11 I'll pick you up




I'm sitting in our college cafeteria working my essay but my mind is jumbled up with Cole Anderson.

He's the reason I haven't written even ten sentences. It's been four days since we last talk, we try to ignore each as often as possible, and other than occasional glances we don't interact much.

I saw Lee and Abby looking at us confusedly but I kept my mouth shut, they don't bother to ask us and I can't be more grateful.

Honestly, I don't know what to say If they ask me, Cole and I are complicated. It's Saturday tomorrow and I have plans with Abby.

I was typing carelessly in my laptop making noises, It must have been annoying because the girl at the next table glared at me. I smile apologetically and roll my eyes, Just when I was back to typing useless words my phone rang. I am surprised to see Cole calling me, I am not sure what to say but my curiosity is at my end and  I accepted his call. " Lyra. "

"Hello to you too Mr Anderson " I greet.

He chuckles a little " Lyra what are you doing this weekend. "

" I have plans with Abby, why ?"

" Alright I'll come to pick you up at 7," he says like I haven't just told him I had plans.

" Why? And I don't remember saying Yes . "

" Just be ready by 7 I'll pick you up," he replies.

" Where are we going? "

" It's a surprise, See you later ."

" But Cole " I didn't get to finish it because he hung up. The nerve of this guy to cut me off.

Whatever I'll be lying If I say I am not excited to hang out with Cole again. I wonder where he is taking me, but for now, I better head back and get ready, don't wanna be sticky and messy when he comes and pick me up.

I have a shower, curl my hair put on light makeup and put on black tops and skinny jeans. Abby walk-in grinning from ear to ear, I wonder what makes her so happy.

" So you and my brother?" She asks me smiling. OHH that's why she was smiling.

I haven't told her about Cole and me going out today but she seems to have known already.

" He just asks me to get ready, It's just us being friends hanging out on weekends Abigail," I said typing my phone furiously.

" Ohh friends? " She says smirking.

" Of course what else? "

" It's a date Lyra. "

" Are you for real now? It's Cole we are talking about here Abby, So not a date. "

" You are nuts If you think It's not a date, I know you are stupid but not that stupid Lyra. "

" It's not a date, come on won't It be weird? Really !?Cole and me? "

" Shut up I have seen you guys ogling one another, I am not blind Lyra"

" Stop imaging things, By the way, Good to know you're not blind. "

" Just wait for You, Cole will soon ask you to be his girlfriend. "

I can't help but at her, Abby narrowed her eyes. " Why are you laughing? "

" Abigail you are hilarious. "

She glared at me " And you are hopeless lichen. "

" Hey don't call me that, Cole calling me is enough ." I glare at her, I smile evilly when I remember something. Abby raises her eyebrow questioningly. " Abby how many times has Lee Kiss you? "

" I lost count. " She replied mindlessly and her eyes widen when she realizes what she just said. HAH caught her.

I gasp out loud. " Abigail what have you been keeping from me, the young lady you've got a lot of explaining to do. " I put my hands in my hip for the dramatic effect.

Abby looks guilty " Lyra I promise I will tell you later when you're back from your date ." I roll my eyes at the word date. Sure I know I like Cole there's no denying that but Cole would never like me.

" You better tell me, and for the last time, It's not a date. "

" Whatever It's a date for me. "

" Don't push my button, Abigail. "

" Or what Lichen?" She smirks, I was about to pound on her when there is a knock on the door.

Abby darts her eyes towards the door before I could.

She opens the door and hugs her cousin, they mutter something under their breath and they were grinning widely. I wonder what they were talking about. I clear my throat and they finally look up.

Cole's eyes widen when he sees me standing awkwardly,  his eyes rake me up and down. I felt uncomfortable with him looking at me with those grey eyes.

I try to not squirm under his eyes,  Abby clears her throat and Cole looks at both of us and smile.

Abby claps her hand together getting our attention. " Guys don't stand there forever, I want to sleep, why don't you go to your date. HUH? "

I glare at her hard, she still says a date, Cole did not say anything about a date, It's just hanging out.

" You ready Adrain "? Cole asked me.

" Ready as I'll ever be. NOW, let's go ."  I drag him towards the door.  When I reach the door I push cole out and turn back to see Abby Smiling at me. " You look pretty Lyra, don't have too much fun on your date. " She says and winks at me.

I stick my tongue out and close the door shut. Cole is standing next to me watching me closely. " Don't just stand there Cole. " I make my way towards the gate when Cole steps towards me and holds my hand.  I don't trust myself to look up at him because I am fully flustered, instead, I just follow wherever he is leading me.

There was a car outside and Cole leads me to the passenger side. I raise my eye at him. "Cole I thought cars were not allowed in our college. "

" Oh, I went and take it earlier today. "

I was about to question him when he interrupts me " Ask me later, now let's go ." I decided to ask him later but for now, I am excited to spent time with him. He went for the driver seat and waves me in, I don't know about cars but damn Cole car is stunning and It looks so expensive. I must have look awwed because cole smiles at me" Awesome right ".  He gestures his hand towards his car, I nod and he smiles wider.

" Is it yours?"

" Yeah, It's my baby. "

" Damn you're rich. "

" No, my dad is".  He looks uncomfortable talking about his dad and I decided not to ask him further.

People have things they don't like to talk about, I don't like to talk about Mason, Lee doesn't like to talk about Abby and cole about his parents.

Now that I think about it, Cole hardly talks about his family, I want to ask him though, but if he doesn't want to tell me I am not forcing him.