45 Mr toothache

Cole rubs my back soothingly while I puke my gut out, I close my eyes waiting for the dizziness to pass. I could hardly stomach any food and I have been puking for the whole week. I knew it was a natural process, a mother puking in the early week of pregnancy, but it is not a good feeling when I am the one experiencing it.

"Ly, you okay?" Cole asks from behind, still rubbing my back. I nod my head leaning my back at his chest. He kisses the side of my head-hugging my shoulder.

"I am sorry baby, I wish I could do something for you," he said tugging me in his arms. I close my eyes too tired to talk. Cole carries me back to the bed, laying me down softly on the bed pulling the covers over my body. He kisses my forehead and stood up putting on his shirt.

"Cole where are you going?"

"Huh, I am just gonna make breakfast for you, what do you want to eat Ly?"