I would love to run my fingers through it.

Snap out of it Cole. She doesn't feel the same way about you.

We were about to separate our ways but I held her wrist back, she turns to look at me " Lyra I'm sorry. "

She looks confused at first but finally speaks" cole is it about Friday?  If it is I told you It's not my business ."

The ways she says It's not her business makes me angry, here I am trying to explain but she says she doesn't care when all I think about is talking to her.

I got so furious and says" Then do you fucking mind Travis business."

She looks at me wide eye and stammered" Cole  I-uh " I hold my fingers up and interrupts her " Save it Lyra"

I walk away because Lyra is being a bitch by hurting my feelings saying It's not her business.

I thought she somehow feels the same way about me but I guess I am wrong.