12 Is he your son?

" Cole, will you tell me where we are going ?"

" Lyra how many times do I have to tell you it is a surprise. "

" Excuse me for being curious, but   I need to know to I am safe. "

" Alright, I am not taking you to clubs, or murder you. "

" Geez, that's so reassuring. "

" Just ten more minutes. "

Taylor swift ' paper rings ' is played on the radio and I sang along, cole looks at me amusedly but I avoid his eyes and just sang along.

Finally, after ten minutes of singing and laughing, Cole finally parks in front of a tall building.

Not knowing what to do I unclasp my seatbelt and step outside. I stood frozen in front of the building but Cole takes my hand and leads me toward the building.

" Cole where are we ?"

" You sure do ask a lot of question, come on."

We walk inside and step in the elevator, he presses 12th floor and just stares ahead.


Cole steps out and holds his hand out, I take his hands hesitantly and he leads me towards one of the apartment. He enters the passcode and leads me inside,  I look around the surrounding and  I am amazed at what I see.

The apartment looks quite fancy and expensive, it has a huge couch in the living room. There are three bedrooms and a kitchen. The walls are painted white with grey carpet. It is simple but looks calm.

My eyes take in everything and my eyes widen when I saw a toddler playing behind the couches.

Oh my God !! Cole is here to show me his kids?

I cover my mouth with both my palms and look at cole questioningly,

" Cole you-you " I can't complete my sentences, he looks at me weirdly but he smiles when his eyes land on the toddler.

" Hey, baby. " Cole says gaining the toddler attention. The baby on hearing cole voice crawls towards his feet. Cole bends down and scoops up the baby in his arms and kisses all over the face. If my mind is not so confused right now I would be swooning at the display.

" Cole how old is your baby? "

" what do you mean my baby?"

" You mean the baby is not yours?"  I ask and gestures towards the kid.

Cole laughs at me. " No No Lyra meet my nephew baby Grey. "

" Ohh he's your nephew? ".  I blew a breath of relief when he says the baby is his nephew. PHEW.

" Hi baby " I cooed making weird faces.   Grey looks at me wide eye and starts wailing. I am frozen in my spot when Cole starts soothing and rubbing grey back.  I look at cole apologetically but he just smiles back.

  I felt flustered because all I do is make weird faces and makes a baby cry. I don't have a good experience with a baby and I don't know how to deal with them. So much for impressing Cole,  I sign and went to make myself comfortable in the couch.

Cole is playing with the baby when a girl identical to Cole with dark hair and grey eyes walked in.

She sees Cole and smiles widely,

" Cole I thought you were coming tomorrow. "

" Hey sis Where did you go leaving Grey alone? "

"  Oh I was just doing laundry, he was asleep when I left him. "

I felt out of place sitting here, finally, Cole sister saw and look towards Cole.  Cole calls me and I walk towards him hesitantly, he looks at his sister and introduces us " Sis meets Lyra. "

His sister on hearing Cole smiles widely and extends her hand. " HI, Lyra nice to meet you, call me Laurence. "

  I shake her hand and smile. " Nice to meet you too Laurence. "

" Please make yourself comfortable," Laurence tells me. She turns towards Cole. "You know Cole you could have called me If you were bringing your girlfriend tonight. I could have prepare dinner. "

My eyes widen at her statement, she thinks I am cole girlfriend  I open my mouth to clarify but Cole beat me to It. " Adrian is not my girlfriend laur , she is my... uhh friend?. " he replies like a question I just shrug my shoulders.

Laurence looks at us amusedly ." Sure Sure".  She looks at grey and takes him in her arms. "Let me feed Grey, Lyra please make yourself comfortable ."

She left  Cole and I standing to ourselves, I turn towards him and tease him " Uncle Cole is so sweet. " I cooed in my child's voice.

" Shut up," he says his face showing a tinge of red.

" Grey is cute but he doesn't seem to like me," I said honestly.

" Don't sweat over It, It's because he is not familiar with new faces and you look scary with your weird faces, If I were grey I'll probably cry too. "

"  What's wrong with my face?"

" You look like a chipmunk when you do that"

" Oh shut up you like it. "  I wiggle my brows at him.

" Yeah Yeah sure, Pizza?? " He asked me.

" Sure I am hungry " I rub my stomach.

" Okay let me give a call. "

" Cole, did you live here before? "

" Yeah, It's my apartment. "

" What I thought It was your sister? "

" No, my sister lives here temporary because her husband is in the army. "

"OHH. You seem to adore Grey so much "

" Yeah ."

" Come on I'll show you around. " He leads me towards one of the bedrooms and I walk in, there were lots of photos of him when he was young " Cole you look so cute," I said examining the one where he seems to be 4 or five years old, just looking at his young photos makes me smile widely.

There is this one where Lee and he were smiling widely at the camera, he looks so happy and carefree, I click the photo on my phone.

His bed were king size bed and his rooms were neat and smell fresh.

Just when I was about to ask him why he bought me here there was a knock on the door. Cole   looks at me " Come on  Adrain "

" Okay "

After he paid for the pizza we went towards the couch and began eating, Laurence came out and joins us.

Laurence is sweet and I feel comfortable around her. We talk and eat the last bit of it.

  We were sitting and watching movies when a tiny chubby finger grabs my leg I look down and saw Grey looking up at me with his cute doe eyes. I bend down and scoop him up and place him in my lap. I stick my tongue out and Grey smiles touching strands of my hair. I said I dislike kids but Grey is beyond cute and I ready love this kid.

Moreover, It's Cole, nephew, I look at cole and he is already staring at me, I gave him a smile and he winks back at me which is bad for my heart.

Tonight might not be a date but I love tonight and I am happy.